Chapter A, Older Americans Act (OAA)
A-1000 Older Americans Act
A-1010 Overview
Revision 21-0; Effective January 15, 2021
The Older Americans Act (OAA), enacted in 1965, focuses on planning and policy related to aging issues. The OAA establishes the “aging network”, consisting of the Administration on Aging (AoA), State Agencies on Aging (more commonly known as State Units on Aging) and Area Agencies on Aging. Later amendments added a variety of services and supports for people age 60 and over and their caregivers.
Legislation authorizes grants to states for community planning and social services, research and development projects, and personnel training in the field of aging.
The aging network supports a wide range of social services and programs for older people including:
- supportive services;
- congregate meals;
- home-delivered meals;
- family caregiver support, evidence-based health programs;
- the long-term care ombudsman program; and
- services to prevent the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older persons.
The Administration on Aging, within Administration for Community Living (ACL) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), administers all programs.
The aging network helps older people age well and live with dignity when aging brings challenges and is an important part of the support systems which they and their caregivers can access.
A-1020 Declaration of Objectives
Revision 21-0; Effective January 15, 2021
OAA supports older Americans to help them live at home and in the community with dignity and independence for as long as possible.
The Declaration of Objectives of Title I of the OAA ensures equal opportunity to the full and free enjoyment of:
- an adequate income in retirement;
- the best possible physical and mental health services without regard to economic status;
- suitable and affordable housing, selected, designed, and found with reference to special needs of older people;
- restorative services, and a range of community based long-term care services, to sustain older people in their communities and in their homes. This includes support for family members and others giving voluntary care to older people who need long-term care services;
- opportunity for employment without discrimination based on age;
- retirement in health, honor and dignity;
- participation and contribution in civic, cultural, educational and recreational opportunities;
- efficient community services which provide a choice in supported living arrangements and social assistance in a coordinated manner and are readily available, with emphasis on maintaining a variety of care for vulnerable older people;
- immediate benefit from proven research knowledge which can support and improve health and happiness;
- freedom, independence, and the exercise of self-determination, full participation in the planning and operation of community-based services and programs for their benefit; and
- protection against abuse neglect and exploitation.
A-1030 Authority
Revision 21-1; Effective December 1, 2021
Statutory Authority:
- Older Americans Act of 1965, as Amended through P.L. 116-131, enacted March 25, 2020
- 42 U.S. Code Section 1395b-4
- 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Subchapter C, The Administration for Community Living, Parts 1321-1324
- 42 U.S. Code, Chapter 35, Programs for Older Americans
Governing State Laws and Regulations:
- General Appropriations Act, Texas Legislature
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapters 88 and 213
- Texas Government Code, Title 4, Subtitle I, Chapter 531, Health and Human Services Commission
- Texas Human Resources Code, Title 6, Chapter 101A, State Services for the Aging
- Texas Human Resources Code, Title 11, Chapter 161, Department of Aging and Disability Services
- Texas Local Government Code, Title 12, Chapter 394, Section 394.902, Housing for Elderly
- Texas Grant Management Standards