B-470, Categorically Eligible Households
Revision 05-5; Effective October 1, 2005
Categorically eligible households are subject to fewer eligibility requirements than other SNAP households. HHSC uses special procedures to process applications from persons who potentially meet the categorical eligibility criteria. Categorical eligibility does not mean the applicants automatically receive SNAP.
B-471 Eligibility Criteria
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
SNAP households meet categorical eligibility criteria if:
- all members are approved for TANF cash assistance or SSI; or
- the household:
- meets the resource criteria to be authorized to receive TANF Non-cash (TANF-NC) services (see A-1210, General Policy); and
- has gross income less than or equal to 165 percent of the Federal Poverty Income Limit (FPIL) for its size.
This also includes households that have:
- active EDGs but whose benefits are being recouped; or
- a disqualified alien member or student who does not get TANF/SSI.
The household is not categorically eligible if:
- one or more members are disqualified from TANF or SNAP for an IPV; or
- the entire household is ineligible because the primary wage earner (PWE) failed to comply with E&T or voluntary quit requirements; or
- if the household is otherwise ineligible due to one or more members' disqualification for any reason.
For TANF-NC, a household is not categorically eligible if one or more members has a current SNAP IPV disqualification. If the household meets the combined resource limit of $5,000 for liquid assets and excess vehicle value, the household is still authorized to receive TANF-NC, and their remaining resources are exempt. The household is not exempt from the gross/net income limits.
B-472 Special Treatment for Households Meeting Categorical Eligibility Criteria
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
Categorically Eligible TANF/SSI Households
Categorically eligible households are not subject to the resource or gross/net income limits. These households are exempt from verification requirements regarding:
- Social Security numbers (SSNs),
- resources,
- residence, and
- sponsored alien information.
Categorically Eligible TANF-NC Households
TANF-NC categorically eligible households are not subject to the gross/net income limits. Once the household passes the resource criteria for TANF-NC, the remaining non-liquid resources are exempt. TANF-NC categorically eligible households must comply with all other eligibility criteria.
Related Policy
General Policy, A-1210
Limits, A-1220
Prepaid Burial Insurance, A-1233.2
Vehicles, A-1238
How to Determine Fair Market Value of Vehicles, A-1238.5
General Policy, A-1310
Special Provisions for Households with Elderly Members or Members with a Disability, B-433
B-473 Application Processing
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
Advisors must follow these procedures when processing a joint application for TANF and/or SSI and SNAP:
If the TANF/SSI application is pending and the household... | then ... |
is eligible for SNAP without meeting categorical eligibility criteria, | certify the SNAP application as soon as possible. Follow normal SNAP time frames. |
will not be eligible for SNAP unless the TANF or SSI application is granted, | delay denial of the SNAP EDG. Pend the SNAP application for up to 30 days awaiting the TANF/SSI decision. If the TANF/SSI application is denied on or before the 30th day, deny the SNAP application immediately. If the TANF/SSI application is granted by the 30th day, certify for SNAP as soon as possible. Prorate from the SNAP application date. If the TANF/SSI application is still pending by the 30th day:
If the TANF/SSI application is granted after the 30th day:
* When prorating from the effective date of TANF/SSI benefits, use this date as the new SNAP file date. The effective date of benefits for TANF is the earlier of the certification date or 30 days after the file date. The effective date of benefits for SSI applicants is the:
- SSI file date; or
- date the individual met all eligibility criteria, if later than the file date.
Advisors must verify the SSI benefit effective date by viewing the award letter or by running Wire Third-Party Query (WTPY) or the State Online Query (SOLQ).
B-474 Centralized Benefit Services (CBS) Section
Revision 13-4; Effective October 1, 2013
SNAP and Medical Programs
CBS is a centralized section that processes certain types of cases statewide.
