G-4400, Other Income Exclusions Related to Work
Revision 11-1; Effective March 1, 2011
The development of other income exclusions related to work may be necessary when earned income is over the $65 per month earned income exclusion (or up to $85 per month if the $20 general exclusion has not been used up on unearned income) and the person is ineligible for Medicaid.
G-4410 Exclusion for Work Expenses for the Blind
Revision 09-1; Effective December 1, 2009
In addition to the earned income exclusion, a blind person's earned income is reduced by the amount of expenses that he can reasonably attribute to the earnings of the income.
G-4420 Exclusion for Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Revision 11-1; Effective March 1, 2011
In addition to the earned income exclusion, a disabled person's earned income is reduced by the amount of expenses that the person can reasonably attribute to the earnings of the income.
G-4430 Income Needed to Fulfill a Plan for Self-Support (Blind or Disabled)
Revision 11-1; Effective March 1, 2011
Earned or unearned income not excluded from consideration by the previous exclusions may be reduced to the extent that it is needed to fulfill an approved plan of a blind or disabled person for attaining self-support.
The plan must be submitted to MEPD, State Office, Mail Code 2090, for approval. The objectives of the plan and a time limit for achieving the objectives also must be designated. Each plan must describe the income that would be excluded in the case in addition to the previous income exclusions. Check the MEPD website for current MEPD staff contacts.