A-710, General Policy
Revision 18-1; Effective January 1, 2018
All Programs
Applicants must live in Texas to be eligible for benefits. The household is not required to have a permanent dwelling or fixed residence.
TANF and Medical Programs
Individuals who live in Texas (other than for migrant or itinerant work) meet the residency requirement if they are living in Texas intending to remain in Texas. People who live in Texas for a temporary purpose do not meet the residency requirement.
The person's residence becomes questionable when the post office returns Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) correspondence or benefits as undeliverable.
Migrant and itinerant workers meet the residency requirement when applying if they:
- live in the state;
- entered the state with a job commitment or an intention to seek employment (regardless of current employment status); and
- do not receive assistance from another state.
People who live in Texas for any purpose other than a vacation meet the residency requirement, regardless of the length of time they have been here or plan to stay.
Related Policy
Form TF0001 Required (Adequate Notice), A-2344.1