Intellectual and Developmental Disability Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (IDD-PASRR) Handbook

23-1, Updates to Sections 1000, 3000 and 6000

Revision 23-1; Effective Dec. 20, 2023

The following changes were made.

1100DefinitionsUpdates language throughout definitions. Changes ECC or Enhanced Community Coordinator to ECC coordinator. Adds the term person to the definition of individual.
3210Criteria for Diverting from NF AdmissionUpdates definitions. 
3230Enrolling in HCS as a Diversion to NF AdmissionUpdates language. Adds guidance concerning pre-move site review.
3230.1Enhanced Community Coordination FundsUpdates language. Adds new process for accessing ECC funds.
3240Post Enrollment in HCS as a Diversion to NF AdmissionRe-orders monitoring duties to list chronologically. Updates language for inclusivity. Adds guidance for ECC lasting for more than 365 days. 
6110Assigning a Service Coordinator or Enhanced Community CoordinatorEdits title to Assigning an Enhanced Community Coordination (ECC) Coordinator and updates language.
6110.1Unassigning a Service Coordinator or Enhanced Community CoordinatorEdits title to Unassigning an ECC Coordinator and updates language. 
6120Working with the Relocation SpecialistUpdates language.
6130Relocation Specialist and MCO SC ResponsibilitiesUpdates language. Adds guidance regarding relocation day.
6140Enhanced Community Coordination Funds to Assist with Certain Costs Related to TransitioningEdits title to Enhanced Community Coordination Funds  and updates language. Adds new process for accessing ECC funds.
6200Transition PlanningUpdates language.
6210.1Service Coordinator/Enhanced Community Coordinator ParticipationEdits title to ECC Coordinator Participation. Updates language. 
6210.2Habilitation Coordinator ParticipationUpdates language. 
6210.3Program Provider and Relocation Specialist ParticipationUpdates language.
6300Developing and Revising the Transition PlanUpdates language.
6310Transition PlanUpdates language.
6320Admission Type on PL1Updates language.
6330PL1 SubmissionAdds section.
6340Individual ProfileUpdates language. 
6350Sharing the Transition Plan, Individual Profile, and Transition PacketUpdates language.
6360SPT Member Believes Transition Plan Does Not Accurately Reflect SPT DecisionsUpdates language.
6400Pursuing the Selected Community Medicaid Program for TransitionUpdates language. Removes ICF/IID from list of non-HCS community programs eligible for ECC.
6530Transitioning to the Community by Enrolling in HCSUpdates language. Adds guidance related to transfer of LIDDAs.
6540Transition DayChanges title to Transitioning to a Community Medicaid Program. Moves existing information to section 6540. Incorporates information previously in section 6600. Updates language.
6600Transitioning to a Community Medicaid Program Edits title to Post-Transition to the HCS Program. Moves existing information to section 6700. Incorporates information previously in section 6800.
6610Post-Move Monitoring VisitsAdds new section using information previously in section 6810. Updates language.
6620Monitoring Activities for One Year Post-MoveAdds new section using information previously in section 6820. Updates language. 
6700Transition Day Changes title to Transitioning to a Community Medicaid Program. Moves existing information to section 6540. Incorporates information previously in section 6600. Updates language.
6710Transition DayAdds new section using information previously in section 6700. Updates language. 
6800Post-Transition to HCS Program Edits title to Post-Transition into a Community Medicaid Program. Moves existing information section 6600. Incorporates information previously in section 6900. Updates language. Removes ICF/IID from transition options for ECC.
6820Monitoring Activities for One Year Post-MoveDeletes section and moves information to new section 6620.
6900Post-Transition into a Medicaid Community Program Edits title to Readmission to a Nursing Facility. Moves existing information to section 6800. Adds new information on providing guidance for when ECC should be restarted.


22-1, Updates to IDD PASRR Handbook

Revision 22-1; Effective Nov. 28, 2022

The following changes were made.

