3300, Evidence Collection
Revision 18-1; Effective September 1, 2018
PI uses preponderance as the standard of evidence for confirming abuse, neglect, and exploitation in an investigation. PI does the following for every allegation, except in certain circumstances where a case is rapidly closed without full investigation:
- makes an initial contact with the alleged victim;
- interviews the reporter, relevant witnesses, and alleged perpetrators;
- obtains and reviews relevant demonstrative evidence such as photographs, diagrams, and video surveillance;
- reviews and obtains copies relevant information from client records;
- gathers and reviews relevant administrative forms (for example, incident reports, client injury reports, timesheets); and
- analyzes all relevant evidence and documents the outcome in the final investigative report.
Physical evidence is any item or substance related to an allegation that can be seen or touched. PI does not collect and store physical evidence, but may document it by taking photographs of it in place and describing it in the case report. Law enforcement or other investigative agencies may collect and store physical evidence.
PI collects relevant evidence from multiple sources in order to determine a finding in the investigation. The finding is based on the more convincing evidence and its probable truth or accuracy, and not on the amount of evidence collected.
3310 Prior Case History
Revision 24-2; Effective Dec. 2, 2024
At the start of an investigation, an investigator may conduct a search of relevant principal case history of the alleged victim and alleged perpetrator. The results may be used to inform the current investigation.
3320 Contacts
Revision 23-1; Effective July 26, 2023
Alleged Victim Contact
PI makes contact with the alleged victim as part of its investigation under 26 TAC Section 711.415.
PI may make contact with the alleged victim in person, face-to-face or via an alternative method, such as phone, depending on the circumstances of the investigation.
PI completes this contact within the timeline established by the priority of the case. See Section 3120 Intake Priority for time frames.
Other Investigation Contacts
PI attempts to contact individuals with direct or circumstantial knowledge of the allegation. The contact may be conducted in person or by phone with the following:
- the reporter, if known;
- the alleged perpetrator; and
- collateral witnesses.