Child Care Regulation Handbook

10100, Why CCR Conducts Background Checks

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024 

Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Child Care Regulation (CCR) department conducts background checks. These checks determine if a background check subject’s presence at the child care operation complies with federal law, state law, administrative rules and minimum standards to protect the health or safety of children.

CBCU staff communicate background check results to:

  • the operation that submitted the background check; and 
  • the background check subject. If the subject is a minor, communicate the results with the subject’s parent or guardian.


10112 Types of Background Checks
10120 Background Check Requests
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

26 TAC Chapter 745, Subchapter F 

HRC Sections 42.056, 42.159 and 42.206

42 U.S.C. Section 671(a)(20) 

42 U.S.C. Section 9857 et seq. and 45 C.F.R. Part 98

10110 Overview of Background Checks

February 2021

10111 Overview of CCR Staff Responsibilities Related to Background Checks

Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024

Responsibilities for background checks are shared with CCR’s Centralized Background Check Unit (CBCU) staff and monitoring staff. The following chart outlines the roles and responsibilities.

CBCU StaffMonitoring Staff
  1. Communicating and helping providers and background check subjects with background check submissions, results and notifications.
  2. Notifying the indicated monitoring staff when:
    1. CBCU staff identify any background check issues that involve serious risk to children (the inspector);
    2. CBCU staff determine a provider is not meeting background check requirements (the inspector);
    3. a risk evaluation decision (the inspector and supervisor) is made per 10430 Making a Risk Evaluation Decision.
  3. Responding to any reported issues related to the Department of Public Safety’s (DPS’s) contracted fingerprinting service.
  4. Processing background check results.
  5. Reviewing and processing requests for risk evaluations.
  6. Reviewing eligibility determinations and risk evaluation decisions.
  7. Processing a Determination of Immediate Threat (DIT) per 10232 Requests for Determination of Immediate Threat.
  8. Consulting with the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department about background check results to determine if the subject’s presence at an operation poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of children.
  9. For due process offered by CBCU, offer, track, and update CLASS and IMPACT throughout CBCU’s due process procedures. For each Central Registry match with due process offered by DFPS, track and update each match in CLASS throughout DFPS’s procedures.
  10. Requesting preponderance reviews and tracking for completion.
  11. Helping monitoring staff, as needed, with questions that arise when staff is reviewing background check results.
  12. Creating and maintaining digital records supporting CBCU decisions in CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.
    Exception: CBCU staff do not upload records reviewed from IMPACT.
  1. Answering questions and providing technical assistance for background check rules.
  2. Evaluating compliance with background check rules, including:
    1. verifying the correct background check types are submitted;
    2. verifying that background checks are completed within the required time frames for anyone required to have a background check;
    3. ensuring that background check subjects who are ineligible to be present at the operation are not present at the operation while children are in care;
    4. following up with the operation on any background check for a background check subject who is ineligible to be present at the operation with a Pending or Active Employment Status in CLASS.
    5. evaluating that the operation is adhering to any conditions placed on a subject’s presence at the operation during an inspection; and
    6. verifying that an operation is validating its people list and updating employment statuses.
  3. Notifying CBCU staff when:
    1. regulatory decisions or enforcement actions are made that may affect pending background checks at an operation; or
    2. an operation has been cited for not following conditions placed on a subject’s presence.
  4. Helping CBCU staff, as needed with questions that arise when CBCU is processing background checks.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
Definitions of Terms for a definition of CCI.

10112 Types of Background Checks

August 2021

All required background checks include a Central Registry check (See: 10121 Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks).

The types of criminal history and out-of-state background checks that CCR requires depends on:

  1. the type of operation submitting the request for a background check;
  2. the subject’s role at the operation; and
  3. whether the subject has lived out of state in the five years prior to the background check request.

Below are the types of background checks HHSC conducts for individuals at child care operations:

Type of Background CheckDescription
Central Registry Check

A name-based search of the Central Registry of reported cases of child abuse and neglect in Texas that CBCU staff used to identify background check subjects who: 

  • Have been found by DFPS or HHSC to have abused, neglected or exploited children under age 18 in Texas;
  • Are involved in an open DFPS CPI, CCI or PI investigation; and
  • Are involved in an open AR case.

See: 10200 Central Registry and Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Checks and Definitions of Terms for definitions of CCI and CPI.

Name-based Texas criminal history and Texas Sex Offender Registry checks

A name-based search of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) database of: 

  • arrests for alleged crimes committed in Texas; and
  • the Texas sex offender registry.

See: 10300 Criminal History Background Checks

Fingerprint-based criminal history and sex offender registry checks

Fingerprint-based searches of: 

  • the DPS database of arrests for crimes committed in Texas;
  • the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) database of arrests for crimes committed within the United States and U.S. territories;
  • the DPS database of the Texas sex offender registry; and
  • FBI database of the national sex offender registry.

See: 10300 Criminal History Background Checks and 10380 Sex Offender Registry Check Results

National Sex Offender Registry check

A comparative search between the subject’s name and the National Sex Offender Registry. This name-based check is separate from the check of the National Sex Offender Registry that is included in the fingerprint-based criminal history check.

See: 10381.2 Processing Possible Matches for National Sex Offender (NSOR) results and 10381.3 Processing Matches from an NSOR Result

Out-of-state child abuse and neglect registry check

A name-based search of another state’s or territory’s database of persons who have been found to have abused or neglected a child.

See: 10290 Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Checks

Out-of-state criminal history check

A search of another state’s or U.S. territory’s database of arrests for crimes committed in that state or territory using the person’s name or fingerprints.

See: 10370 Out-of-State Criminal History Checks

Out-of-state sex offender registry check

A name-based search of another state’s or U.S. territory’s sex offender registry.

See: 10380 Sex Offender Registry Check Results

26 TAC §§745.601745.607745.609745.611745.615

10112.1 Licensed Administrators

April 2022

Background check types required for licensed administrators and applicants for an administrator’s license include:

  • Central Registry;
  • Fingerprint-based criminal history; and
  • The following out-of-state checks if the licensed administrator or applicant lived out of Texas in the previous five years:
    • criminal history; 
    • abuse and neglect; and 
    • sex offender registries.

CBCU staff process background checks within three days of receiving results.

