9500, Issuing a Child Care Administrator’s License
February 2020
CCR staff will issue a child care administrator’s license if:
- the applicant’s background check results do not contain criminal history or central registry findings that preclude the person from receiving a license;
- the applicant has the academic and experience requirements for an administrator’s license;
- the applicant passes the licensing administrator’s examination;
- the applicant pays the application and background check fees; and
- the applicant meets any other child care administrator’s license requirements.
If the applicant does not meet the requirements to receive a child care administrator’s license, CCR staff may deny the application.
In addition to the administrator’s licensing background check process required in 9110 Documents Required for a Complete Licensed Administrator’s Application, the operation where the person works must request a background check as required in 10121 Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks.
See 9700 Remedial Action on an Administrator’s License
Texas Human Resources Code §43.004
9510 Issuance of a Provisional Child Care Administrator’s License
February 2020
A provisional child care administrator’s license is granted for a limited time pending the issuance of a full child care administrator’s license.
Licensing staff may issue a provisional child care administrator’s license to an applicant who:
- is licensed in good standing as a child care administrator for at least two years in another state, the District of Columbia, a foreign country or a territory of the United States that has licensing requirements that are substantially equivalent to those in Texas;
- has passed a national or other examination recognized by Licensing that demonstrates competence in the field of child care administration; and
- is sponsored by a person licensed as a child care administrator in the state of Texas. However, if Licensing staff determines the requirement to obtain a sponsor constitutes a hardship to the applicant, this requirement may be waived.
Texas Human Resources Code §43.0081
26 TAC §745.8913
9511 Time Limit for a Provisional Child Care Administrator’s License
February 2020
A provisional license is valid until the date the applicant is granted or denied a child care administrator’s license.
Licensing must process a provisional child care administrator’s license holder’s application for an administrator’s license no later than the 180th day after the date the provisional license is issued. Licensing may only extend the 180-day limit if the results of the license holder’s examination have not been received by Licensing.
Licensing staff will issue a child care administrator’s license when the applicant meets the requirements in 9500 Issuing a Child Care Administrator’s License.
Texas Human Resources Code §43.0081