D-6200, SSN Requirement
Revision 14-2; Effective June 1, 2014
As a condition of eligibility, a person must furnish HHSC with his/her Social Security number (SSN). If the person is married, the person must also provide his/her spouse's SSN.
State office uses two tape exchanges with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to verify the person’s SSN.
Sources for verification of an SSN are:
- Social Security card; and
- verification of a Medicare number with suffix A, J1, M, S or T.
The applicant should be given a reasonable opportunity to provide an SSN.
D-6210 When a Person Does Not Have an SSN
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Explain to the person the necessity and the procedure for obtaining a Social Security number (SSN) if the person does not have one. Document the explanation in the case record.
Give the person or authorized representative notice that an SSN must be obtained by the first redetermination. This notice can be on the eligibility letter or on Form H1020, Request for Information or Action. The person must apply for and secure an SSN by the redetermination date.
Complete Form H1106, Enumeration Referral, which is found in the Texas Works (TW) Handbook. Upon receipt of Form H1106, the Social Security Administration (SSA) processes an SSN application.
If necessary, give SSA-5, Application for a Social Security Number, to the person and assist the person in completing the SSA-5. Inform the person to forward the SSA-5 to SSA with proof of his/her age, identity and citizenship (or lawful admission to the U.S.).
Grant eligibility at application, if otherwise eligible, pending receipt of an SSN. Tell the person to inform HHSC as soon as the SSN is received. Upon receipt, enter the SSN in the system of record.
At the first redetermination, verify that the person applied for an SSN if the person cannot provide an SSN. Failure of the person or authorized representative to follow through and secure an SSN is grounds for denial at the first redetermination. Document the circumstances of the denial in the case comments.