26 TAC §§745.775; 745.8933; 745.8934; 745.8993


9640 Background Checks for an Administrator’s License 
9700 Remedial Action on an Administrator’s License 
10113 When Out-of-State Background Checks are Required 
10113.1 When an Out-Of-State Criminal History Check Must Be Fingerprint Based 
10226 Central Registry and Out of State Abuse or Neglect Results for Licensed Administrators  
10360 Criminal History Matches for Licensed Administrators

10113 When Out-of-State Background Checks are Required

February 2021

The chart below outlines when the background check subject is required to have an out-of-state background check:

Operation Type is a …And the subject …Is an out-of-state criminal history check required?Is an out-of-state child abuse and neglect registry check required?Is an out-of-state sex offender registry check required?
  • Child care center;
  • School-age or before- or after-school program;
  • Licensed child care home;
  • Registered child care home; or
  • Listed family home (except for a listed home that only provides care to related children);
  • has resided in another U.S. state or territory during the past five years;
  • is suspected of having criminal history or child abuse neglect history in another U.S state or territory; or
  • is suspected to be a registered sex offender in another U.S. state or territory;
Yes, for each state or U.S. territory where the person lived during the past five years, unless the state where the person resided during the preceding five-year period participates in the FBI's National Fingerprint File (NFF) program.Yes, for each state or U.S. territory where the person lived during the past five years.Yes, for each state or U.S. territory where the person lived during the past five years.
  • General residential operation;
  • Child-placing agency;
  • Verified foster home; or
  • Approved adoptive home;
  • has resided in another U.S. state or territory during the past five years;
  • is suspected of having criminal history or child abuse neglect history in another U.S. state or territory; or
  • is suspected to be a registered sex offender in another U.S. state or territory;
NoYes, for each state or U.S. territory where the person lived during the past five years.Yes, for each state or U.S. territory where the person lived during the past five years.

26 TAC §§745.613745.615

10113.1 When an Out-of-State Criminal History Check Must be Fingerprint Based

February 2021

The out-of-state criminal history check for a background check subject, who resides in another U.S. state or territory and is associated with a regulated operation in Texas, must be a fingerprint-based check in the subject’s state of residence, unless the state or territory of residence participates in the FBI’s National Fingerprint File (NFF) program.

26 TAC §745.613

10114 When a National Sex Offender (NSOR) Background Check is Required

August 2021

National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) background checks are required for child care operations as follows:

Child Care Operation TypeBackground Check RoleNSOR Requirement
  • Licensed child care center
  • School-age or before- or after-school program
All roles except supervised regular or frequent visitors and volunteersRequired
  • Child care center
  • School-age or before- or after-school program
Supervised regular or frequent visitors and volunteersNot Required
  • Licensed child care home
  • Registered child care home
  • Listed family home caring for unrelated children
All roles except supervised regular or frequent visitors and volunteersRequired
  • Licensed child care home
  • Registered child care home
  • Listed family home caring for unrelated children
Supervised regular or frequent visitors and volunteersNot Required
Listed family home caring for only related childrenAll rolesNot Required
Temporary Shelter ProgramAll rolesNot Required
Small employer-based child careAll rolesNot Required
Residential child care operationsAll rolesNot Required

26 TAC §§745.607745.609

10120 Background Check Requests

Revision 22-6; Effective Dec. 19, 2022

Child care providers are required to submit requests for initial and renewal background checks for a person required to have a background check, as specified in 26 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 745, Subchapter F. All operation types, except listed family homes, are required to submit background check requests through the operation’s online Child Care Regulation account.

Listed family homes may submit background check requests for all persons that require a background check either:

  • through the operation’s online Child Care Regulation account; or
  • by sending in a signed Form 2971 Child Care Regulation Request for Background Check.

Exception: All operation types send a signed Form 2971 Child Care Regulation Request for Background Check to CBCU if the person requiring the background check does not have any of the following types of identification:

  • Social Security number;
  • driver’s license number;
  • state-issued identification number;
  • Canadian social insurance number;
  • military identification card number;
  • passport number; or
  • permanent resident card identification number  .

26 TAC Sections 745.605, 745.617, 745.619, 745.621 


10121 Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks

10121 Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks

Revision 22-6; Effective Dec. 19, 2022


Each operation must request a background check for each owner of the operation, including:

  1. a sole proprietor; 
  2. each partner in a partnership; or
  3. each board member or officer of a governing body who is involved in the everyday management of the operation, including participating in the development of policies or submitting background check requests for the operation.

Current and Prospective Employees

Each operation must request a background check for each current and prospective employee, including all directors and administrators.

Current and Prospective Foster Parents

Each child-placing agency must request a background check for each current or prospective foster parent.

Prospective Adoptive Parents

Each child-placing agency must request a background check for each prospective adoptive parent seeking to adopt through the child-placing agency. The CPA may request additional background checks on adoptive parents to comply with federal and state laws and rules.

Frequent and Regular Visitors 14 Years or Older

Each operation must request a background check for each person (other than a client in care) who is 14 years  or older, including a contract employee, self-employed person or volunteer who will regularly or frequently be present at an operation or prospective adoptive home while children are in care.  

A frequent or regular visitor includes a special skills instructor who visits an operation to provide skills instruction to children at a child care operation. The operation does not have to request a background check for a skills instructor if the special skills organization has already submitted a request for a background check directly to CCR as described in 10123 Background Check Requests for Substitute Employees and Special Skills Instructors.

Exception: Child-placing agencies do not request a background check for the following frequent or regular visitors in agency foster homes:

  1. A child unrelated to a foster parent who visits the foster home, unless:
    1. the child is responsible for the care of foster children; or
    2. there is reason to believe that the child has a criminal history or has previously abused or neglected a child.
  2. An adult unrelated to a foster parent who visits the foster home, unless:
    1. the adult has unsupervised access to children in care; or
    2. there is reason to believe that the adult has a criminal history or has previously abused or neglected a child.

Other Persons 14 Years or Older

Each operation must request a background check for each person (other than a client in care) who is 14 years or older, including a contract employee, self-employed person or volunteer who:

  1. is counted in child-to-caregiver ratio in accordance with the relevant minimum standards, except as noted below for a parent or volunteer described in 10123 Background Check Requests for Substitute Employees and Special Skills Instructors;
  2. has unsupervised access to children who are in care at the operation;
  3. provides direct care or supervision to children in care;
  4. resides in the operation; or
  5. will reside in a prospective adoptive home.

Texas Human Resources Code Sections 42.056, 42.159, 42.206

26 TAC Sections 745.601, 745.605, 745.775, 745.8933, 745.8934, 745.8993, 749.3623(5), 749.3633, 749.3637

10122 Persons for Whom Operations Do Not Submit Requests for Background Checks

February 2021

Clients in Care

Operations do not request a background check for “clients in care” as defined in 26 TAC §§745.601(3)745.605(b)(1).


Operations do not request a background check for a parent or volunteer who only supplements the child-caregiver ratio for a field trip or water activity.

Day care operations do not request a background check for parents who are present at the operation solely because they are visiting their child, which may include dropping off or picking up their child, eating lunch with their child, visiting or observing their child, or consoling their child.

26 TAC §§744.1701744.1913746.1801(b)746.2115747.1901(b)747.2015748.3763749.3139745.601(15)(C)745.605(b)(2)

Professionals and Subcontractors

Operations do not request a background check for a professional who is licensed or is required to have a background check to meet compliance with another governmental entity’s requirements or a subcontractor (person who works for an entity contracted with the operation) if:

  1. the operation does not employ or have a contract with the professional;
  2. the professional is present at the operation in an official capacity only; and
  3. for day care operations, the operation receives written parental consent before the operation allows the professional to have unsupervised access to a child in care.

