A-1830, ESP Actions
Revision 04-3; Effective April 1, 2004
A—1831 Action in Full Service Choices Counties or E&T Counties
Revision 23-3; Effective July 1, 2023
For households in full service Choices counties:
- provide an explanation of:
- the Choices program;
- the supportive services available such as child care, help with transportation expenses related to job search or training, Texas Health Steps and family planning;
- the person's rights and responsibilities;
- how both exempt and nonexempt recipients may voluntarily participate and what this means for state time-limited benefits;
- the full-family sanction for noncooperation for a nonexempt person;
- transitional childcare and Medicaid; and
- the requirement to provide proof of identity and work eligibility when requested by HHSC or a Choices provider, and the types of documents accepted as proof. Form H2580, TANF Employment Services Notice, lists examples of proof.
Explain these policies again at periodic review unless the caretaker or second parent show an open Choices case in TIERS inquiry.
Provide a completed Form H2580 for each caretaker and second parent. At the application interview, also provide Form H2580 to the TANF EDG name.
Provide a consolidated written notice of the SNAP work requirements, known as SNAP Work Rules, to all non-exempt SNAP work registrants at:
- certification;
- recertification; or
- a change when a household member becomes subject to SNAP work requirements, such as adding a new person to the household or a person in the household turns 18.
The SNAP Work Rules tells each non-exempt SNAP work registrant which work requirements pertain to them, does not apply to persons exempt from Employment and Training (E&T), and is not provided to persons exempt from E&T.
For households in SNAP E&T counties:
- review TIERS correspondences and confirm the household receives the SNAP Work Rules information, included within their TF0001, Notice of Case Action;
- use the SNAP Work Rules — Verbal Informing Script in the related policy section for E&T procedures to verbally explain each registrant’s rights and responsibilities; and
- inform households with members exempt from E&T and of age to participate, that they may voluntarily participate in the E&T Program as described in the related policy about exempt members volunteering to participate in E&T.
If an integrated interview is conducted for a household applying for TANF and SNAP, and the SNAP application is certified while the TANF application remains pending, TIERS assigns SNAP work registration Code Q (Registered with Choices), as if the person were receiving TANF. After staff makes the TANF decision, TIERS changes the SNAP work registration code, if necessary. If a person is registered for SNAP E&T, confirm the household receives the SNAP Work Rules information generated by TIERS within their TF0001, Notice of Case Action.
Related Policy
E&T Procedures, A-1822
Exempt Members Volunteering to Participate in E&T, A-1822.2
State Time Limits, A-2500
A—1831.1 Referral Processes
Revision 12-3; Effective July 1, 2012
Advisors in full service Choices counties refer TANF applicants to a workforce orientation. This is a separate eligibility requirement from Choices program participation. See Workforce Orientation, A-2200, for more information.
HHSC sends a daily electronic file of all TANF recipients to Choices staff when:
- the TANF EDG is certified; or
- a TANF recipient's work registration code changes.
Non-exempt TANF recipients in full service Choices counties must participate in employment service activities when notified by Choices staff.
HHSC sends a daily electronic file of all SNAP recipients to E&T staff when:
- the SNAP EDG is certified; or
- a SNAP recipient's work registration code changes.
E&T staff use this electronic file to register individuals with TWC when the individual:
- lives in an E&T county; and
- is a non-exempt registrant.
Registration is effective for 12 months. At the end of each 12-month period, TWC renews the registrant’s status if the individual is:
- active;
- living in an E&T county; and
- a non-exempt registrant, not identified as an able-bodied adult without dependents (ABAWD).
A—1831.1.1 Choices Outreach
Revision 12-3; Effective July 1, 2012
TANF or TANF-SP recipients in full service Choices counties whose information is transmitted to the TWC through the daily electronic file may be outreached for Choices services.
Local Workforce Development Boards and TWC access various types of education, training and employment services from local providers, including other state agencies. Services vary depending on an individual's specific needs and the availability of programs in the local area.
A—1831.1.2 ABAWD Referral Process
Revision 24-2; Effective April 1, 2024
HHSC sends a daily electronic file of all SNAP recipients, including ABAWDs, to E&T staff. After receiving the electronic file, E&T staff may contact local HHSC staff to obtain SNAP allotment amounts and the number of ABAWDs in the SNAP household.
