Texas Works Handbook

B-720, When to File an Overpayment Referral

Revision 19-4; Effective October 1, 2019

All Programs

Staff must file an overpayment referral when a household receives benefits the household is not entitled to receive. When an overpayment occurs, OIG establishes the claim. The household must repay any type of overpayment claim.

If the household reports a change and staff does not take the appropriate action or fail to act on an agency-generated change, an overpayment referral must be filed.

Do not file an overpayment referral if the overpayment was due to:

  • a change the household is not required to report; or
  • an overpayment that occurred more than six years before the date of discovery.


Changes for categorically eligible households, except for changes in net income, household size or both, do not cause an overpayment.

Exception: This does not apply to households who are categorically eligible based on receipt of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - Non-Cash (TANF-NC).

OIG files a claim when an intentional program violation (IPV) is established against a person for trafficking Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits or accessing devices such as Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards.