24-2, Miscellaneous Revisions

Revision 24-2; Effective Sep. 16, 2024

1100Contact InformationUpdates mail code.
2100Program Authorization and ServicesRemoved word services after name of program and changed a word for plain language.
2200DefinitionsChanged patient to client throughout. Removed definition of patient. Adds teledentistry definition Changes subgrantee to subrecipient.
3000AccessibilityUpdated name of section.
3120Important Information for Former Military Service MembersDeletes section.
3200Abuse and Neglect ReportingUpdates language.
3210Child Abuse Reporting, Compliance, and MonitoringUpdates language.
3220Human TraffickingUpdates language.
3230Domestic and Intimate Partner ViolenceUpdates language.
3240Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of the Elderly and Adults with DisabilitiesDeletes section.
3300ConfidentialityUpdates language. Adds resources. Changed subgrantee to subrecipient.
3320Nondiscrimination and Limited English Proficiency (LEP)Updates section tile to Civil Rights. Updates language. Adds web link resources.
3330Termination of ServicesMoves content to Section 3340. Adds new content. Changes title to Required Signage.  
3340Resolution of ComplaintsChanges title to Termination of Services. Updates language. Adds resource for termination of services. Changes patient to client throughout.
3350Research (Human Subject Clearance)Changes title to Resolution of Complaints. Updates language.  
3360Research (Human Subject Clearance)Adds new section.
3400Client Records ManagementUpdates language. Changes subgrantee to subrecipient.
3500Personnel Policy and ProceduresUpdates language.
3600Facilities and EquipmentUpdates language.
3650Smoking BanChanges subgrantee to subrecipient.
3710Clinical EmergenciesUpdates language.
3800Quality ManagementChanges subgrantee to subrecipient.
4100Eligibility and Assessment of Co-pay and FeesUpdates language and section title. Removes reference to Form 3046, Request for Information.
4300Procedures and Terminology When Determining PHC Eligibility

Updates language including:

  • Eligibility requirements for 18-year-olds
  • presumptive eligibility requirements.

Changes individuals to applicants.

5000Clinical GuidelinesUpdates language. Adds language about PHC optional services.
5130Texas Medical Disclosure Panel ConsentChanges patient to client.
5200Clinical PolicyUpdates language on telemedicine. Changes patient to client and updates web link resources throughout.
5300Prescriptive Authority Agreements, Clinical Protocols, Standing Delegation Orders and Client Education FChanges patient to client.
5330Standing Delegation OrdersChanges patient to client Removes SDO example. Changes individual to client.
6100Reimbursement, Data Collection, and ReportsUpdates language.

24-1, Updates Appendix II

Revision 24-1; Effective May 1, 2024

Appendix IIOptional Co-Pay Table Based on Monthly Federal Poverty Level (FPL)Updates Optional Co-Pay Table Based on Monthly Federal Poverty Level (FPL).

23-2, Miscellaneous Revisions

Revision 23-2; Effective Sept. 15, 2023

HandbookPrimary Health Care Services Program Policy ManualUpdates handbook title to Primary Health Care Program Policy Manual.
1100Contact InformationRemoves physical address for courier service and helpline information.
1200Purpose of ManualUpdates language.
2100Program Authorization and ServicesUpdates language. 
2200Definitions Updates definitions throughout.
3100      Administrative PoliciesUpdates language. Revises civil rights requirements. Adds requirement to maintain appropriate exterior signage.
3110Client AccessUpdates language.
3120Important Information for Former Military Service MembersUpdates language.
3200Abuse and Neglect ReportingUpdates language. Revises abuse, neglect and exploitation requirements.   
3210Child Abuse Reporting, Compliance and Monitoring Updates title to Child Abuse or Neglect and updates language.
3220Human TraffickingUpdates language.
3230Domestic and Intimate Partner ViolenceUpdates language.
3300ConfidentialityUpdates language. 
3310Minors and ConfidentialityUpdated link to resource.
3320Nondiscrimination and Limited English Proficiency (LEP)Updates language. Adds requirement to display civil rights posters.
3330Termination of ServicesUpdates language.
3340Resolution of ComplaintsUpdates language.
3350Research (Human Subject Clearance)Updates language.
3400Client Records ManagementUpdates language.
3500Personnel Policy and ProceduresUpdates language. Revises immunization guidance.
3600Facilities and EquipmentUpdates language. Revises facility requirements. 
3610Hazardous MaterialsUpdates language. 
3620Fire SafetyUpdates language.
3630Medical EquipmentUpdates language.
3640Radiology Equipment and StandardsNo changes
3645Laboratory StandardsCreates section on laboratory requirements.
3650Smoking BanUpdates language.
3660Disaster Response PlanDeletes this section and moves information to 3720.
3700Emergency ResponsivenessUpdates language.
3710Clinical EmergenciesUpdates language. Adds Dental Emergency Responsiveness. 
3720Emergency PreparednessUpdates language. Adds Disaster Response Plan.
3800Quality ManagementUpdates language. Revises Quality Management requirements.
4100Eligibility and Assessment of Copay and FeesUpdates language. Adds a process to apply for approval to use an Alternate Eligibility Tool. Added reference to Appendix II.
4200Client Eligibility Screening ProcessUpdates language. 
4300 Procedures and Terminology When Determining PHC EligibilityUpdates language. Revises potential eligibility and referral requirements. Adds requirement to document special circumstances.
5000Clinical GuidelinesUpdates language. Describes required and additional services that may be provided. 
5100General ConsentUpdates language. 
5110Consent for Dental ProceduresUpdates language.
5120Consent for Sterilization ProceduresUpdates text.
5130Texas Medical Disclosure Panel ConsentUpdates language.
5140Consent for Services Provided to MinorsUpdates language. Adds resources.
5150Consent for HIV TestsUpdates title to Consent for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Tests. Updates language.
5200Clinical PolicyUpdates language. Defines telehealth services. Includes quit line information. Revises colorectal cancer screening age. Updates links to resources. Revises requirements for appropriate follow-up and continuity of care. Removes duplicate requirement for maintaining 2-1-1 information.
5300Prescriptive Authority Agreements, Clinical Protocols, Standing Delegation Orders and Client EducationUpdates language. 
5310Prescriptive Authority Agreements Updates title to Prescriptive Authority Agreements (PAAs). Updates language. Revises PAA requirements.
5320ProtocolsUpdates language.
5330Standing Delegation OrdersUpdates language. Revises SDO requirements. 
5340Client EducationUpdates language. Removes resources.
6000Reimbursement, Data Collection and ReportingUpdates language.
6100Reimbursement, Data Collection and ReportsUpdates language. Removes information from this section and adds to section 4000. 
FormsFormsUpdates form titles.

23-1, Appendix II Revised

Revision 23-1; Effective Mar. 31, 2023

Appendix IIOptional Co-Pay Table Based on Monthly Federal Poverty Level (FPL)Updates the co-pay table based on the 2023 monthly Federal Poverty Level (FPL).