1500, Conducting a Search in CLASS
1510 Types of Searches in CLASS
October 1, 2013
There are four primary searches available in CLASS:
- Operation Search
- Background Check – Results Search
- Controlling Person Search
- Global Person Search
1520 When to Conduct Searches in CLASS
1521 When to Conduct an Operation Search in CLASS
October 1, 2013
Licensing staff conduct an Operation Search:
- to verify whether a provider is operating with or without a permit or to determine whether the provider has a history of operating illegally;
- to search for the operation for the purposes of linking an intake, investigation, or e-application to the operation; and
- to review an operation’s compliance history.
1522 When to Conduct a Background Check Results Search in CLASS
October 1, 2013
Licensing staff may conduct a Background Check – Results Search to review an individual’s background check records in CLASS. A Global Person Search may also be conducted in this circumstance.
Residential Licensing inspectors must conduct a Background Check – Results Search when a child-placing agency (CPA) or general residential operation (GRO) designates a new administrator. The search is conducted so that any criminal history matches for the new administrator may be evaluated. See 10311 Determining Appropriate Actions Based on Criminal History.
1523 When to Conduct a Controlling Person Search in CLASS
October 1, 2013
A Controlling Person Search is conducted in CLASS when:
- an operation submits the name of a new controlling person; or
- Licensing staff need to review an individual’s record as a controlling person in CLASS.
See 5430 Processing and Reviewing the Information on Controlling Persons Submitted by an Operation.
1524 When to Conduct a Global Person Search in CLASS
September 28, 2018
Licensing staff must conduct a Global Person Search in the CLASS under these circumstances:
- When an application is submitted – To determine whether the applicant is eligible to receive a permit. (See 3222 How to Determine Whether the Applicant Is Eligible to Apply.
- When an operation submits the name of a new controlling person – To determine whether the person is eligible to serve in the role of a controlling person. (See 5430 Processing and Reviewing the Information on Controlling Persons Submitted by an Operation.
- When an operation submits the name of a new director – To determine whether the director is serving as a director at another operation.
- When an applicant for an administrator’s license submits an application – To determine whether the applicant is a sustained controlling person and to review other relevant history in CLASS.
1530 How to Conduct a Search in CLASS
October 1, 2013
To obtain the most accurate search results, it may be necessary to conduct multiple searches using a variety of approaches, including the following:
Phonetic Searches
Conduct a phonetic search when searching by an operation’s name, a person’s name, or an address. A phonetic search involves using exact spelling but selecting the Phonetic option so that the results include phonetic similarities. See 1531 Conducting a Search in CLASS That Yields Phonetic Search Results.
Narrowed Searches
To narrow the results of a search:
- Begin searching by entering fewer search criteria in the fields on the search page; and
- Narrow the results by entering additional search criteria or different combinations of search criteria.
Social Security and Driver License Searches
When searching by a Social Security number (SSN) or driver license number (DLN), conduct follow-up searches using additional criteria to find records in which the SSN or DLN are incorrect or blank.
1531 Conducting a Search in CLASS That Yields Phonetic Search Results
October 1, 2013
The phonetic search feature is the default search option in CLASS.
When conducting a CLASS search using the phonetic search feature, Licensing staff receive a broader set of results. A phonetic search captures more results by searching for words or names that sound similar to or are spelled slightly differently than the search criteria and words or names that contain typographical (data entry) errors that are common to the search criteria.
Before conducting a phonetic search, Licensing staff must ensure that the Phonetic check box is selected.
Before searching by Operation Number, Licensing staff must uncheck the Phonetic check box.
With the exception of the operation number, Licensing staff can enter any search criteria when conducting a phonetic search.
Certain search criteria are treated as an exact filter (explained in more detail below). An exact filter filters out, or removes, any search result that does not exactly match the search criteria that are treated as exact filters.
Operation Search
Licensing may conduct a phonetic search on the Operation Search page by entering any of the search criteria, except for the operation number.
When a phonetic search is performed, the following fields are treated as exact filters:
- County
- Operation Type
- Care Type
Background Check Results Search
Licensing may conduct a phonetic search on the Background Check Results Search page by entering any of the search criteria.
When a phonetic search is performed, the following fields are treated as exact filters:
- Operation Number
- Batch Number
- Licensing Representative ID
- Employee ID
- Region
- Batch Date
- Status
Controlling Persons Search
Licensing may conduct a phonetic search on the Controlling Persons Search page by entering any of the search criteria.
When a phonetic search is performed, the following fields are treated as exact filters:
- State
- Phone Number
Global Person Search
Licensing may conduct a phonetic search on the Global Person Search page by entering any of the search criteria. When a phonetic search is performed, only Date of Birth is treated as an exact filter.
All Searches
When conducting a phonetic search, the best results are obtained by entering the operation’s full name, the person’s full name, or the full street name.
To search by entering partial information, see 1532 Conducting a Search in CLASS That Yields Exact Search Results.
1532 Conducting a Search in CLASS That Yields Exact Search Results
October 1, 2013
The purpose of conducting a search that yields exact results, or an exact search, is to identify a smaller set of results that exactly or partially match the search criteria that were entered.
Before conducting an exact search, Licensing staff must uncheck the Phonetic check box.
Licensing staff must conduct an exact search when searching by the operation number. Licensing staff are able, but not required, to conduct an exact search on any other search criteria.
1533 Conducting a Global Person Search in CLASS to Obtain All Records on an Individual
October 1, 2013
The purpose of conducting a Global Person Search is to identify each record related to an individual in CLASS. See 1520 When to Conduct Searches in CLASS.
A Global Person Search in CLASS, may pull up records for the following roles:
- Background Check
- Designee
- Director
- Second Director
- Program Director
- Site Director
- Partner
- Perpetrator (Intake or Investigation)
- Controlling Person
- Administrator
Handling Errors in Data
When conducting a Global Person Search, Licensing staff may detect errors in data entry in an individual’s various records in CLASS.
When staff detect variations in an individual’s records, such as inconsistent Social Security numbers, staff attempt to verify and correct the records in CLASS only if correcting the records is within the staff person’s responsibility.
Licensing staff do not submit a formal request to correct data or ask other Licensing staff to correct data that is outside of the staff person’s responsibility.