26 TAC §745.605(b)(3)

See Definitions of Terms for the definition of Professional.

Controlling Persons

Operations do not request a background check for controlling persons unless the controlling person also fulfills a role outlined in 10121 Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks.

26 TAC §745.605(b)(4)

Persons Affiliated with Inactive Foster Homes

Child-placing agencies do not request a background check for individuals in foster homes that are on inactive status.

If a child-placing agency takes a home off inactive status and the renewal background check for any individual is overdue the child-placing agency must request a background check before a child can be placed in the home.

26 TAC §§749.2823749.2825

HHSC or DFPS Employee or Volunteer

Operations do not request a background check for someone with responsibilities as an HHSC or DFPS employee or volunteer. The person will have a background check conducted by HHSC or DFPS as part of the person's application to become an employee or volunteer.

26 TAC §745.617(b)

10123 Background Check Requests for Substitute Employees and Special Skills Instructors

Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024

Skills programs and substitute caregiver organizations that offer services at regulated child care operations may request a CCR online account to submit and get background check results. Any  person  in an organization who will have access to children in care is required to have a background check under 26 TAC Chapter 745, Subchapter F, Background Checks.

An organization that provides a substitute caregiver or special skills instructor to a CCR-regulated operation also provides the background check determination notification to the operation. The background check notification must:

  • state that the subject can be present at the operation with or without conditions; and
  • be dated within the past five years per 10533.2 Background Checks Submitted Prior to January 13, 2019.

If a CCR-regulated operation does not receive the background check result from the skills program or substitute caregiver organization, the operation must: 

  • request a background check for the subject; and
  • not allow the subject to be present at the operation until the operation receives notification that the background check determination is eligible, provisional, or conditional.


Background Check Only Entities, 2362

26 TAC Section 745.605(a)(2)(B) 

10123.1 Background Check Only Entities in CLASS 

Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024


Centralized Background Check Unit (CBCU) staff take the following steps in CLASS after receiving the Background Check Only Entity request:

  • enter the program information on the Operation Main page;
  • enter Return for the Action;
  • indicate in the Action Reason box that more information about the request is in a Chronology entry;
  • notify the program of CCR’s decision in writing within 21 days of receiving all the information necessary to make a decision; and
  • provide the program with the following information so the program can create an online provider account to submit background checks directly:
    • operation number created in CLASS;
    • contact email address the program provided; and 
    • the full ZIP code of the mailing address.

Background Check Only Entities remain open in CLASS so the program can submit background checks through their CCR provider portal. 


Background Check Only Entities, 2362 

10124 Receiving Form 2971 Child Care Regulation Request for Background Check

Revision 23-3; Effective Sept. 22, 2023


The chart below outlines the actions staff take when CCR receives Form 2971 Child Care Regulation Request for Background Check:

Operation TypeStaff Action When Form 2971 is Received
  • Licensed operation
  • Temporary shelter program
  • Small employer-based child care program
  • Registered child care home 

CBCU staff or monitoring staff contact the operation and provide instruction to submit the background check request through the operation’s online Child Care Regulation account.

Exception: CBCU staff initiates the background check in CLASS after receiving Form 2971 when the subject does not have any of the following types of identification:

  • Social Security number;
  • driver’s license number;
  • state-issued identification number;
  • Canadian social insurance number;
  • military identification card number;
  • passport number; or
  • permanent resident card identification number.

After initiating the background check request, upload Form 2971 to CLASS document Library from the applicable CLASS page.

  • Listed family home

First, monitoring staff scan and email Form 2971 to within three calendar days of receiving the form. 

Next, CBCU staff: 

  • verify Form 2971 is complete and signed according to 10125 Reviewing Form 2971 Child Care Regulation Request for Background Check;
  • initiate the background check request in CLASS; and
  • after initiating the background check request, upload Form 2971 to CLASS document Library from the applicable CLASS page.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library 

10125 Reviewing Form 2971 Child Care Regulation Request for Background Check

Revision 22-6; Effective Dec. 19, 2022


If an operation submits Form 2971 Child Care Regulation Request for Background Check, CBCU staff review it to ensure all of the following before initiating the background check:

  1. Form 2971 was submitted:
    • by a listed family home; or 
    • the person’s available identification meets the exception in 10124 Receiving Form 2971 Child Care Regulation Request for Background Check.
  2. The operator of the child care operation signed the form indicating that he or she has verified that the information submitted is correct.
  3. The operator of the child care operation provides the following identifying information for the background check subject:

    1. name (last, first, middle), including any maiden or married names or aliases;
    2. Social Security number (SSN) if one exists;
    3. driver’s license (DL) or a state-issued identification (SID) card number if the person has one;
    4. date of birth;
    5. sex;
    6. ethnicity and race;
    7. current and previous addresses in Texas;
    8. the city and state of each residence where the subject has lived outside the state of Texas any time during the five-year period prior to the date of the request for a background check;
    9. pone number of the subject, if available;
    10. email address for the person, if available; and
    11. role at the operation, including:
      • title and job duties;
      • whether the subject will be supervised by a caregiver counted in the child/caregiver ratio; and
      • the ages of the children the subject will be caring for.

    26 TAC Section 745.619

10130 Updates to Background Check Results

April 2022

When CBCU staff receive new or updated information for a subject’s background check, CBCU staff refer to the following to determine the subject’s eligibility:

New History Is ...Staff Follow Process in ...
Central Registry History

10210 Reviewing Results from a Central Registry Search

10220 Determining if Additional Action is Needed for Central Registry Matches

Criminal History10320 Acting on Results of a Criminal History Check

In addition, CBCU staff refer to 10130.3 Overriding Eligibility Determinations of Provisional for Certain Roles if the subject’s eligibility determination is provisional and the subject’s role is:

  • Director of an operation with a permit;
  • Owner or permit holder of an operation with a permit;
  • Adoptive Parent in a home a CPA has approved for adoption;
  • Foster Parent in a home a CPA has verified to provide foster care; or
  • Foster or Adoptive Parent in a home a CPA has verified to provide foster care and approved for adoption.

10130.1 Updates Received from Central Registry Recheck

May 2021

CLASS automatically rechecks a subject’s Central Registry background check one year after the most current background check submission. All possible results for the subject are received in CLASS as possible matches. The possible matches include both previously identified and new matches. CBCU staff review all possible results and complete eligibility determinations based on all results (See 10211 Processing Central Registry Recheck Results).

10130.2 Updates Received from Criminal History Rap Back

May 2021

CBCU staff receive updates to fingerprint-based criminal history results through the rap back process (See 10331 Acting on New and Updated Criminal History Results for additional information).

