C-120, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

C—121 Maximum Income Limits

Revision 23-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2023


SNAP Maximum Income Limits Effective Oct. 1, 2023

Household SizeGross (130%)Net (100%)165%*
Each additional person$557$429$707

* The figures in the 165 percent column are used to determine if a person who is elderly or a person with a disability living with others may claim separate household status even though the person purchases or prepares food with the others. The figures in this column are also the income limits for categorically eligible households.

C—121.1 Deduction Amounts

Revision 23-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2023


  • Standard Deduction
If the eligible household size is ...then the standard deduction is ...
Three or less$198
Six or more$279
  • Standard medical expense — $170 (minus $35)
  • Actual medical expense (minus $35)
  • Homeless shelter standard — $179.66
  • Maximum excess shelter — $672
  • Standard utility allowance (SUA) — $424
  • Basic utility allowance (BUA) — $391
  • Telephone standard — $60

Note: A disqualified member in the household size is not used when applying the standard deduction.

Related Policy

Deductions, A-1400

C—122 How to Determine Monthly SNAP Allotments

Revision 23-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2023


To determine the monthly allotment for a household, use the whole monthly allotments by household size chart. Calculate the monthly allotment for a household with more than 10 people by adding $219 for each additional person to the whole monthly allotment:

Determine the monthly allotment by:

  • multiplying the household's net monthly income by .30;
  • rounding the cents to the next higher whole dollar amount; and
  • subtracting the rounded sum from the maximum monthly allotment for the household size.

Example: To determine the monthly allotment of a 12-person household with a net monthly income of $964:

  • $964 X .30 = 289.2
  • $289.2 is rounded to the next whole dollar amount of $290; and
  • $2,627 - $290 = $2,337 whole monthly allotment. 

Related Policy

How to Prorate Benefits, C-123
Whole Monthly Allotments by Household Size, C-1431
Prorated SNAP Allotments by Application Date, C-1432

C—123 How to Prorate Benefits

Revision 22-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2022


A prorated allotment for the month of application is determined by using the Prorated SNAP Allotments by Application Date Chart, or by:

  • subtracting the date of the application from 31;
  • multiplying the sum by the amount of the whole monthly allotment; and
  • dividing that amount by 30. If the date of the application is the 30th or 31st, the whole allotment is divided by 30. All cents are disregarded.

Example: A household with a whole monthly allotment of $395 applies on June 17. The household's prorated allotment for June is $184. (31 - 17 = 14; $395 × 14 = $5,530; $5,530 ÷ 30 = $184.33 or $184)

Note: Some categorically eligible households can receive ongoing monthly allotments of less than $10. Do not issue allotments prorated to less than $10. A one- or two-person household that qualified for a minimum monthly allotment of $23 can receive a prorated allotment of less than $23 but not a prorated allotment of less than $10.

Do not prorate benefits if the household includes a member who meets both of the following criteria:

  • is a seasonal or migrant farm worker (in or out of the workstream); and
  • was certified for SNAP in Texas or another state the month before the household applied.

Related Policy

Whole Monthly Allotments by Household Size, C-1431
Prorated SNAP Allotment by Application Date, C-1432