Related Policy
Specialized and Centralized Casework Units, C-1471
B-474.1 Programs Administered by CBS
Revision 13-4; Effective October 1, 2013
SNAP and Medical Programs
CBS administers SNAP and Medical Programs for several individual groups. For information concerning the SNAP Combined Application Project (SNAP-CAP), which is one of the programs that CBS administers, see B-475, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Combined Application Project (SNAP-CAP).
B-474.1.1 SNAP Programs
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
CBS administers SNAP for eligible SSI households as part of SNAP-CAP.
B-474.1.2 Medical Programs
Revision 20-4; Effective October 1, 2020
CBS administers medical programs for:
- children placed in or released from a Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) or Juvenile Probation Department (JPD) facility;
- former foster care children;
- women diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer; and
- people incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) who receive inpatient services.
Related Policy
Centralized Benefit Services, B-540
B—474.1.2.1 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 20-4; Effective October 1, 2020
B-474.1.2.2 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 20-4; Effective October 1, 2020
B-474.1.2.3 Medicaid for Transitioning Foster Care Youth
Revision 17-2; Effective April 1, 2017
Policy for TP 70 — Medicaid for Transitioning Foster Care Youth (MTFCY), is explained in Part M, Medicaid for Transitioning Foster Care Youth (MTFCY).
B-474.1.2.4 Former Foster Care in Higher Education
Revision 17-2; Effective April 1, 2017
Policy for type Assistance (TA) 77 — Former Foster Care in Higher Education (FFCHE), is explained in Part F, Former Foster Care in Higher Education (FFCHE).
B-474.1.2.5 Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer
Revision 17-2; Effective April 1, 2017
Policy for TA 66 — Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC)-Presumptive, and TA 67 — MBCC, is explained in Part X, Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC).
B-474.1.2.6 Former Foster Care Children
Revision 18-1; Effective January 1, 2018
Policy for TA 82 — Medicaid for Former Foster Care Children (FFCC), is explained in Part E, Former Foster Care Children (FFCC).
B-474.2 Conversion of EDGs
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
EDGs are converted to CBS when a household is eligible for SNAP-CAP.
After the local office completes an initial certification, an automated process converts EDGs that meet the criteria to CBS. The automated process occurs monthly at cutoff. HHSC mails the person a notice to inform them:
- that the EDG is handled by CBS, and
- to report household changes by:
- calling 2-1-1;
- entering the change in the Self-Service Portal; or
- notifying HHSC via mail.
The notice includes contact information. Continue to accept changes and complete case actions until the EDG converts to CBS.
B-474.3 Methods of Reporting Changes
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
SNAP and Medical Programs
Local office staff may fax changes to CBS. The vendor will create a task for online or mailed changes.
Related Policy
Reporting Requirements, B-620
B-474.4 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 20-2; Effective April 1, 2020
B-474.5 Replacement of Lone Star Cards or Medical Care IDs
Revision 24-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2024
Follow regular card and PIN replacement procedures for recipients managed by CBS who request a replacement Lone Star Card or PIN.
Related Policy
Lone Star Card Replacements, B-235
PIN Replacements, B-236
Medical Programs
Replacement or temporary medical care ID cards must be issued by an HHSC local eligibility determination office using a:
- Form H1027-A, Medicaid Eligibility Verification (PDF);
- Form H1027-B, Medicaid Eligibility Verification – MQMB (PDF); or
- Form H1027-C, Medicaid Eligibility Verification – QMB (PDF).
Recipients request replacement medical care ID cards by calling 855-827-3748 or through their Your Texas Benefits account where a printable copy is also available.
B-474.6 Moving Cases Out of CBS
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
The CBS section:
- moves cases out of the CBS caseload if:
- the household no longer meets the criteria to be a CBS case (earnings, loss of SSI);
- household composition changes; or
- because regional staff request the transfer under special circumstances;
- shortens the certification period as specified in B-474.6.1, Special Procedures for Shortening Certification Periods for Centralized Benefit Services (CBS) Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs); and
- documents in TIERS Case Comments the reason for return.
The CBS section also returns untimely redetermination EDGs received in the month after the last benefit month to the task queue and documents in TIERS Case Comments the reason for return.