10130.3 Overriding Eligibility Determinations of Provisional for Certain Roles

Revision 23-3; Effective Sept. 22, 2023

The limitations imposed by the standard conditions for a provisional eligibility determination do not allow persons in the following roles to perform duties required by CCR statute, administrative rules and minimum standards:

  • director of an operation with a permit;
  • owner/permit holder of an operation with a permit;
  • adoptive parent in a home a CPA has approved for adoption;
  • foster parent in a home a CPA has verified to provide foster care; or
  • foster/adoptive parent in a home a CPA has verified to provide foster care and approved for adoption.

When CBCU receives new or updated results for a person who is in one of these roles and whose background check eligibility determination is provisional, CBCU overrides the eligibility determination with one of the following eligibility determinations, as outlined below:

  • if risk to children can be mitigated without CCR imposing conditions on the subject’s presence at the operation, change the eligibility determination to eligible;
  • if risk to children can only be mitigated by CCR imposing conditions on the subject’s presence, change the eligibility determination to conditional and impose conditions that are designed to protect the health and safety of children and allow the subject to perform their required duties; or
  • if risk to children cannot be mitigated by CCR imposing conditions on the subject’s presence, change the eligibility determination to ineligible.

This decision to override standard provisional conditions is temporary, and CBCU may re-evaluate the decision at any time. The final decision on the subject’s eligibility determination is pending the final outcome of the:

  • alleged crime (i.e., charges never filed, dismissal, conviction or acquittal);
  • open investigation of abuse or neglect; or
  • due process for the Central Registry result.

Until a final outcome is determined, CBCU staff review provisional eligibility determination override decisions when any of the following occur:

  • CBCU receives updates for criminal history through the subject’s rap back subscription or the subject provides additional information (see 10611 Eligibility Determination Reviews);
  • CBCU receives additional information for a Central Registry result;
  • CBCU receives updates to due process actions for Central Registry results (see 10270 Due Process Hearing Results); or
  • the operation submits a renewal background check.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations


When determining how to override the provisional eligibility determination of a person whose role is director, owner/permit holder, foster parent, adoptive parent or foster/adoptive parent, CBCU staff and a CBCU manager:

  • review all background check history, including new and updated results;
  • review the history of the subject’s association with the operation;
  • review the operation’s compliance history to determine changes needed to the background check eligibility determination;
  • consult the applicable Criminal History Requirements Chart, if the new or updated background check results are related to criminal history; and
  • consult with the CCR monitoring inspector, supervisor and program administrator, if additional information or clarification is needed about the operation or subject.

CBCU staff upload any documentation received and used to support the background check decision to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.

Documentation and Notifications

CBCU staff take the following steps:

  1. summarize the consultations, information considered and decision as comments in the Information Specific to this Result section in CLASS;
  2. process the change to the eligibility determination and any conditions as a risk evaluation decision according to 10430 Making a Risk Evaluation Decision;
  3. send revised notifications with the updated eligibility determination to the background check subject and operation; and
  4. email the CCR monitoring inspector advising of the override decision when the subject’s role is owner/permit holder or director.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
10111  Overview of CCR Staff Responsibilities Related to Background Checks

10200, Central Registry and Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Checks

Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024

Abuse or neglect history is reviewed by Centralized Background Check Unit (CBCU) staff to determine if the subject will be eligible or ineligible to be present at the operation or if any conditions are needed to protect the health and safety of children in care of an operation.


Types of Background Checks, 10112

26 TAC 745, Subchapter F, Background Checks

HRC Sections 42.044542.05642.159 and 42.206

10210 Reviewing Results from a Central Registry Search

Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024

The CBCU must conduct a Central Registry background check for each background check subject to determine if, per 26 TAC section 745.671:

  • the subject has an allegation or a designated or sustained finding of abuse or neglect that makes the subject ineligible to be present at an operation; or
  • any conditions need to be placed on the subject’s presence at the operation to protect the health or safety of children.

The Central Registry background check is conducted by an automated search of the DFPS IMPACT system, including allegations of abuse or neglect of a child in Texas.


Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool, 1427
Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files, 1430
Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files, 1431
Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library, 1432
Overview of CCR Staff Responsibilities Related to Background Checks, 10111

HRC Sections 42.044542.05642.159 and 42.206

10211 Processing Central Registry Recheck Results

Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024


When the subject has an active background check, CLASS processes a Central Registry recheck to update a subject’s Central Registry background check history. CLASS creates a Central Registry row on the subject’s Background Check Results History page for the recheck result. The recheck returns all possible matches for the subject.

When a recheck returns possible matches, CBCU staff:

  • review each possible match result;
  • determine if each possible match result is for the background check subject per 10210 Reviewing Results from a Central Registry Search; and
  • review all results received and finalize the match determination as soon as possible but by three business days of receiving the Central Registry Match, unless more time is needed to complete the actions required to finalize the match determination.

Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024

Before assessing the Central Registry match for determination of immediate threat, CBCU staff decide if more action is needed based on:

  • the destruction date;
  • findings before April 16, 1999;
  • prior due process offers; and
  • the status of the investigation or alternative response case.

10220 Determining if Additional Action is Needed for Central Registry Matches

Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024

Before assessing the Central Registry match for determination of immediate threat, CBCU staff decide if more action is needed based on:

  • the destruction date;
  • findings before April 16, 1999;
  • prior due process offers; and
  • the status of the investigation or alternative response case.

10225 Ensuring Complete Abuse or Neglect History

Revision 25-1, Effective Feb. 7, 2025

When processing abuse or neglect history, CBCU staff review all active background checks for a subject to verify that each active background check includes all abuse or neglect history.

If CBCU staff determine an active background check does not include all results, staff add any missing or new results as new abuse or neglect history.

10230 Acting on a Central Registry Background Check Match

Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024

If the background check subject has a Central Registry match, CBCU staff evaluate if conditions are needed for the subject’s presence at the operation.

CBCU staff assess the Central Registry Match by following procedures in 10231 Assessing the Abuse or Neglect Results for Determination of Immediate Threat.

If the match is for a sustained perpetrator role, CBCU staff refer to 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check results.

Central Registry Recheck: Reconsideration of an Existing Risk Evaluation Decision

If the subject has a risk evaluation for any prior matches, CBCU staff process the Central Registry recheck results per 10441.2 Reconsideration of Risk Evaluation Due to New or Updated Central Registry Results.


Assessing the Abuse or Neglect Results for Determination of Immediate Threat, 10231 
Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results, 10280 
Types of Eligibility Determinations, 10510

26 TAC Sections 745.671 and 745.751

10231 Assessing the Abuse or Neglect Results for Determination of Immediate Threat

Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024

Under certain circumstances, CBCU staff may make an ineligible determination for a match of:

  • an alleged perpetrator (AP) role before the subject becomes a designated perpetrator (DP);
  • a DP role before the subject’s due process is exhausted; or
  • other abuse or neglect history.

CBCU staff complete the assessment within 10 business days of receiving the Central Registry match or criminal history from the DPS name-based or fingerprint-based results, whichever occurs later.


26 TAC Section 745.751 

10240 Notifications and Due Process for Designated Perpetrators

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

A background check subject with a Central Registry background check match for a designated finding has the right to request a due process hearing to challenge the finding.

