Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities Handbook

E-1100, Texas Administrative Code Rules

Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010

§358.381. General Treatment of Income.

(a) The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) follows §1612 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §1382a) and 20 CFR §§416.1101 - 416.1104 regarding the definition and general treatment of income for the purpose of determining financial eligibility and calculating a co-payment.

(b) A lump sum payment is countable income in the month of receipt and is a resource thereafter.

(c) A person in an institutional setting may retain a personal needs allowance (PNA) in an amount set by the HHSC executive commissioner in accordance with Chapter 32 of the Texas Human Resources Code.

(1) The PNA is not applied toward the cost of medical assistance furnished in an institutional setting.

(2) For a person receiving the reduced SSI federal benefit rate, HHSC issues a supplement to give the person a PNA at the minimum level set by the HHSC executive commissioner.

(d) An action by a fiduciary agent is the same as an action by the person for whom the fiduciary agent acts.

(1) Monies received by a fiduciary agent for another person are not income to the fiduciary agent. If the fiduciary agent is authorized to keep part of the money as compensation for services rendered, the compensation for services rendered is unearned income to the fiduciary agent.

(2) Monies received by a fiduciary agent for another person are charged as income to the person when the monies are received by the fiduciary agent.

§358.382. Variable Monthly Income.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission averages monthly countable income that is predictable but varies in amount from month to month.

§358.383. Deeming of Income.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission follows 20 CFR §§416.1160-416.1166 regarding the definition and treatment of deemed income for a person in a noninstitutional setting.

§358.384. Temporary Absence.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission follows 20 CFR §416.1149 and §416.1167 regarding the definition and treatment of a temporary absence from a person's living arrangement for deeming purposes for a person in a noninstitutional setting.

§358.385. Cafeteria Plan Benefits.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission exempts cafeteria plan benefits as defined in and based on §125 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), except that:

(1) cash received under a cafeteria plan in lieu of benefits is not exempt, but is counted as earned income; and

(2) payroll deductions used to purchase cafeteria plan benefits in addition to or instead of those purchased under a salary reduction agreement are not exempt, but are part of the employee's wages and are counted as earned income.

§358.386. Reduction of Pension and Benefit Checks for Recoupment of Overpayments.

If a person's pension or benefit checks are reduced because of recovery of overpayments, the following apply:

(1) All overpayments except Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI).

(A) If a person was receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or assistance under a Medicaid-funded program for the elderly and people with disabilities (MEPD) at the time of overpayment, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) disregards as income the amount being recovered. HHSC counts the net amount of the benefit (that is, the gross benefit minus the amount being recouped) for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.

(B) If a person was not receiving SSI or assistance under MEPD at the time of overpayment, HHSC counts the recovered amount as income. HHSC counts the gross amount of the benefit for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.

(2) RSDI overpayments.

(A) If a person receives an overpayment of Social Security (RSDI or Title II) benefits, recoupment is not voluntary. HHSC counts the net amount of the RSDI benefit (that is, the gross RSDI minus the amount being recouped) for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.

(B) If a person receives an overpayment of SSI benefits and the person is still eligible for SSI, the recoupment is voluntary. HHSC determines if the person signed a voluntary agreement for recoupment. If there is a signed agreement, HHSC counts the gross RSDI for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment. If there is no signed agreement, there should be no recoupment from RSDI benefits.

(C) If a person receives an overpayment of SSI benefits and the person is no longer eligible for SSI, recoupment of any RSDI or Title II benefits is not voluntary. HHSC counts the net amount of the RSDI benefit (that is, the gross RSDI minus the amount being recouped) for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.

§358.387. Income Exclusions.

(a) The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) follows 20 CFR §416.1112 and §416.1124 regarding income exclusions, except when testing income eligibility under the special income limit HHSC does not allow the exclusions:

(1) in 20 CFR §416.1112(c)(4), (5), and (7); or

(2) in 20 CFR §416.1124(c)(12), unless:

(A) the person meets the criteria under §1929(b)(2)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §1396t(b)(2)(B)); and

(B) the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has authorized HHSC to allow the exclusion.

(b) HHSC also excludes income described in the appendix to Subpart K in 20 CFR Part 416.

§358.391. Treatment of Other Income.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission follows the federal regulations indicated in the table in this section regarding the treatment of income not otherwise described in this division

Type of Income Section(s) in 20 CFR:
Assistance received due to a major disaster; repair or replacement of lost, damaged, or stolen resources due to a disaster 416.1150
Earned income 416.1110-416.1112
Support and maintenance assistance, including home energy assistance 416.1157
Income used to fulfill a plan to achieve self-support (PASS) for a person who is blind or disabled 416.1180-416.1182
In-kind support and maintenance 416.1130-416.1148
Unearned income 416.1120-416.1124