Section Title Change
1000 Introduction to PASRR Updates Texas Administrative Code (TAC) references. 
1100 Definitions  Updates definitions. 
2000 PL1 and PE Edits throughout section to update acronyms and section numbers and make clarifications such as adding “calendar” to days. 
2100 Purpose of PASRR Updates language.
2200 Referring Entity Updates and adds new text.    
2300 PASRR Level 1 Screening (PL1) Updates title by removing (PL1).
2310 Spousal Co-Payment Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 22-09,  2. Spousal Impoverishment Dependent Allowance, released on June 1, 2022.
2320 PL1 Screening Form Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 22-09,  2. Spousal Impoverishment Dependent Allowance, released on June 1, 2022.
2320.1 PL1 Submission Updates and adds new text.    
2320.2 Positive PL1  Adds new information after enhancement in LTC online portal and additional instructions how to complete section E of PL1 if positive for PASRR. 
2320.3 Negative PL1 Updates language.
2320.4 Additional PL1 Responsibilities Adds new section.
2330 Admission Types  
2330.1 Exempted Hospital Discharge Updates language.
2330.2 Expedited Admission Updates admission information relating to the LTC online portal.
2330.3 Preadmission Updates language.
2340 Admission Type on PL1 Updates language.
2350 PL1 Submission Adds section.
2400 PASRR Level II Evaluation (PE) Updates language and removes (PE) from title.
2410 Purpose, PASRR Status, and Staff Qualifications Updates language about performing PE for people with positive P1.
2410.1 PASRR Positive Updates determination status language.
2410.2 PASRR Negative Updates determination status language.
2410.3 Staff Qualifications Updates language.
2420 LTC Online Portal Notification Updates P1 automatic alert process.
2420.1 Timing of Alert is Based on Admission Type Updates language and link.
2420.2 Change of Ownership (CHOW)  Extensions Changes title to Change of Ownership Extensions. Updates language.
2420.3 Information Gathered by a LIDDA Following an Alert to Conduct a PE Adds note about PE Evaluator login information in LTC online portal. 
2420.4 Using Information Gathered by a LIDDA Following an Alert to Conduct a PE Adds reference to Section 4910, Medicaid Eligibility Guidelines.
2430 Completing and Submitting the PE Updates language and list of LIDDA requirements.
2430.1 Interpreter Services Edits language.
2430.2 Person/LAR Refuses to Participate in PE Changes title to Person or LAR Refuses to Participate in PE. Edits language.
2430.3 Documentation Review for PE Completion Removes some acronyms and updates language.
2430.4 Information about Certain Community Programs in Section F0700 of the PE Edits language.
2430.5 Presenting Information about Community Services as Part of the PE Moves title and information about Person’s PE is Negative for ID or DD.
2430.6 PE for Resident Review  Changes title to Completing Section F, Return to Community Living. Adds new section related to Section F of the PE. Moves original section 2430.6 information to 2430.7.
2430.7 When a DID is Required to Adequately Complete the PE  Changes title to PE for Resident Review. Includes original and updated text formerly under section 2430.6. Clarifies information about expectations and process when completing PE for resident review. 
2430.8 PE Submission  Changes title to When a DID is Required to Adequately Complete the PE. Moves information that was previously under section 2430.7.
2430.9 Specialized Services Recommendation Mapping. Changes title to PE Submission. Moves information that was previously under section 2430.8 and updates language.
2430.10 Fair Hearing Related to Negative PE Changes title to Specialized Services Recommendation Mapping. Moves information that was previously under section 2430.9 and updates language.
2430.11 PE Retention Period Removes outdated information related to the replacement Medicaid card and aligns the MBI and MBIC sections. Adds related policy. (MBI/MBIC)
2430.12 PE Retention Period Removes link to MIPPA application processing instructions. (MSP)
2430.13 Preadmissions involving Two LIDDAs Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 21-22, 1. Eligibility for Federal Benefits for Afghan Evacuees, released on Nov. 1, 2021. (All Programs). Clarifies existing glossary definitions.
2500 PASRR Initial IDT/SPT Meeting Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 22-09, 2. Spousal Impoverishment Dependent Allowance, released on June 1, 2022.
2510 NF Enters Initial IDT/SPT Meeting Information Changes title to NF Enters Initial IDT and SPT Meeting Information.
2520 Confirmation of IDT/SPT Meeting Information Changes title to Confirmation of IDT and SPT Meeting Information. Edits text.
2600 Initiating NF Specialized Services Edits text.
3000 Diversion from NF Admission Updates and makes minor edits throughout section.  
3100 Diversion from Nursing Facility Admission Edits language.
3200 Diverting from NF Admission Edits language.
3210 Criteria for Diverting from NF Admission Edits language.
3220 Requesting a Targeted NF HCS Diversion Slot Edits language.
3230 Enrolling in HCS as a Diversion to NF Admission Edits language and clarifies where essential supports are identified.
3230.1 Enhanced Community Coordination Funds Edits language.
3240 Post Enrollment in HCS as a Diversion to NF Admission Edits language.
4000 Admission to a NF Updates and makes minor edits throughout section. 
4100 Eligibility for Habilitation Coordination Funded by Medicaid Adds note about hospice services not affecting person’s eligibility for Habilitation Coordination or PASRR specialized services. 
4200 Assignment of Habilitation Coordinator Edits language.
4300 Program Overview Changes title to Initial IDT and SPT Meeting. Edits language.
4310 Budgeting Concepts Changes title to Attendance at Initial IDT and SPT Meeting. Edits language.
4400 Eligibility Income Budgeting Updates and makes minor edits throughout section.
4410 Budgeting Steps Edits language.
4420 Charts for Premium Amounts Adds note about need for Habilitative Assessment Form 1064 even if the person has refused Habilitation Coordination. 
4500 Developing Individual Profile and Habilitation Service Plan at First SPT meeting Adds expectation that habilitation coordinators complete and send individual profile and habilitation service plan to SPT members within 10 calendar days following SPT meetings. Also adds expectation that habilitation coordinators ask NF to ensure all PASRR specialized services are in NF comprehensive care plans. 
4510 Specialized Services Requiring an Assessment Updates language. Clarifies when lack of IDT/SPT consensus to obtain an assessment for specialized services. Assessments are not completed for people refusing services or when there is no funding. 
4520 Specialized Services that Do Not Require an Assessment Edits language.
4530 Frequency and Duration of Habilitation Coordination Edits language.
4600 Initiating IDD Habilitative Specialized Services after First SPT Meeting Edits language.
4700 Providing Habilitation Coordination Edits language.
4800 2022 Income and Resources Reference Chart Adds new section
4810 Determining Guardianship Adds new section on determining guardianship for people in the PASRR program. 
4820 Communication of Complaint Process Adds new section about the complaint process in the PASRR program. 
4900 Medicaid and Medicare Adds new section related to Medicaid and Medicare. 
4910 Medicaid Eligibility Guidelines Adds new section. Includes chart of TOA and program codes to determine PASRR eligibility. 
4920 Responsibility to Reestablish Medicaid Eligibility Adds new section about LIDDA responsibility to help in reestablishing Medicaid eligibility for people in the PASRR program. 
4930 Individual Does Not Have an MCO Adds new section for people who need to select an MCO. 
4930.1 Spousal Co-Payment Adds new section to help a person who does not have an MCO assigned. 
4940 Individual is Dual Eligible Adds new section for a person who is dual eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare. 
5000 Habilitation Coordination  Updates section. 
5100 Required Face-to-Face Visits Adds language about HHSC’s ability to waive face-to-face requirements if an emergency is declared. 
5200 Assess/Reassess Habilitative Needs Changes title to Assess or Reassess Habilitative Needs. Edits language.
5210 Reviewing Assessments Edits language.
5300 SPT Meetings Adds new expectation that habilitation coordinator must ensure all SPT members receive a notice of 10 business days to participate in meetings. 
5310 First SPT Meeting Updates revision notice and effective date.
5320 Quarterly SPT Meetings Adds clarifications to timeline expectations about quarterly SPT meetings.  
5320.1 Required Activities during a Quarterly SPT Meeting Edits language.
5320.2 Documenting Summary of Quarterly SPT Meeting Edits language.
5320.3 Replacement Medicaid Card Edits language.
5330 Update SPT Meetings Updates list. Include information for completing ANSA or address any outstanding issues 
5330.1 Update SPT Meeting Because of a Change in Medical Condition or a Change in Service Removes title of section. Information remained in section 5330. 
5330.2 Update SPT Meeting For An Issue Not Addressed in Section 5330.1 Removes title and section information.
5340 Annual IDT/SPT Meeting Changes title to Annual IDT and SPT Meeting.
5340.1 Annual IDT/SPT Meeting Changes title to Annual IDT and SPT Meeting. Edits language. 