CBCU staff notify the background check subject of the results and offer due process for designated findings made by DFPS Child Protective Investigations (CPI) and HHSC Provider Investigations.

DFPS staff offer and process due process for DFPS Child Care Investigation (CCI) findings. CBCU staff track due process for all designated findings and document the status of due process per 10242 Documenting Due Process in CLASS.

10241 Notifying the Designated Perpetrator of the Central Registry Background Check Results and Offering Due Process

Revision 24-3; Effective Aug. 15, 2024

CBCU staff offer due process to designated perpetrators (DPs) for a Central Registry background check match resulting from DFPS Child Protective Investigations (CPI) or HHSC Provider Investigations (PI). CBCU staff offer due process by sending the Central Registry Match Letter to Perpetrator to the DP. CBCU staff make sure the Central Registry Match Letter to Perp letter includes all applicable Central Registry history.

Note: If the DP is a minor, the Central Registry Match Letter to Perp must be sent to the parent or guardian. CBCU staff follow procedures in section 10250 Responses to Due Process Offers if response is not received for the minor’s due process offer.

DFPS staff offer and complete due process for DPs with a finding resulting from DFPS Child Care Investigations (CCI).

CBCU staff are responsible for:

  • tracking due process offered by CBCU; and
  • documenting the status in CLASS.



CBCU staff review the DP’s background check history to determine if the DP has:

  • not been offered due process for each finding;
  • been offered due process previously and requested a hearing; or
  • been offered due process, but the time to request the hearing has not passed.

If the DP has not been previously offered due process for a finding resulting from an investigation conducted by DPFS CPI or HHSC PI, CBCU staff:

  • offer due process with Central Registry Match Letter to Perp;
  • summarize due process action taken in CLASS; and
  • track and document due process status.

If the DP has been offered due process but has not requested it, CBCU staff determine if the DP meets the criteria to be a sustained perpetrator per section 10222 Reviewing Prior Due Process Offers. If the DP does not meet the criteria, CBCU staff take action per the following.

CBCU Cannot Sustain the Finding BecauseTemporary Risk Evaluation EligibilityCBCU Staff
Time frame for DP to request due process has not passed.Not eligible
  • track the hearing request status; and
  • summarize the tracking in CLASS.
Hearing was requested.Eligible
  • send Match Letter-Subject and offer temporary risk evaluation per section 10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation;
  • summarize the status and action taken in CLASS; and
  • wait for notification of hearing outcome or process temporary risk evaluation.
Hearing was requested.Not Eligible
  • summarize the status and action taken in CLASS; and
  • wait for notification of hearing outcome.
Receipt of previous offer not confirmed per CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint.Not eligible
  • follow steps in the CBCU Resource Guide;
  • document actions in CLASS; and
  • track and document the due process.

Sending the Due Process Notification

CBCU staff notify the background check subject of the right to request the due process hearing by email if available, and regular and certified mail with the Central Registry Match Letter to Perp. CBCU staff send the notification per the following.

Email Address Availability for SubjectWhen to Email the NotificationWhen to Mail the Notification Via Regular and Certified Mail
  • Email address is in CLASS; or
  • CBCU staff can get an email address
Within three business days of receiving the instructions to send and track due processOn the next day the staff person is in the office.
CBCU staff cannot get an email addressNot applicable.Within three business days of receiving the instructions to send and track due process.

CBCU staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide on CCR SharePoint site for more details.


Types of Eligibility Determinations, 10510 
Types of Background Check Notifications, 10531 

26 TAC Sections 745.8837 and 745.8839

10242 Documenting Due Process in CLASS

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

When CBCU staff offer due process to a designated perpetrator (DP) per 10240 Notifications and Due Process for Designated Perpetrators, CBCU staff document and track the offer until the DP requests due process or the time frame to request is exhausted. 


When sending the notification and tracking the request for due process, CBCU staff document the following in the Information Specific to this Result section on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  • the method(s) of sending all due process notifications, including notifications that were resent;
  • any communication relating to the due process offer;
  • receipt of due process requests;
  • waiving of due process rights, either by non-response or written waiver;
  • receipt of any returned mail, including certified mail green cards; and
  • updates to the hearing request.

CBCU staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for additional details. 

10250 Response to Due Process Offers

Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024


When CBCU staff send the due process notification per 10241 Notifying the Designated Perpetrator of the Central Registry Background Check Results and Offering Due Process, they are responsible for tracking the due process offer to verify if the background check subject:

  1. waives the right to the hearing in writing;
  2. does not respond to the notification in a timely manner; or
  3. requests the hearing in a timely manner.

Designated Perpetrator (DP) Requests Due Process

When the subject, or the subject’s parent or guardian if the subject is a minor, requests due process per 5700 Due Process Hearings CBCU staff:

  • create digital files of the due process request as needed; and
  • email the request to the docket clerk for the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department per 10253 Actions Taken When a Due Process Hearing is Requested.  

DP Does Not Respond to the Due Process Offer

If the background check subject does not respond to the notification within 45 days from CBCU sending the notification, the subject becomes a sustained perpetrator (SP). After the 45 days has passed, CBCU staff sustain the finding within 10 business days. CBCU staff update IMPACT and CLASS with the SP role information.

Exception if the DP is a minor: When a DP is a minor, CBCU staff only change the DP role to an SP role when a hearing is held or waived in writing. If due process is not requested, the minor remains a DP. The CBCU will re-offer due process to the DP when the results are received in Central Registry recheck per 10211 Processing Central Registry Recheck Results or a new background check request is submitted and the DP is no longer a minor. 

DP Waives the Right to Due Process

If the background check subject waives the right to a hearing in writing, CBCU staff update IMPACT and CLASS with the SP role information within 10 business days.

DP From a DFPS Child Care Investigation (CCI)

If the background check subject is a DP resulting from a DFPS Child Care Investigation (CCI), CBCU staff refer to 10241 Notifying the Designated Perpetrator of the Central Registry Background Check Results and Offering Due Process. 

CBCU staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, on CCR SharePoint site, for more details. 


Sustained Findings in DFPS Child Protective Investigations and HHSC Provider Investigations, 10251
Actions Taken When a Due Process Hearing is Requested, 10253

10251 Sustained Findings in DFPS Child Protective Investigations and HHSC Provider Investigations

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024


Designated Perpetrator (DP) Does Not Respond to the Due Process Offer

After reviewing documentation about the tracking of due process and confirming the DP’S receipt of the notification, CBCU staff document sustaining the finding in CLASS and IMPACT as a comment in the Information Specific to this Result section in CLASS. 

If the DP match is a result of a DFPS Child Protective Investigation (CPI) or HHSC Provider Investigation (PI), and the subject does not request a due process hearing within the time frame, CBCU staff sustain the finding in IMPACT and CLASS per the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site.

