Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities Handbook

E-5500, How to Budget Variable Income at Redeterminations

Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009

When projecting variable income, it is permissible to overlap months (or to skip a month), if verification is unavailable.


The redetermination is in February and verification of variable income for January is unavailable. The options are:

  • Average variable income from July through December (total divided by six months), and project that average through the following August. (This is true even though variable income received in July was used in the average calculated at the preceding semi-annual review in August [when the income from the preceding February through July was averaged].) Also at this February semi-annual review, reconcile the months of August through December.

    Note: Do not reconcile for July because that month was reconciled at the previous semi-annual review last August. Never reconcile the same month twice!
  • Average variable income from August through December (total divided by five months), and project that average through the following August. Reconcile for August through December.

Options at the next redetermination (the following August):

  • Average variable income received from January through July (total divided by seven months), and project that average through the following February. Reconcile for January through July.
  • Skip January altogether, and average February through July (total divided by six months), and project that average through the following February. Reconcile for January through July.
  • If verification of variable income received in July is unavailable, average variable income received from February through June (total divided by five months), or variable income received from January through June (total divided by six months), and project that average through the following February.