5340.2 HC Preparation for Annual IDT/SPT Meeting Changes title to Preparation for Annual IDT and SPT Meeting. Edits language. 
5340.3 IDT Agrees to Habilitation Coordination Edits language.
5340.4 Refusal of Habilitation Coordination Edits language.
5340.5 Annual SPT Meeting Edits language.
5350 SPT Member that is a Provider of a Specialized Service Edits language.
5360 Determination that Participation in SPT Meeting is Not Necessary Edits language.
5370 Guidance for Convening SPT Meeting When an Individual or LAR Does Not Want to Attend Edits language.
5400 Develop and Revise Habilitation Service Plan and Individual Profile Edits language.
5410 Person-centered Planning Replaces “Federal Poverty Income Limit (FPIL)” with “Federal Poverty Level (FPL)”. Updates for plain language. (MBI, MBIC)
5420 Discovery Process Edits language.
5430 Developing Habilitation Service Plan and Individual Profile Edits language.
5430.1 Specialized Services Requiring an Assessment Edits language.
5430.2 Specialized Services that Do Not Require an Assessment Edits language.
5430.3 Barriers to Transitioning to the Community or Selecting a Community Program Identified During CLO Edits language.
5430.4 Charts for Premium Amounts Edits language.
5440 Revising the Habilitation Service Plan and Individual Profile Edits language.
5440.1 Revising the HSP Because an Assessment for an NF Specialized Service is Complete Removes outdated information related to the replacement Medicaid card and aligns the MBI and MBIC sections. Adds related policy. (MBI/MBIC)
5440.2 Revising the HSP Because an Assessment for an IDD Habilitative Specialized Service is Completed Edits language.
5440.3 Revising the HSP to Address Barriers Identified During CLO Edits language.
5450 New Habilitation Service Plan for Next HSP Year Edits language.
5460 2022 Income and Resources Reference Chart Edits language.
5460.1 Individual Profile Edits language.
5460.2 Habilitation Service Plan Edits language.
5470 Sharing the Habilitation Service Plan, Individual Profile and Habilitation Packet Edits language.
5480 SPT Member Believes HSP or Individual Profile Does Not Accurately Reflect SPT Decisions or Information about the Individual Edits language.
5500 Assisting with Access to Needed Specialized Services Updates revision number and effective date.
5510 Initiating IDD Habilitative Specialized Services Edits language.
5520 Monitoring the Initiation and Delivery of all Specialized Services Edits language.
5530 Accessing Other Habilitative Programs Edits language.
5540 Assisting Individual/LAR with Requesting a Fair Hearing for Denial of NF Specialized Services Changes title to Assisting Individual or LAR with Requesting a Fair Hearing for Denial of NF Specialized Services. Edits language.
5600 Coordination Edits language.
5700 Monitoring and Follow-up Activities Updates language to include need for habilitation coordinator to include the perspective of the person and LAR when monitoring for progress or satisfaction. 
5800 Community Living Options (CLO), Visits to Community Programs, and Educational Opportunities Changes title to Community Living Options, Visits to Community Programs, and Educational Opportunities.
5810 Presenting CLO Edits language.
5810.1 When CLO is Presented Updates language for clarifications about CLO timeline and expectations if individual is not interested in habilitation coordination or transition to the community. 
5810.2 Six-Month Base Schedule Changes title to Six-month Base Schedule. Edits to clarify CLO timeline. 
5810.3 CLO Materials Provided to Individual/LAR Changes title to CLO Materials Provided to Individual or LAR. Edits language.
5820 Documenting CLO Updates language to clarify that section 4 of CLO form 1054 should be filled out even if the individual is not interested in transition. 
5830 HC Actions Following CLO Changes title to Habilitation Coordinator Actions Following CLO. Edits language.
5830.1 Individual/LAR Wants to Transition and has Selected a Community Program Changes title to Individual/LAR Wants to Transition and has Selected a Community Program. Edits language.
5830.2 Individual/LAR Wants to Transition, but has NOT Selected Community Program Changes title to Individual or LAR Wants to Transition but has NOT Selected Community Program. Edits language.
5830.3 Individual/LAR Does Not Want to Transition, is Undecided or Desire of Individual/LAR Cannot be Determined Changes title to Individual or LAR Does Not Want to Transition, is Undecided or Desire of Individual or LAR Cannot be Determined. Edits language.
5840 Exploring Community Programs Edits language.
5850 Educational Opportunities Edits language.
5900 Explanation of Rights Changes title to Additional Habilitation Coordinator Responsibilities.
5910 Explanation of Rights Clarifies program information. Adds related policy. (All Programs)
5920 Activities Related to Guardianship Clarifies program information. Adds related policy. (All Programs)
5920.1 Individual Has a Guardian Adds policy for electronic correspondence. (All Programs)
5920.2 Individual Does Not Have a Guardian Adds new section with information for a person who does not have a guardian. 
6000 Transition From NF to Community Edits text.
6110 Assigning a Service Coordinator or Enhanced Community Coordinator Updates language and clarifies timeline for assigning an SC/ECC is seven calendar days.
6110.1 Unassigning a Service Coordinator or Enhanced Community Coordinator Updates and clarifies language.
6120 Working with the Relocation Specialist Adds clarity that habilitation coordinator should ask person or LAR directly whether they object to MCO service coordinator attendance at meetings. 
6130 Relocation Specialist and MCO SC Responsibilities Updates and clarifies language.
6140 Enhanced Community Coordination Funds to Assist with Certain Costs Related to Transitioning Edits language.
6200 Transition Planning Adds new expectation for habilitation coordinators. Must give SPT members a 10-business day notice before SPT meetings. 
6210 SPT Meeting Participation by Service Coordinator/Enhanced Community Coordinator and Habilitation Coordinator Changes title to SPT Meeting Participation.
6210.1 Service Coordinator/Enhanced Community Coordinator Participation Edits language.
6210.2 Habilitation Coordinator Participation Edits language.
6210.3 Program Provider and Relocation Specialist Participation  Adds new section. Reminds habilitation coordinators to invite the community program provider and the RS t o all SPT meetings. 
6300 Developing and Revising the Transition Plan Directs SC/ECC to send Transition Plan to the SPT members within 10 calendar days after the SPT meeting.
6310 Transition Plan Edits language.
6320 Barriers to Preventing a Transition to the Community Updates revision number and effective date.
6330 Documents in an Individual’s Transition Packet Updates revision number and effective date.
6340 Individual Profile Edits language.
6350 Sharing the Transition Plan, Individual Profile, and Transition Packet  Adds expectation to send documents to SPT members within 10 calendar days after meetings. 
6360 SPT Member Believes Transition Plan Does Not Accurately Reflect SPT Decision Updates revision number and effective date. 
6400 Pursuing the Selected Community Medicaid Program for Transition Updates language and clarifies SC/ECC responsibilities.
6500 Transitioning to the HCS Program Edits language.
6510 Criteria for Transitioning to the HCS Program Edits language.
6520 Requesting a Targeted NF HCS Transition Slot Clarifies process and updates language.
6530 Transitioning to the Community by Enrolling in HCS Updates language and includes weekend trial visits.
6600 Transitioning to the Community by Enrolling in HCS Edits language.
6700 Transition Day Updates revision number and effective date.
6800 Post-transition to HCS Program Changes title to Post-Transition to HCS Program
6810 Post-move Monitoring Visits Changes title to Post-Move Monitoring Visits and clarifies timelines are based on calendar days.
6820 Monitoring Activities for One Year Post-move Changes title to Monitoring Activities for One Year Post-Move and updates language.
6900 Post-transition into a Medicaid Community Program Changes title to Post-Transition to a Medicaid Community Program and clarifies timelines are based on calendar days.
7000 Required PASRR Training New Section specific to training requirements about PASRR. 
7100 Required Training for a Habilitation Coordinator Adds information related to training requirements for habilitation coordinators. 
7110 Training Completed Prior to Habilitation Coordination  Adds information about the list of required trainings that need to be completed before habilitation coordination.
7120 Training Completed Within the First 60 Days of Habilitation Coordination  Adds information about list of required trainings that need to be completed within the first 60 days of habilitation coordination. Supervisors must sign off on all work until trainings completed. 
7200 HHSC-developed Training Changes title to HHSC-Developed Training. Adds information specific about HHSC trainings in the learning portal. 


19-0, New Handbook

Effective July 7, 2019

The Intellectual and Developmental Disability Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (IDD-PASRR) Handbook contains policies and procedures regarding the responsibilities of local intellectual and developmental disability authorities related to the PASRR program.