C—831 Grant in Jeopardy Process

Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015


The OAG sends the TANF recipient child support collection interface after the close of business on the last day of each month. HHSC uses the interface to determine if child support collections exceed the TANF grant plus the disregard and processes grant in jeopardy.

The TANF recipient child support collection interface includes the:

  • TANF case information;
  • amount of collections from each absent parent; and
  • amount of excess payments.

HHSC automation staff:

  • compare the OAG collection information to the current TIERS information;
  • send a notice of excess payment to the advisor, if applicable;
  • determine if any member of the certified group was certified for TP 01 or TP 61 in at least three of the last six months; and
  • determine if the collection still exceeds the TANF grant plus the disregard.

If the collection amount exceeds the TANF grant plus the disregard, the system:

  • places the EDG on hold, pending denial;
  • produces a notice reflecting automated action to the advisor and individual; and
  • denies the EDG if the EDG is still on hold at cutoff in the hold effective month.


November – The OAG receives child support collections on TANF EDGs. At the end of the month, the OAG sends the collection information to HHSC. HHSC determines:

  • whether the collection causes grant in jeopardy; and
  • if there is an excess payment.

December – HHSC receives the collection information the first week of the month. TIERS compares the collection to the grant plus disregard. If it exceeds the grant plus disregard, TIERS:

  • places the TANF EDG on hold effective January 1;
  • produces a notice to the advisor;
  • produces a notice to the individual; and
  • sends the updated tape to the OAG at cutoff.

The OAG repeats the process shown in November for any December child support collections received.

January – The TANF EDG is on hold. In the first week of the month, the OAG sends:

  • the disregard to the individual (from the December child support collection);
  • any excess payment to the individual (from the December child support collection); and
  • any January child support collections (as they are received) to the individual.

At cutoff, TIERS denies the case.

February – The OAG sends any collected child support to the individual.



C—832 Office of the Attorney General (OAG) Inquiry

Revision 05-5; Effective October 1, 2005

All Programs

The Texas Child Support Enforcement System (TXCSES) is the OAG computer inquiry system. Staff access TXCSES for verification of child support information. In order to access TXCSES, staff must have an OAG user identification number. Obtain a user ID by:

  • completing OAG security Form 08.010, Office of the Attorney General Child Support Division Information Access Statement of Responsibility, and HHSC security Form 4743, Request for Applications and System Access; and
  • mailing both forms to the Regional Security Officer (or designee), who forwards them to the state office security officer. The state office security officer coordinates assignment with the OAG.

Staff must use their security IDs at least every 30 days or the ID becomes dormant and must be reset through the security system.

This section contains information about entering and exiting the system and an explanation of the screens. Refer to the user guide for detailed information.



C—832.1 Accessing Texas Child Support Enforcement System (TXCSES)

Revision 05-5; Effective October 1, 2005

All Programs

Download the system from www.tx.net/download/oag. Use the following steps to access the system.

  1. Click on the designated icon or click on the Start button and then click Qws3270.Exe.
  2. At the ENTER LOGON prompt (Texas map screen), type TXAGCNTY, press Enter.
  3. On the same screen, click on the Reset button, and then click on the Clear button. These buttons are at the bottom of the application window.
  4. The OAG Child Support Enforcement screen appears.
  5. Follow the standard logon procedures:
    1. In the Application ID field, type "CSES."
    2. Tab to the User ID field and type in your User ID.
    3. Tab to the Password field. The first time you sign on, type your temporary password assigned on Form 4743.
    4. Tab to the New Password field and type in a new password. The new password must:

      • be exactly eight characters in length;
      • be a combination of alpha, numeric and allowable special characters(allowable characters are @, # and $);
      • contain at least one special character that must not be located in the first or last positions;
      • contain only one set of repeating characters;
      • be changed every 32 days;
      • not be shared, written down or posted; and
      • not be reused for periods of up to one year.

      When you press Enter, the system will ask you to retype your new password. The next time you sign on you will use your new password.

    5. The Child Support Enforcement Menu appears. To access a screen, you may type the number corresponding to a screen shown on the menu or you may go directly to the screen by typing the four-letter screen ID in the Command line. Press Enter.



C—832.2 TXCSES Menu Screens

Revision 08-4; Effective October 1, 2008

All Programs

The following is a partial list of available inquiry screens in the Texas Child Support Enforcement System (TXCSES):

  • Member Search Selection Screen (MSCH) — Use to search for a member with a minimum amount of identifying information.
  • Member to Cases Inquiry (MCAS) — Identifies all cases a member is associated with and other members related to these cases.
  • Case Information (CINF) — Displays basic information about a case.
  • Case Profile (CPRF) — Displays high level information on a case, such as case type, status of case, number of dependents, grant amount, custodial parent (CP) and non custodial parent (NCP) name and their member ID number and current addresses, NCP earnings, and whether health insurance is available through the employer.
  • Grant History Screen (GRNT) — Displays the monthly detail of the grant history and Prior Months Unrecovered Assistance (PMUA) by HHSC Case No..
  • Monthly Receipt Summary (MRSM) — Displays the distribution of the collections for a CP on a monthly basis.
  • Warrant Status History (WHIS) — Displays the disbursement status for a specific warrant or electronic fund transfer (EFT) identifying a direct deposit. The date the warrant was disbursed, issued, mailed, or cancelled. The dollar amount of the warrant and warrant number. The CP's current address and the address where the warrant was mailed.
  • Child Support Office Directory (CSOD) — Provides general information about a child support office.
  • Child Support Staff Directory (CSSD) — Use to search for a specific employee or group of employees. Also, use to identify the name, current address, and telephone number of the child support officer who initiated a sanction request.



C—832.3 Exiting TXCSES

Revision 04-7; Effective October 1, 2004

All Programs

To exit TXCSES:

  • press F3 when the main menu (CSEM) displays;
  • type exit or end in the Command line; or
  • click on the windows X or close while in any of the screens and then click on Exit, located on the top bar menu.



C—833 TXCSES Web Child Support Portal Inquiry

Revision 08-4; Effective October 1, 2008

All Programs

The TXCSES Web is an Internet-based application developed by the OAG. The TXCSES Web is a comprehensive verification source that allows users to view child support collection, distribution and support obligation records.

TXCSES Web replaces the TXCSES OAG computer inquiry system as the primary verification source for child support payment information.



C—833.1 Requesting Access to TXCSES Web

Revision 08-4; Effective October 1, 2008

All Programs

Advisors with access to the TXCSES OAG computer inquiry system will use a USER identification (ID) and password to access TXCSES Web. New users must obtain a USER ID by completing:

  • the OAG security Form 08.010, Office of Attorney General Child Support Division Information Access Statement of Responsibility; and
  • the HHSC security Form 4743, Request for Applications and System Access.

Mail both forms to the Regional Security Officer (or designee), who forwards the forms to the state office security officer. The state office security officer coordinates assignment with the OAG.



C—833.2 Logging On to TXCSES Web

Revision 08-4; Effective October 1, 2008

All Programs

Advisors must have an active USER identification (ID) to access the TXCSES Web. The USER ID and password for TXCSES Web is the same logon as the one used to access the TXCSES OAG computer inquiry system. To log on to TXCSES Web:

  1. Open the link to the TXCSES Web application in the browser (https://portal.cs.oag.state.tx.us/wps/portal).
  2. Type your USER ID in the User ID field.
  3. Type your password and click Login.
  4. Read the Statement of Responsibility and click I Agree.
  5. Read the Account Policy and click I Agree.
  6. Click TXCSES Web located at the top under the header Child Support Online. This will bring up the Main Search Income Verification Screen.



C—833.3 Procedures for Obtaining Payment Information

Revision 08-4; Effective October 1, 2008

All Programs

The Texas Child Support Enforcement System (TXCSES) Web Main Search Income Verification Screen includes four member search options:

  • Last Name and/or First Name
  • SSN, 123456789
  • Member ID (OAG Member ID)

Note: Advisors should use an SSN for inquiry when possible for a more accurate method of locating an applicant's information.

From the Search Results section, click on the case ID number with an "active status" to retrieve the child support payment information such as collections, distributions and support order obligations.

Note: By clicking on the + icon on the Disbursement Summary Details column, the advisor can view the payment type such as warrant, direct deposit/electronic transfer and Texas debit card. See A-1326.2.1, Counting Child Support, for assistance in determining when to consider the payment type available to the custodial parent.



C—833.4 Logging Off of TXCSES Web

Revision 08-4; Effective October 1, 2008

All Programs

Click Logout to exit the Texas Child Support Enforcement System (TXCSES) Web application. Users are automatically logged off the application after 30 minutes of inactivity. Three unsuccessful logon attempts or 30 days of inactivity in either TXCSES or TXCSES Web suspends the USER identification (ID). Contact the regional security officer to reset the password if this occurs.

It is important to keep the user name active by logging on periodically. If staff do not logon to TXCSES or TXCSES Web within 90 days of the last logon, the user name is deleted.