Appendix XVIII, CLASS Program Provider Computer-Based Training and Competency Test
Revision 20-3; Effective May 27, 2020
1. Requirements to Train Staff Persons
Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) case management agencies (CMAs) and direct services agencies (DSAs) must ensure their case managers and program directors are trained and knowledgeable about the CLASS waiver program by completing the CLASS Policy and Process Training and final test.
The computer-based training provides guidance on how to successfully develop, complete and submit required paperwork to Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for review. This includes:
- Submission of enrollment, renewal, revision, termination and transfer individual plan of care (IPC) packets;
- Suspension requirements and submissions; and
- Packet submission standards, including:
- completing forms; and
- common mistakes.
The computer-based training does not replace the in-person CLASS provider training provided biannually by HHSC, as required by Texas Administrative Code §45.704 and §45.804 and CLASS Provider Manual Section 2121, Initial Training for Staff with Direct Contact, and Section 3121, Initial Training for Direct Contact Staff.
2. Mandatory Computer-Based Training and Competency Test
To comply with the training requirement, CMAs and DSAs must ensure that their case managers and program directors complete HHSC’s online training titled “CLASS Policy and Process Training” and receive a score of at least 80% on the final test.
Case managers and program directors must create an account on the Learning Portal to have access to HHSC approved trainings, including the online CLASS Policy and Process Training (online). This training is found in the HHSC Courses section under the Medicaid Long Term Services and Supports Training tab. The final test is at the end of the training. A certificate will be generated when the training and test are complete.
Link to the Learning Portal homepage:
3. Compliance and Frequency
CLASS CMAs and DSAs must ensure that case managers and program directors complete the required training and receive a score of at least 80% on the final test as follows:
- No later than Aug. 31, 2020, and annually thereafter for all current case managers and program directors; and
- Before the case manager and program director assumes job duties and annually thereafter if the person is hired on or after June 1, 2020.
4. Documentation
CLASS CMAs and DSAs must do the following for all case managers and program directors:
- Maintain a list that includes each person’s name and the date each person completed the CLASS Policy and Process Training and received a score of at least 80% on the final test; and
- Maintain a copy of the certificates generated from the HHSC CLASS Policy and Process Training after each person has competed the final test and received a score of at least 80%.