Texas Works Handbook

C-1460, Helpful Toll-Free Numbers

Revision 19-2; Effective April 1, 2019

All Programs

Use the following list of toll-free phone numbers for reference purposes, or print the list and provide it to applicants or recipients.

Question or ConcernOrganizationTelephone No.
Questions about social services or community resources in Texas, including the location and phone number of local agency offices.2-1-1 Texas Information and Referral Network2-1-1 or
877-541-7905 (after selecting a language, press 1)
Provides households with information about EDG status such as active, on hold or denied; benefit amounts; and availability dates of current benefits.Automated Voice Response (AVR) system hotline2-1-1 or
877-541-7905 (after selecting a language, press 2)
Assists the public with issues or complaints about health and human services programs that have not been resolved under the agency's normal complaint process.Texas Health and Human Services Office of the Ombudsman877-787-8999
To report suspicions of the abuse or neglect of children, or the abuse, neglect or exploitation of people age 65 or older or adults with disabilities.Texas Department of Family and Protective Services800-252-5400
Questions about Social Security Administration benefits or the maintenance of an individual's record.Social Security Administration800-772-1213
TTY number
For claims of discrimination experienced by either individuals or applicants.HHSC Civil Rights Office888-388-6332
Concerns about fraud, waste or abuse of SNAP, Medicaid, TANF or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) services or benefits.Office of Inspector General800-436-6184
The Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program, within the Division for Family and Community Health Services, which provides services to children with extraordinary medical needs, disabilities and chronic health conditions.Texas Department of State Health Services800-252-8023
For child support services including the collection of court-ordered child support, information about the Crime Victims Compensation Fund and enforcement of the state's consumer protection laws.Office of Attorney General800-252-8011
For information on early intervention services for children with disabilities and developmental delays, services for people who are deaf or hard of hearing or children who are blind or visually impaired.Texas Health and Human Services

Main number:

TTY number:

For information on vocational rehabilitation for persons with disabilities, and services for adults who are blind or visually impaired.Texas Workforce Commission800-628-5115
For information on disability determination services.Social Security Administration


TTY number:

Information and assistance concerning family violence.National Domestic Violence 24-hour hot line

800-799-SAFE (7233)

TTY number


Question or ConcernOrganizationTelephone Number
Help finding or questions about a doctor, dentist or case manager for a person age 20 or younger.Texas Health Steps877-847-8377
For transportation assistance to a doctor's appointment.Medical Transportation (HHSC)877-633-8747
Helps people enrolled in STAR, STAR+PLUS, STAR Health or STAR Kids with Medicaid managed care issues.HHSC Medicaid Managed Care Helpline866-566-8989
Questions about services covered by Medicaid, or help when a bill is received from a Medicaid provider, or questions about Medically Needy with Spend Down cases.Statewide Medicaid help line800-335-8957
Questions about enrolling in the STAR Managed Care Program or help changing a health plan.State of Texas Access Reform (STAR)800-964-2777