Medical Programs
Children's Medicaid – CBS moves completed Medicaid determinations, both active and denied, out of the CBS section.
B-474.6.1 Special Procedures for Shortening Certification Periods for Centralized Benefit Services (CBS) Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs)
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
If the household reports a change that results in the household no longer meeting CBS caseload criteria, such as the loss of SSI benefits, an addition to the household, or moving into a GLA, then CBS staff move the EDG out of the CBS caseload.
Before moving the EDG out of the CBS caseload, CBS must take appropriate action based on the following criteria:
If the household's certification period is in ... | then ... |
month 1-11, | if benefits:
month 12-36, | if benefits:
Note: CBS staff also must include Form H1830, Application/Review/Expiration/Appointment Notice, and Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance — Your Texas Benefits, advising the individual how to file future applications. |
B-474.7 Denied EDGs
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
The local office must perform an inquiry on denied EDGs to ensure the CBS section is not in the process of certifying the EDG.
Note: Advisors must accept Form H1840, SNAP Food Benefits Renewal Form, if received at the local office and the CBS SNAP EDG certification period has expired.
Medical Programs
The local office must coordinate with CBS to determine the effective date of certification when a youth certified for TP 70, TA 82, or TP 44 (Medicaid coverage to eligible youths in the custody of or released from the Texas Juvenile Justice Department), or an adult certified for TA 67, applies for Medicaid.
B-474.8 Opportunity to Register to Vote
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
All Programs
Advisors must mail Form H0025, HHSC Application for Voter Registration, to households who do not have a face-to-face interview, unless Form H0025 is requested through the Voter Registration Information Individual Demographic screen.
If the individual contacts the local office to decline the opportunity to register to vote after receipt of Form H0025, the advisor should mail Form H1350, Opportunity to Register to Vote, to the individual for a signature. The advisor sends the completed Form H1350 for imaging and retains the form for 22 months.
Related Policy
Registering to Vote, A-1521
B-475 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Combined Application Project (SNAP-CAP)
Revision 13-4; Effective October 1, 2013
B-475.1 Overview
Revision 23-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2023
SNAP-CAP is a demonstration project to outreach older SSI recipients not currently certified for SNAP. Single SNAP-CAP households are certified for a standard SNAP-CAP allotment of either $144 or $233 based on their reported monthly shelter expense.
The monthly SNAP-CAP allotment is:
- $144 for households with reported monthly shelter expenses less than or equal to $440 per month; and
- $233 for households with reported monthly shelter expenses more than $440 per month.
To be eligible for SNAP-CAP, a person must:
- be an SSI recipient;
- be 50 or older;
- live in Texas;
- not live in an institution that causes ineligibility; and
- not receive regular SNAP or TSAP benefits.
Additionally, a person is not eligible to participate in SNAP-CAP if the person is:
- a fleeing felon;
- disqualified due to an IPV; or
- disqualified due to a felony drug conviction that occurred on or after Sept. 1, 2015.
Other regular SNAP eligibility criteria does not apply to SNAP-CAP.
Note: An SSI recipient may elect to switch from regular SNAP to SNAP-CAP.
Related Policy
Disqualified Persons, A-232.2
Switching from the Regular SNAP Program to SNAP-Combined Application Project (CAP), B-475.2.2
B-475.2 Application Processing
Revision 23-1; Effective Jan. 1, 2023
HHSC identifies potential SNAP-CAP recipients by the Texas State Data Exchange (SDX) match process and automatically mails Form H1841, SNAP-CAP Application (PDF), to people potentially eligible for SNAP-CAP. For people who previously received SNAP benefits in Texas, the mail-out occurs two months after the last month a person received benefits in Texas.
After Form H1841 is returned, CBS staff certify the SNAP-CAP EDG for 36 months, provide notice of eligibility, and authorize an EBT account without a face-to-face or phone interview.