The Designated Finding is Upheld

If the DP requests due process and the finding is upheld, DFPS CPI or HHSC Provider Investigations (PI) staff are notified of the due process decision. DFPS CPI or HHSC PI staff are responsible for updating the finding in IMPACT. CBCU staff verify whether the finding is sustained in IMPACT. After verifying the finding is sustained in IMPACT, CBCU staff update the finding in the background check results as a sustained finding and process the background check determination within three business days according to 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results. 

CBCU staff upload any documentation related to the hearing decision, if applicable, to CLASS Document Library.

10252 Sustaining a DFPS Child Care Investigation Finding

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024


If the finding is the result of a DPFS Child Care Investigation (CCI) investigation, CBCU staff track due process by reviewing CLASS and IMPACT and updating the progress of any due process actions on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS as long as the background check remains open. When DFPS staff sustain a finding in IMPACT CBCU staff process the SP match per 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results.

10253 Actions Taken When a Due Process Hearing is Requested

February 2021

10253.1 DFPS Child Protective Investigations or HHSC Provider Investigations

Revision 23-3; Effective Sept. 22, 2023


After receiving a request for due process from the designated perpetrator (DP) (or the DP’s parent if the DP is a minor), CBCU staff upload the digital copies of the following to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page:

  1. the hearing request;
    • the letter requesting the hearing and the envelope in which the letter was received, if applicable; or
    • the email requesting the hearing;
  2. any letters notifying the DP of the right to request a hearing;
  3. any returned mail;
  4. any certified mail green cards; and
  5. any additional documentation the background check subject provides with their request.

CBCU staff complete the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS as follows:

  1. in the Information Specific to this Result section document the request and any other needed information; and
  2. in the Due Process Section:
    • change the Release Hearing Status field from “Choose” to “Requested”; and
    • in the Release Hearing Requested Date field record:
      • the date stamp on the envelope; or
      • the date of the email or fax.

After uploading the documents, CBCU staff emails the electronic copy of the letter and the envelope in which it was received to the docket clerk for the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department. The docket clerk determines whether the request is timely and valid and notifies CBCU staff of this determination.

When the docket clerk notifies CBCU staff the request is timely and valid, CBCU staff determine if the DP is eligible for a temporary risk evaluation and apply conditions if needed, as described in 10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation and 10510.3 Eligibility Determinations Which Include Conditions.

When the docket clerk notifies CBCU staff the request is not timely or valid, CBCU staff change the designated finding to a sustained finding as described in 10251 Sustaining Findings in a DFPS Child Protective Investigations and HHSC Provider Investigations and 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library

10254 Role of the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department in Due Process Hearings and Related Actions

February 2021


The docket clerk for the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department determines whether a request for a due process hearing is timely.

The docket clerk prepares records for cases that are assigned to an Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing.

The attorney prepares and presents each case. Preparation for the hearing includes gathering and analyzing relevant evidence and identifying and preparing witnesses. Preparing may also include resolving discovery and the handling of any open records requests. Presentation at hearings includes making legal arguments and examining witnesses.

10260 Temporary Risk Evaluation for a Central Registry Match

Revision 24-4; Effective Nov. 13, 2024

CBCU staff offer a background check subject a temporary risk evaluation for a Central Registry match when:

  • the Central Registry history is eligible for a risk evaluation per 26 TAC Section 745.671(a)(7); and
  • the subject has requested a due process hearing.

CBCU staff decide if the subject is eligible to complete a temporary risk evaluation and process the temporary risk evaluation per 10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation and 10441 Risk Evaluation Reconsideration for New and Updated Background Check Results.

Exception for a Foster Home or Adoptive Home Pending Verification or Approval

Background check subjects who are foster or adoptive parents or household members at a foster home or adoptive home and verification is pending are eligible to complete a temporary risk evaluation only when:

  • DFPS has placed a child in the home;
  • DFPS plans to place a child in the home pending a background check decision; or
  • a placement of an adoptive child is pending a background check decision.

Foster and adoptive parents and household members are not eligible to complete a temporary risk evaluation if they are pending verification or approval and do not meet the criteria above.

CBCU staff may consult with CPI staff or the HHSC Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department to determine if a temporary risk evaluation is needed because of one of these exceptions.


Assessing the Risk of Abuse or Neglect Results for Determination of Immediate Threat, 10231 

Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results, 10280

26 TAC Sections 745.671 and 745.683

10270 Due Process Hearing Results

January 2022

Upon completion of the background check subject’s due process and if the subject remains affiliated with an operation, CBCU staff process the background check results according to the due process decision documented in IMPACT and CLASS.

10271 Finding is Upheld in the Due Process Hearing

Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024


If the finding is upheld, staff in the HHSC Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department take the following actions:

  1. send a copy of the due process decision, order and instructions to the appropriate HHSC or DFPS division that conducted the investigation to update the abuse or neglect finding in the Central Registry and file the decision and order in the case record;
  2. request that the role of the perpetrator be changed to a sustained perpetrator role in IMPACT;
  3. provide CBCU staff with a copy of the order; and
  4. notify CBCU staff of the due process decision and action to be taken based on the decision.

After receiving the notification, CBCU staff do the following on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Type of Abuse section, update the Perpetrator field to Sustained Perpetrator.
  2. In the Information Specific to this Result and Overall Background Check sections, document;
    • the due process decision;
    • the subject is sustained; and
    • any other relevant information.
  3. In the Due Process section, update as needed:
    • the Release Hearing Status and associated date fields; and
    • the Admin Review Status and associated date fields.
  4. Upload the SOAH status notification email to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.
  5. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

CBCU staff process the sustained Central Registry result per 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results.

10272 Finding is Overturned After a Due Process Hearing

February 2021

When an administrative law judge overturns the abuse or neglect finding after a due process hearing, CBCU staff update the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS and send notifications to the operation and the subject of the background check.


When a finding is overturned in the due process hearing, the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department staff take the following actions:

  1. send a copy of the due process decision, order and instructions to the appropriate HHSC or DFPS division that conducted the investigation to remove the abuse or neglect finding from the Central Registry and file the decision and order in the case record;
  2. request that the role of the perpetrator be changed in IMPACT, as appropriate; and
  3. notify CBCU staff of the due process decision, the order and actions to be taken in the matter.

After receiving the notification from the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department, CBCU staff do the following on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Results section, Change the “Match” to “Cleared.”
  2. In the Information Specific to This Result and Overall Background Check sections, as needed, document;
    • the SOAH decision; and
    • any other relevant information.
  3. In the Due Process section,
    • update the Admin Review Status and Release Hearing Status; and
    • the associated dates.
  4. save the page by selecting the Save button.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results

Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024


A sustained perpetrator (SP) is a person in the Central Registry who can no longer challenge a finding of child abuse or neglect because:

  1. the person waived all the person’s due process rights by:
    • not requesting an administrative review and due process hearing on a timely basis; or
    • waiving those rights in writing; or
  2. the finding was upheld after a due process hearing and any subsequent appeals.

