7500, Communication Tools
7510 Outlook Mailboxes for Communication from Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD)
Revision 18-1; Effective June 15, 2018
HHSC Information Technology (IT) has established Outlook resource mailboxes and Outlook procedures for HHSC staff to access electronic information sent by MEPD staff using the MEPD Communication Tool.
HHSC will have regional staff designated to monitor MEPD communication by following the steps below to access the resource mailbox in Outlook.
1. With Outlook open, select File from the menu. Then select Account Settings and again, select Account Settings

2. Select Change from the list of options

3. Select More Settings.

4. Select Advance from the menu then Add.

5. Enter the region's designated Alias as listed in the table below. (For example, "mecreg01" is entered for Region 1.

Resource Mailbox Display Name | Alias |
HHSC ME Communication Region 1 | mecreg01 |
HHSC ME Communication Region 2 or 9 | mecreg29 |
HHSC ME Communication Region 3 | mecreg03 |
HHSC ME Communication Region 4 or 5 | mecreg45 |
HHSC ME Communication Region 6 | mecreg06 |
HHSC ME Communication Region 7 | mecreg07 |
HHSC ME Communication Region 8 | mecreg08 |
HHSC ME Communication Region 10 | mecreg10 |
HHSC ME Communication Region 11 | mecreg11 |
6. Once the alias is entered, select OK, Next, Finish, then Close. HHSC regional designated Resource Mailbox users will access the region's resource mailbox folder in the Outlook tree.

Resource Mailbox owners designated by regional management will be able to add, edit or delete Resource Mailbox users by right-clicking on the mailbox folder. Resource Mailbox owners must contact the Consolidated Help Desk (512-438-4720) if assistance is needed to add, edit or delete Resource Mailbox users.
Permission to forward information from the resource mailbox requires configuration of a separate Outlook profile. Resource Mailbox owners should submit a Help Desk ticket to have this completed for the authorized users.
The regional Resource Mailbox folder will have a single password that will be shared by all authorized users in that region. It is important that one person per mailbox be designated to maintain the password. All other authorized users must understand they are not to reset the password.