4800, Additional LIDDA Responsibilities
Revision 22-1; Effective Nov. 28, 2022
4810 Determining Guardianship
Revision 22-1; Effective Nov. 28, 2022
The habilitation coordinator determines if a person has a legal guardian and verifies that letters of guardianship are current by requesting a copy of the letters of guardianship or by contacting the court. If the person has a current legal guardian, then all forms must be signed by the guardian. If the person does not have a legal guardian, then all forms must be signed by the him or her.
If the guardianship information is not current, the habilitation coordinator should obtain signatures of both the individual and the person listed as guardian, until appropriate steps can be taken to verify current guardianship.
For more information, see Section 5920, Activities Related to Guardianship.
4820 Communication of Complaint Process
Revision 22-1; Effective Nov. 28, 2022
The habilitation coordinator ensures that the person or LAR is informed orally and in writing of the processes for:
- filing complaints about services delivered by the LIDDA, such as habilitation coordination, service coordination, and IHSS, with:
- the LIDDA; and
- the IDD Ombudsman at 800-252-8154;
- filing complaints about the provision of NF specialized services with:
- the LIDDA; and
- HHSC Complaint and Incident Intake at 800-458-9858; and
- reporting an allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation to DFPS at 800-647-7418.
Each LIDDA must develop a process for receiving and resolving complaints about a provider of NF specialized services, MI specialized services, or the LIDDA’s provision of IHSS, habilitation coordination or service coordination. This process must include the LIDDA's phone number and the toll-free number to the IDD Ombudsman.
The processes for people and LARs to request a review of their concerns or dissatisfaction must be easily understood. The policy must explain how the person or LAR may receive assistance to request the review, the time frames for the review, and the method that the person or LAR is informed of the outcome of the review. The LIDDA must present this policy in the languages that the person and LAR are most comfortable.