E&T staff use information provided on the electronic file to outreach the ABAWD for E&T services. If the ABAWD completes the first two weeks of participation in an allowable activity, E&T staff return Form H1822, ABAWD E&T Work Requirement Verification, to HHSC to verify that the ABAWD:
- now meets the SNAP ABAWD work requirement; or
- continues to meet the ABAWD work requirement.
After Form H1822 verifies participation, consider the person as meeting the participation requirements unless:
- E&T staff send Form H1816, SNAP E&T Noncompliance Report, notifying HHSC of noncompliance;
- the person has at least a one-month break in SNAP benefits; or
- the person reports no longer participating.
If an ABAWD does not meet an exception, exemption or the ABAWD work requirement at recertification, HHSC staff must provide Form H1822 to the ABAWD to verify participation during the recertification process. The ABAWD must take Form H1822 to the local workforce center for E&T staff to complete. Either the ABAWD or E&T staff may return the completed Form H1822 to HHSC.
Related Policy
ABAWD Work Requirement, A-1940
Verification Requirements, A-1970
Verification Sources, A-1971
A—1831.2 Individual Participation Requirements
Revision 12-3; Effective July 1, 2012
To comply with participation requirements, the individual must:
- provide supplemental information when requested;
- appear for an interview upon request; and
- report for job interviews and accept an offer of suitable employment.
Note: Streamlined reporting households must respond as directed to all notices and letters from the employment program even if employed.
To comply with participation requirements, the individual must also:
- participate in activities listed in the employability plan, including keeping appointments, attending training or other education classes, and participating in work experience and job search activities; and
- not voluntarily leave a job unless he has good cause (as interpreted under the Texas unemployment insurance laws).
Exception: Individuals coded P are only required to report their hours.
Individuals may choose to voluntarily withdraw from TANF. Accept Form H1802, Voluntary Withdrawal from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), as an individual's intent to withdraw from TANF. When a local eligibility determination office receives a signed Form H1802, follow change procedures in B-600 to:
- process the TANF denial, and
- make changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) EDG, if applicable.
When a request to voluntarily withdraw from TANF is received in the same month as a Choices noncooperation, the advisor must send Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action, informing the household of the Choices noncooperation. Open a Choices penalty as listed in A-2144, Imposing a Penalty. The household must reapply in pay for performance.
Note: If Form H1802 sent by the Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) has not been processed and the individual does not want to withdraw from TANF, notify the LWDB using Form H2583, Choices Information Transmittal, that the individual remains certified for TANF.
Explore the appropriate medical program for each household member. Advisors must provide continuous Medicaid coverage for
- pregnant women and
- children under age one who are eligible through the month of their first birthday.
To cooperate with participation requirements, the individual must also cooperate with assigned E&T activities.
A—1832 Action in Minimum Service Choices Counties or Non-E&T Counties
Revision 23-3; Effective July 1, 2023
In minimum service Choices counties, provide the person a general explanation of:
- employment services available in the area, such as Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), local Workforce Solutions offices, or Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitative services;
- Choices services (if available);
- available supportive services, such as subsidized child care through the local Workforce Development Board; and
- transitional child care and Medicaid.
In non-E&T counties, provide the person a general explanation of:
- the types of employment services available in the area, such as those provided through WIOA, local Workforce Solutions Offices, or Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitative Services; and
- individual rights and responsibilities outlined in related policy.
Ensure the household receives the SNAP Work Rules information that is included in their TF0001, Notice of Case Action. The SNAP Work Rules information tells each person subject to the work rules which requirements pertain to them. Persons exempt from E&T do not receive the SNAP Work Rules information, and E&T exempt households do not receive work rules information at all.
Related Policy
Individual Responsibilities, A-1832.1
A—1832.1 Individual Responsibilities
Revision 12-3; Effective July 1, 2012
An individual living in a minimum service Choices county does not have to meet any employment services requirements. Advise the household that they
- are exempt from Choices program requirements;
- may choose whether to participate in Choices services offered to them; and
- will not be penalized for noncompliance if they participate and later stop participating.
See A-2530 for state time limit counting policies for individuals who live in minimum service Choices counties.
An individual living in a non-E&T county
- is subject to usual registration requirements;
- must comply with E&T if the county becomes an E&T county and the registrant is contacted; and
- must accept or continue suitable employment, when offered, even if not referred by E&T staff.