If a person receives a SNAP-CAP application and also applies for SNAP at the local office, coordinate the application process with CBS staff before making an eligibility decision in the local office. This will ensure that the person can make an informed choice about their preferred program. The person may voluntarily withdraw the other application.
If the spouse of an active SNAP-CAP participant submits an application at the local office, certify the spouse separately from the active SNAP-CAP participant. If the spouse appears potentially eligible for SNAP-CAP, explain the program and requirements outlined in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Combined Application Project (SNAP-CAP). The SNAP application may be withdrawn if the person wants to participate in SNAP-CAP. Refer the person to 2-1-1. Document that the person was informed of the program and the SNAP application was withdrawn.
Fax a SNAP-CAP application returned to a local eligibility determination office to the non-expedited fax line at 877-447-2839 the same day it is received.
Expedited processing and benefit proration does not apply to the SNAP-CAP program. A standard allotment is issued for the month the application is returned.
Related Policy
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Combined Application Project (SNAP-CAP), B-475
B-475.2.1 Identifying Intentional Program Violations (IPVs) and Felony Drug Convictions
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
The Data Broker vendor will receive the monthly SNAP-CAP application file and will notify state office Eligibility Operations of any clients with active out-of-state SNAP IPV disqualifications and felony drug convictions.
State office staff will forward any IPV matches to the Customer Care Center-Electronic Disqualified Recipient System (CCC-eDRS) staff using secure Voltage email at HHSC Office of Eligibility Services CCC Open Investigation (HHSC OES CCC IC) who will complete a secondary verification and then forward a completed Form H1856, SNAP Out-of-State Intentional Program Violations, to OIG at CDU@hhsc.state.tx.us, and document this action in TIERS Case Comments.
OIG Centralized Disqualification Unit (CDU) staff will enter the IPV disqualification data from Form H1856 into TIERS and create a reported change task to notify the advisor of the disqualification. The CBS advisor then takes appropriate action to deny the application/EDG. Note: If CBS staff has not yet processed the application, TIERS will ensure it is denied if the application is subsequently filed and/or processed.
State office also shares any felony drug conviction data matches with CBS. CBS staff must follow policy in A-232.2, Disqualified Persons, to take adverse action.
B-475.2.2 Switching from the Regular SNAP Program to SNAP-Combined Application Project (CAP)
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
If an SSI recipient receiving regular SNAP benefits wants to switch to SNAP-CAP, the individual must contact CBS staff and request to withdraw from the regular program and apply for SNAP-CAP.
Within 10 days of receipt of the request and determination that the individual meets SNAP-CAP eligibility requirements, CBS staff:
- send the individual a notice of denial for the regular SNAP, using adequate notice procedures;
- terminate the person's participation in the regular SNAP as soon as possible (that is, the end of the month the individual made the request if the 10th day falls before the monthly computer cutoff, and no later than the end of the next month); and
- send the individual a SNAP-CAP application if the individual has not already filed one with CBS.
If HHSC fails to take action within 10 days to authorize denial of the regular SNAP EDG for the applicable month, HHSC restores any lost benefits as a result of untimely agency action.
HHSC does not provide a SNAP-CAP application to anyone who does not meet the SNAP-CAP eligibility criteria. CBS also certifies eligible individuals for SNAP-CAP if the individuals submit applications they obtained on their own. CBS will coordinate termination of the individual's participation in regular SNAP, if not already terminated. To avoid duplication of SNAP benefits when an eligible individual requests to switch from the regular SNAP to SNAP-CAP, CBS staff use a file date equal to the first day of the first month the individual qualifies for SNAP-CAP, if that date is later than the date the application form is actually received. CBS staff must document in TIERS Case Comments the reason for the modified file date as compared to the date on the application form.
Note: CBS staff may also cancel a month's regular SNAP issuance in order to expedite the recipient's switch to SNAP-CAP, if it is not too late to cancel that issuance. Refer to B-331, Cancelling Benefits in EBT Accounts.
