2300, Interest List Release Closures
Revision 24-3; Effective Aug. 26, 2024
An individual can be placed on multiple interest lists but may only enroll in one Medicaid waiver program at a time.
Program Support Unit (PSU) staff must refer the individual to the Interest List Management (ILM) Unit at 877-438-5658 to add an individual to the Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP) interest list (IL) for the first time.
An individual may choose to:
- pursue eligibility for another program and decline MDCP at the time of interest list release (ILR); or
- decline MDCP at the time of the ILR but choose to remain on the MDCP IL.
Individuals who decline MDCP at the time of the ILR but choose to remain on the MDCP IL will move to the bottom of the IL. PSU staff must email the ILM Unit to add an individual who was previously on the MDCP IL back to the bottom of the list. The email must include:
- an email subject line that reads “New IL Request for XX [first letter of the individual’s first and last name]”;
- the following items in the body of the email:
- the individual’s name;
- Social Security number (SSN) or Medicaid identification (ID) number;
- date of birth (DOB);
- phone number;
- contact person such as the guardian, legally authorized representative (LAR), or authorized representative (AR), if applicable; and
- waiver type: MDCP.
PSU staff must complete the following activities within two business days if the individual declines MDCP and wants to continue receiving or pursue eligibility for another program:
- manually generate Form 2442, Notification of Interest List Release Closure;
- mail Form 2442 and Appendix XX, MDCP Program Description, to the individual or LAR;
- close the MDCP ILR in the Community Services Interest List (CSIL) database using the date the individual declined MDCP;
- document the closure date, the individual’s reason for requesting closure and how PSU staff received the individual’s request for closure.
- For example, if the closure request was received by phone PSU must document the date;
- caller’s name; and
- caller’s contact information in the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) Enterprise Administrative Report and Tracking System (HEART) case record;
- upload all applicable documents to the HEART case record; and
- document and close the HEART case record using the appropriate closure reason.
PSU staff must refer to Section 2310, Contacting the Interest List Management Unit to Reopen a Closed Interest List Release, for more information about processing interest list reopen requests.
2310 Contacting the Interest List Management Unit to Reopen a Closed Interest List Release
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Program Support Unit (PSU) staff must submit a request to the Interest List Management (ILM) Unit to reopen an individual’s closed interest list record.
PSU staff must email the ILM Unit to reopen the Community Services Interest List (CSIL) record within two business days of receiving the request to reopen a closed interest list release. The email must include the following:
- an email subject line that reads: MDCP Reopen Request for XX [individual’s first and last initials];
- the following items in the body of the email:
- individual’s name;
- interest list identification (ID) number;
- individual’s Medicaid ID or Social Security number (SSN);
- the individual or legally authorized representative’s (LAR’s) contact name and phone number; and
- reason for the request to reopen.
- For example, a statement indicating that the application for an alternate 1915(c) Medicaid waiver program was denied, and the individual now wishes to reapply for MDCP.
ILM Unit staff respond to the request within five business days.
PSU staff must complete the following activities if the exception is granted:
- contact the individual to begin the application process;
- document the reopen request in the Texas Health and Human Services Enterprise Administrative Report and Tracking System (HEART) case record;
- upload the ILM Unit’s decision email to the HEART case record; and
- keep the HEART case record open until MDCP eligibility is approved or denied.
PSU staff must complete the following activities if the exception is not granted:
- upload the ILM Unit’s decision email to the HEART case record; and
- close the HEART case record.
2320 Earliest Date for Adding an Individual Back to the Interest List After Denial or Termination
Revision 18-0; Effective September 4, 2018
The earliest date an individual may be added back to the Community Services Interest List (CSIL) database, for the same program the individual is denied, is the date the individual is determined to be ineligible for the program.
Example: The individual is released from the Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP) interest list on August 2. The individual is denied eligibility for MDCP on August 28, and a notification is sent to the individual of ineligibility. The first date the denied individual can be added back to the MDCP interest list is August 28.
Example: The individual’s MDCP services are terminated July 31 due to denial of medical necessity (MN). The first date the individual can be added back to the MDCP interest list is August 1. The earliest date an individual may be added back to the CSIL database for the same program the individual is terminated from is the first date the individual is no longer eligible for the terminated program, which in this example is August 1.