After evaluating the destruction date and deciding the case does not meet the requirements for destruction per 10220 Determining if Additional Action is Needed for Central Registry Matches, CBCU staff determine if the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation. If the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation, CBCU staff apply conditions to the subject’s presence if needed. CBCU staff process the risk evaluation per 10400 Risk Evaluations.  

If the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation, CBCU staff do the following on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Type of Abuse section:
    • verify and, correct the information for the finding if needed;
    • select MSV-Risk Evaluation Required in the Finding Determination field; and
    • select Yes in the Can Be Present field.
  2. In the Information Specific to this Result, document:
    • the risk evaluation eligibility, presence and conditions;
    • the due date for any more information needed; and
    • any other relevant information.
  3. Select the Preview the Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
  4. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the background check type eligibility.
  5. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and the operation after the above steps are complete.

CBCU staff do the following on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS if the subject is not eligible for a risk evaluation:

  1. In the Type of Abuse section:
    • verify and correct the information for the finding if needed;
    • select MSV-Barred in the Finding Determination field; and
    • select No in the Can Be Present field.
  2. Document the Information Specific to this Result in:
    • the ineligible determination; and
    • any other relevant information.
  3. Select the Preview the Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
  4. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the background check type eligibility.
  5. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation after completing these steps.


Due Process Hearings, 5700 
Types of Eligibility Determinations, 10510
Types of Background Check Notifications, 10531

26 TAC Sections 745.671 and 745.751 

10290 Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Checks

Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024

Out-of-state abuse or neglect background checks are to determine if the background check subject has any child abuse or neglect findings in another state or U.S. territory that would make the subject ineligible to be present at an operation or provisionally eligible pending a risk evaluation request and decision. The process for obtaining results varies by state or U.S. territory.

The background check subject’s eligibility determination becomes provisional when all other background check types are eligible or provisional and out-of-state background check request types are pending. 

The subject communicates with CBCU to complete out-of-state background check requests. CBCU staff document communication with the subject and other state agencies in the Information Specific to this Result section of the applicable Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results page in CLASS. 

Out-of-state abuse or neglect check results are valid for five years from the Date Submitted field for the first background check that included the state on the subject’s background checks. The results automatically copy into additional background checks until the results expire. If the out-of-state check is required after that time: 

  • the out-of-state background check is resubmitted;
  • the background check subject re-requests the search; and
  • CBCU staff follow 10291 Requesting Out-of-Sate Abuse and Neglect History Searches.

CBCU staff close a background check as noncompliant if the subject has not initiated out-of-state background checks on or before 45 days from the background check submission date (10510.41 Determination of Ineligible Due to Noncompliant Background Checks).

26 TAC Section 745.613

10291 Requesting Out-Of-State Abuse and Neglect History Searches

Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024


If an out-of-state abuse or neglect background check is required, within 45 days from the submission date of the background check, the subject of the background check:

After the subject has requested the CBCU initiate the out-of-state search, CBCU staff:

  • follow instructions to submit the request, as outlined in the CBCU Internal Out-of-State Resource Guide, available on the CCR SharePoint site; and
  • work with the subject, operation, and the out-of-state agency, as needed, to get the results.

10292 Evaluating Results from Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect History Searches

Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024


CBCU staff receive out-of-state abuse and neglect background check results from the applicable state agency, the subject or the operation. Within 10 business days, CBCU staff review the results to determine if the results meet the following requirements:

  1. the documents have at least one of the following:
    • an official seal;
    • on letterhead from the providing agency, court or other official entity; or
    • details indicating that the search was completed by the appropriate state repository;
  2. the name of the state searched is included;
  3. the names and identifying information used to complete the search are included and are the same as information submitted for subject of the background check request; and
  4. the completion date of the search is no older than the following, unless a CBCU manager has approved an exception:
    • six months before the Date Submitted for the background check, if the subject of the background check currently lives in Texas; or
    • 45 days before the Date Submitted for the background check, if the subject of the background check currently lives in the state searched.

If the results do not meet the requirements, they are rejected.

If the results meet the requirements, they are accepted.

CBCU staff upload electronic versions of any documents that support the background check decision to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page and follow the applicable procedures in:

  • 10373 Rejecting Out-of-State Criminal History Results; or
  • 10374 Acting on Accepted Out-Of-State Criminal History Results.


1427 Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430 Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431 Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432 Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library

10293 Rejecting Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results

Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024


When CBCU staff reject out-of-state abuse and neglect search results, CBCU staff communicate with the subject by email or phone and provide the reason(s) for the rejection.

Next, CBCU staff document the following on the correct state’s Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results page in CLASS in the Information Specific to This Result section:

  • the information received;
  • the reason for the rejection; and
  • communication with the subject. 

10294 Acting on Accepted Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Results

Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024

After receiving the results, CBCU staff document and process the results to make an eligibility determination of eligible, ineligible or provisionally eligible, as appropriate.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

26 TAC Section 745.613

10294.1 Background Check Subject Has an Out-of-State Abuse or Neglect Registry Match

Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024


CBCU staff may consult with an Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing as needed to determine if the subject is ineligible or provisionally eligible to be present because of an out-of-state abuse or neglect registry match.

Based on the information in the results and any legal guidance from the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department, CBCU staff determine if the subject is eligible, ineligible, or eligible for a risk evaluation. If the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation, staff follow the procedure in 10400 Risk Evaluations.

CBCU staff document out-of-state abuse and neglect history and send notifications to the subject and operation, as applicable, within three business days of receiving the accepted results. If a consultation is needed, CBCU staff send the notification within two business days of completing the consultation.

If the search for a requested state does not include abuse or neglect history, staff follow the procedures in 10294.2 Background Check Subject Does Not Have an Out-Of-State Abuse or Neglect Registry Match.

Documenting Results

On the correct state’s Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results page in CLASS, CBCU staff do the following:

  1. In the Results section:
    • change the Status field to Match; and
    • enter the date the result was received into the Date Received field.
  2. In the Abuse/Neglect Findings section, create a row for each finding with the correct selections.
  3. In the Information Specific to this Result section document:
    • the decision for each finding included in the results rows;
    • the determination of the out-of-state history, the subject’s ability to be present at the operation, and any conditions based on the determination;
    • any consultation with the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department;
    • any action required by the subject and operation and the due date provided in the notification; and
    • a summary of any other relevant information.
  4. Select the Preview Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
  5. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the eligibility determination.
  6. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation, after the above steps are complete.

CBCU staff upload electronic copies of the out-of-state records search to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for more details.


After completing the above steps for each out-of-state background check requested that includes abuse or neglect history, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to:

  • the subject (10540 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check); and
  • the operation (10533 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation and 10533.1 Additional Information Sent to a Child-Placing Agency).

Staff ensure manual notifications:

  • include all applicable out-of-state abuse or neglect results; and
  • provide a due date for risk evaluation or other information needed.