B-475.3 Household Composition
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
A SNAP-CAP food unit consists of one person. Married individuals who are both receiving SSI are considered separate households and certified on individual SNAP-CAP EDGs. (See A-231, Who Is Included.)
A SNAP-CAP participant who resides in a household in which other members receive SNAP through the regular program is considered a separate household, regardless of how they purchase and prepare their meals. (See A-232.1, Nonmembers.)
Do not include a SNAP-CAP participant when determining regular SNAP eligibility for other household members. Follow policy in A-1326.1.1, Contributions from Noncertified Household Members.
A minor child residing with a SNAP-CAP participant may be certified as SNAP head of household. The SNAP-CAP participant must be listed as the AR on the minor child's EDG. (See A-231.)
B-475.4 Income
Revision 13-4; Effective October 1, 2013
SSI eligibility is verified weekly via the SNAP-CAP participant's SDX record.
B-475.5 Shelter and Utility Expenses
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
Advisors follow policy in A-1429, Shelter Costs, for separate households sharing shelter expenses, including standard utility allowance (SUA)/basic utility allowance (BUA), if applicable.
B-475.6 Changes
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
SNAP-CAP participants are not required to report changes. CBS processes shelter and address changes reported by SNAP-CAP participants.
CBS will mail Form H0025, HHSC Application for Voter Registration, to the individual when the individual reports a change of address. If the individual contacts CBS to decline the opportunity to register to vote after receipt of Form H0025, CBS will mail Form H1350, Opportunity to Register to Vote, to the individual for a signature. After the household returns Form H1350, the advisor sends the form for imaging and retains the image for 22 months.
State office uses SDX records to automatically update individual information on a weekly basis. The weekly SDX update results in a SNAP-CAP EDG denial if the individual no longer receives SSI, dies or moves to a nursing home.
Related Policy
Registering to Vote, A-1521
B-475.7 Issuing Benefits
Revision 24-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2024
CBS staff authorize benefits and request Lone Star Card issuance for SNAP-CAP recipients. Lone Star Cards may also be obtained from an HHSC local eligibility determination office.
Related Policy
Issuing a Lone Star Card, B-233
Lone Star Card Replacements, B-235
B-475.8 Fair Hearings
Revision 13-4; Effective October 1, 2013
Follow policy in B-1000, Fair Hearings.
B-475.9 Claims
Revision 19-4; Effective October 1, 2019
Staff file an overpayment referral when a household receives benefits it is not entitled to receive. This may occur based on agency error, applicant or recipient error or misunderstanding, through fraud or an Intentional Program Violation (IPV). OIG receives the overpayment referral and establishes a claim if the referral is valid.
SNAP-CAP households are subject to overpayment referrals and claims. Households may repay benefits through either recoupment or restitution. Recoupment is a method of recovering an overpayment claim by withholding a portion of the household's benefits. Restitution is a method of recovering an overpayment claim by the receipt of payments from the household paid to HHSC.
Related Policy
Claims, B-700
Filing an Overpayment Referral, B-770
B-475.10 Redeterminations
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
State office automatically mails Form H1842, SNAP-CAP Renewal Application, two months before the last benefit month. To reapply in a timely manner, the individual must submit the completed Form H1842 by the 15th day of the last benefit month.
CBS staff must process timely redeterminations by the last workday of the certification period. CBS staff certify the SNAP-CAP EDG for 36 months and provide a notice of eligibility without a face-to-face or telephone interview. Advisors must ensure that the individual's normal issuance cycle is not interrupted.
If CBS receives Form H1842 after the 15th day of the last benefit month, advisors certify or deny the application by the 30th day after the file date. Expedited processing and benefit proration do not apply to SNAP-CAP.
A Form H1842 returned to a local eligibility determination office must be faxed to CBS the same day it is received. The fax number is 1-877-447-2839.
