B-6100, Face-to-Face and Telephone Interviews
Revision 10-3; Effective September 1, 2010
As a result of the initiative to integrate application and eligibility determination processes, a face-to-face interview or a telephone interview is not required in determining eligibility for Medicaid programs within this handbook.
At the request of the person or the person's authorized representative, conduct a face-to-face interview or an interview by telephone based on the request. Form H1246, Medicaid Eligibility Interview Guide, is optional for staff to use to record information during the interview.
Information to consider for the case documentation:
- Whether a face-to-face or telephone interview was conducted.
- Date of the interview and name of the person interviewed (applicant or authorized representative).
- Relationship of the authorized representative to the applicant.
- Reason, if an interview was requested but not conducted.
Interviews are not required for Medicaid applicants or recipients. If an appointment is scheduled and the person does not keep the appointment, do not deny based on the missed appointment.