Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities Handbook

Q-6200, QDWI Income Limits

Revision 24-2; Effective June 1, 2024

Monthly income must be equal to or less than 200% of the FPL.

Use the couple income limit when both spouses are applying for the same program.

Monthly Income Limits for the QDWI Program

Time PeriodIndividualCoupleDeeming*
March 1, 2024 to Present$2,510$3,407$897
March 1, 2023 to Feb. 29, 2024$2,430$3,287$857
March 1, 2022 to Feb. 28, 2023$2,265$3,052$787
March 1, 2021 to Feb. 28, 2022$2,147$2,904$757
March 1, 2020 to Feb. 28, 2021$2,127$2,874$747
March 1, 2019 to Feb. 29, 2020$2,082$2,819$737
March 1, 2018 to Feb. 28, 2019$2,024$2,744$720
March 1, 2017 to Feb. 28, 2018$2,010$2,707$697
March 1, 2016 to Feb. 28, 2017$1,980$2,670$690
March 1, 2015 to Feb. 29, 2016$1,962$2,655$693
March 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015$1,945$2,622$677
March 1, 2013 to Feb. 28, 2014$1,951$2,585$670
March 1, 2012 to Feb. 28, 2013$1,862$2,522$660
March 1, 2011 to Feb. 29, 2012$1,815$2,452$637
March 1, 2009 to Feb. 28, 2011$1,805$2,429$624
March 1, 2008 to Feb. 28, 2009$1,734$2,334$600
April 1, 2007 to Feb. 29, 2008$1,702$2,282$580
April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007$1,634$2,200$566
April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006$1,595$2,139$544
April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005$1,552$2,082$530
Jan. 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004$1,497$2,020$523
Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002$1,477$1,990$513
Jan. 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001$1,432$1,935$503
Jan. 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2000$1,392$1,875$483
Jan. 1, 1999 to Dec. 31, 1999$1,374$1,844$470
Jan. 1, 1998 to Dec. 31, 1998$1,342$1,809$467
Jan. 1, 1997 to Dec. 31, 1997$1,315$1,769$454
Jan. 1, 1996 to Dec. 31, 1996$1,290$1,727$437
Jan. 1, 1995 to Dec. 31, 1995$1,245$1,672$427
Jan. 1, 1994 to Dec. 31, 1994$1,227$1,640$413
Jan. 1, 1993 to Dec. 31, 1993$1,162$1,572$410
Jan. 1, 1992 to Dec. 31, 1992$1,136$1,532$396
Jan. 1, 1991 to Dec. 31, 1991$1,104$1,480$376
July 1, 1990 to Dec. 31, 1990$1,047$1,404$357

* The deeming allowance is the couple limit minus the individual limit.

Note: These amounts do not include the $20 disregard.

Related Policy

MSP Resource Limits, Q-1300
Budget Reference Chart, Appendix XXXI