B-475.10.1 Opting Out of SNAP-CAP
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
Individuals currently receiving SNAP-CAP may choose to apply for traditional SNAP because they may be eligible for a higher allotment. If an individual returns Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance — Your Texas Benefits, and chooses to opt out of SNAP-CAP, the local office must:
- contact and confirm the applicant wants to apply for benefits under regular SNAP;
- schedule an appointment for an interview;
- perform Application Registration using a different SNAP EDG number than the SNAP-CAP EDG number;
- determine if the individual would receive a higher allotment under regular SNAP;
- notify the individual of the allotment amount under regular SNAP and confirm if the individual wishes to withdraw from SNAP-CAP;
- contact 2-1-1 to request EDG closure because the individual wishes to withdraw from SNAP-CAP;
- confirm the SNAP-CAP EDG has been denied; and
- certify the individual for regular SNAP effective the first month the individual qualifies for benefits without duplicating benefits.
B-476 Joint Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-SNAP Applications
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
B-476.1 Applications Filed in the Social Security Office
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
Households whose members are all applying for or receiving SSI may apply for SNAP at the SSA office unless the households already have a SNAP application pending. These individuals are not required to come to the SNAP office to complete the application or redetermination process. If more information is needed from the household, the advisor must contact the household by home visit, telephone, or mail.
- accepts and completes the SNAP application during the SSI interview; and
- forwards the following items to the Document Processing Center within one workday after receiving the application:
- the application;
- Form SSA-4233, Social Security Administration Transmittal for Food Stamp Applications; and
- any verification SSA has received.
The file date for the application is the date SSA receives the application. SSA notes this date on Form SSA-4233. When SSA receives additional verification after forwarding the application to the Document Processing Center, SSA sends the additional verification with Form SSA-4233.
B-476.1.1 Expedited Service
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
Advisors determine expedited services eligibility for SSI households the same as other households, except expedited time limits begin with the date the correct SNAP office receives the application.
SSA staff:
- screen the application for expedited services on the day they receive it;
- note "Expedited Processing" on the first page of Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance — Your Texas Benefits, if the household appears to be eligible; and
- fax the application within one workday to the Document Processing Center's expedited fax number.
The individual may also take the application to the SNAP office.
B-476.1.2 Work Registration
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
SSI household members who apply for SSI and SNAP at the Social Security office are exempt from work registration until the SSA determines their eligibility for SSI.
Related Policy
SNAP Work Requirement Exemptions, A-1822.1
B-476.1.3 Special Review
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
For households applying at SSA, advisors process a special review during the third month of the certification period to determine whether the individual received a decision on the SSI claim.
B-476.1.4 Notice of Expiration
Revision 13-4; Effective October 1, 2013
TIERS sends Form H1830-R, Texas Works Renewal Notice, to the SSI household:
- no earlier than the month before the last month of the certification period, and
- no later than the first day of the last month of the certification period.
The notice of expiration informs the individual:
- what programs are due for redetermination,
- verifications needed for the redetermination,
- when the redetermination application and verifications are due, and
- the individual's rights and responsibilities.
B-476.1.5 Reporting Changes
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
These households are subject to the same change reporting requirements as other SNAP households.
HHSC receives information on whether the SSI was granted or denied through an interface with SSA. Advisors must take action on information from this or any other source.
Related Policy
Reporting Requirements, B-620
B-476.1.6 Redetermination
Revision 13-4; Effective October 1, 2013
Households in which all members are applying for or receiving SSI may file a redetermination for SNAP at the SSA.
The SSA office sends:
- the application,
- transmittal sheet (Form SSA-4233), and
- any available verification to the Document Processing Center.
B-476.2 Applications Filed in Public Institutions
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
A resident of a public institution may jointly apply for SSI and SNAP while in the institution if scheduled for release within 30 days.
SSA staff:
- within one business day, send non-expedited applications to:
P.O. Box 149024
Austin, TX 78714-9024; or - fax to 877-447-2839;
- within one business day, fax expedited applications to 866-559-9628;
- note "PRERELEASE" in red ink across the top of Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance — Your Texas Benefits;
- send Form SSA-4233 to HHSC; and
- give HHSC the name, address and phone number of a staff contact at the institution.
When the person does not have a post-release address, SSA holds the application for 30 days and documents its actions. SSA sends these applications and Form SSA-4233 to HHSC within one business day when:
- SSA receives a post-release residence address;
- release has occurred, but SSA has not received a post-release address;
- SSA denies SSI prior to release; or
- release from the institution is canceled.
HHSC staff:
- register the application; and
- pend the application until SSA notifies HHSC that the applicant has been released.
If the applicant is:
- not released, HHSC denies the application.
- released, HHSC determines eligibility for benefits, including expedited services. HHSC offers benefits to allow the person a chance to participate per the application processing time frames.
Note: The file date is the date the applicant is released from the institution. The file date is day zero.
Certification Period or Special Review — Process a special review during the third month of the certification period to determine whether the person receives SSI.
Related Policy
Application Processing, A-100
B-477 Texas Simplified Application Project (TSAP)
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
B-477.1 Overview
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
For the TSAP caseload, Texas is operating under a waiver. The waiver allows the state to provide a simplified application and certification process for certain persons applying for SNAP. TSAP provides a 36-month certification period and does not require an interview at recertification.
B-477.2 Application Processing
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
TSAP follows all regular SNAP policy and processes with the following differences:
To be eligible for TSAP, households must meet the following criteria:
- All household members are 60 or older, receive disability payments, or both;
- have no earned income; and
- No household member receives SNAP benefits under the SNAP-Combined Application Project (SNAP-CAP).
People can apply for TSAP using Form H0011, Texas Simplified Application Project (TSAP) for SNAP Food Benefits, Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance – Your Texas Benefits, or online at YourTexasBenefits.com.
At recertification, TSAP households are provided Form H1011-R, Texas Simplified Application Project (TSAP) for Food Benefits Renewal. They can also reapply using Form H1010, Form H1010-R, Your Texas Works Benefits: Renewal Form, or online at YourTexasBenefits.com.
Applicants cannot select TSAP on Form H1010. However, new SNAP applicants and active SNAP households are tested for TSAP eligibility as part of the SNAP application and recertification process, regardless of the type of SNAP application submitted, and are certified for TSAP if eligible. Additionally, applicants who use the Form H0011 or H0011-R to apply for TSAP will be automatically tested for SNAP eligibility if not eligible for TSAP.
Additionally, automated monthly screenings occur to identify Medicaid households that are potentially eligible for TSAP but are not currently receiving SNAP benefits. These Medicaid households will receive a TSAP application packet and an accompanying cover letter, Form H0011A, TSAP Outreach Cover Letter, detailing TSAP requirements and their potential eligibility.
An interview is required at initial certification for TSAP, but waived at recertifications with the following exceptions:
- prior to denying a TSAP recertification;
- if information supplied by the household or authorized representative is questionable, incomplete or contradictory; or
- if the TSAP household requests an interview.
Accept the applicant’s statement and use data matching to verify as much information as possible. Only request more information from the household to resolve questionable information. Out-of-pocket medical expenses still require verification if the person wants to claim a medical deduction.
Related Policy
Budgeting Medical Deductions, A-1428.2
Households with Elderly Members or Members with a Disability, B-430
Questionable Information, C-920
B-477.3 SNAP Conversion
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
A TSAP household will convert to regular SNAP and maintain their assigned TSAP certification period if the TSAP household becomes ineligible for TSAP during their certification period (but remains eligible for SNAP) due to:
- the loss of disability payments;
- an addition of a non-elderly or non-disabled member; or
- the receipt of earned income.
B-477.4 Change Reporting
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
All TSAP households meet the streamlined reporting criteria and must report changes in accordance with the reporting requirements for this group. TSAP households will receive Form H0586, TSAP Change Reminder, once every 12 months during the 36-month certification period, reminding the household of what changes to report, how to report changes and the consequences of not reporting required information. TSAP households are not required to return Form H0586.
Related Policy
Streamlined Reporting Households, A-2350
Reporting Requirements, B-620