1427 Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430 Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431 Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432 Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library 
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10294.2 Background Check Subject Does Not Have an Out-of-State Abuse or Neglect Registry Match

Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024


Within two business days of receiving an out-of-state result and determining the subject does not have abuse or neglect history in the state, CBCU staff update that state’s Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect History Background Check Results page in CLASS.

On the correct state’s Out of State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results page in CLASS, CBCU staff take the following steps:

  1. In the Results section:
    • change the Status field to cleared; and
    • enter the date the result was received into the Date Received field in the Results section.
  2. In the Information Specific to This Result section, document;
    • a summary of the information received;
    • any consultation with the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department;
    • a summary of any information used in the evaluation from prior background checks; and
    • a summary of any other relevant information.
  3. Saves the page by selecting the Save button.

After completing the above steps for each requested state that does not have abuse or neglect history, and if there are no other background check results that have a match, CLASS sends the eligible notification to the background check subject and the operation.  If a risk evaluation is required for any other background check type and all out-of-state background checks are completed, CBCU staff process a risk evaluation according to 10400 Risk Evaluation.

If the search for a requested state includes abuse or neglect history, CBCU staff follow the procedures in 10294 Acting on Accepted Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Results.

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for more details.


1427 Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430 Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431 Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432 Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library 
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10300, Criminal History Background Checks

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

The criminal history background checks are to determine if the background check subject has a criminal history or sex offender registry result that would make the subject ineligible to be present at an operation or require conditions on the subject’s presence at the operation to protect the health or safety of children, per the Criminal History Requirement Charts.

The criminal history background checks are conducted by CBCU staff evaluating results received from state and federal law enforcement repositories.


10112 Types of Background Checks 
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations

26 TAC Chapter 745, Subchapter F, Background Checks 

HRC Sections 42.056, 42.159, 42.206

10310 Types of Criminal History Background Checks Required

Revision 22-6; Effective Dec. 19, 2022

Determining if a Subject Requires a Texas Name-Based Check or Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Check

Each subject required to have a background check must have either a fingerprint-based criminal history check or a name-based criminal history check based upon the subject’s role at the operation, as outlined in the chart below:

Type of Operation or PermitRole at OperationType of Criminal History Background Check
  • Licensed operations
  • Certified operations
  • Verified agency foster homes
  • Approved adoptive homes
  • Registered child care homes
  • Listed family homes that provide care to unrelated children
  • Temporary shelter programs
  • Small employer-based child care programs
All roles except supervised regular or frequent visitorsFingerprint-based check
  • Licensed operations
  • Certified operations
  • Verified agency foster homes
  • Approved adoptive homes
  • Registered child care homes
  • Listed family homes that provide care to unrelated children
  • Temporary shelter programs
  • Small employer-based child care programs
Supervised regular or frequent visitors

Name-based check unless the subject requires a fingerprint-based check because the subject:

  1. has resided outside of Texas during the five years prior to the request; or
  2. is suspected of having criminal history in another state.
  • Listed family homes that provide care only to related children
All roles

Name-based check unless the subject requires a fingerprint-based check because the subject:

  1. has resided outside of Texas during the five years prior to the request; or
  2. is suspected of having criminal history in another state.
  • All operation types
A subject who is present at the operation only to observe or complete a skills practicum as part of a college or high school course requirement and is supervised by a qualified caregiver at all times.Name-based check
  • Licensed Child Care administrators
  • Licensed Child-Placing Agency administrators
N/AFingerprint-based check

Determining if a Subject Requires an Out-Of-State Criminal History Check

If the subject lives outside of Texas or has lived outside of Texas in the past five years, an out-of-state criminal history check is required for each state the subject has resided in during the previous five years. (See: 10370 Out-of-State Criminal History Background Checks.)

If the subject lives outside of Texas, see 10113.1 When an Out-of-State Criminal History Check Must be Fingerprint Based to determine if the subject must complete an additional fingerprint-based criminal history check in their state of residency, in addition to completing their fingerprint check in Texas.

26 TAC Sections 745.611, 745.615


10112 Types of Background Checks 
10121 Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks

10311 When a Background Check Subject Must Submit Fingerprints for a Criminal History Background Check

January 2021

All subjects who require a fingerprint-based criminal history check complete the fingerprint check in Texas. A subject is required to submit new fingerprints only if a previously completed a fingerprint-based criminal history check becomes invalid for CCR. A fingerprint-based criminal history check remains valid if CCR has an active subscription or can reactivate a subscription to the FBI’s National Rap Back service for the subject.

26 TAC §745.625

10112 Types of Background Checks 
10121 Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks

10320 Acting on the Results of a Criminal History Check

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


If there are no criminal history matches identified for the background check subject, CLASS marks the result for the applicable background check type as “Cleared” and the background check type eligibility is “eligible.”

If a criminal history match(es) exists, the CBCU inspector assigned to the operation receives a To Do in CLASS indicating a match has been found. Within three business days of receiving the result, CBCU staff process the result(s) and send notifications:

  1. to the subject according to 10540 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check; and
  2. to the operation according to:
    • 10533 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation; and
    • 10533.1 Additional Information Sent to a Child-Placing Agency.

If additional information, such as court documentation or a risk evaluation is needed, CBCU staff process the criminal history information until a determination of “eligible,” “ineligible” or “conditionally eligible” is reached (10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations) or the background check is closed.

A background check is closed when:

  • CBCU determines completion of the check is overdue; or
  • the subject’s employment status is changed to inactive, indicating the subject is no longer affiliated with the operation.

If the subject’s employment status is changed to inactive, indicating the subject is no longer affiliated with the operation, CBCU staff stop processing the match.

Sex Offender Registry Results Received with Texas Name Based or Fingerprint Results

Texas name based and FBI fingerprint results include persons listed on the Texas and the national sex offender registries. CBCU staff process registered sex offender results received in the Texas name-based results or the fingerprint results as criminal history as described in 10380 Sex Offender Registry Check Results.

A background check subject who is registered or required to register as a sex offender in Texas or any other state or U.S. territory may not be present at an operation while children are in care.

10322 Documenting the Criminal History Results 
10323 Processing Court Documents 
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10520 Employment Status 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications 
10720 Inactivating a Subject’s Role or Employment

26 TAC Section 745.629; 745.669 

10321 Determining Appropriate Actions Based on Criminal History

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


When notified that a background check subject has criminal history, CBCU staff use the Criminal History Requirements Charts to determine if the criminal history makes the subject:

  1. eligible to be present at the operation without a risk evaluation;
  2. ineligible to be present at the operation; or
  3. eligible for a risk evaluation.

If eligible for a risk evaluation, CBCU staff also determine if the subject can be present at the operation pending the completion of the risk evaluation.

CBCU staff may place conditions on a subject’s presence to protect the health or safety of children, if needed.

CBCU staff provide a due date for any additional information needed in the Match Letter-Subject.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations

26 TAC Section 745.661

10322 Documenting the Criminal History Results

August 2021


CBCU staff document the results of criminal history checks in the following pages in CLASS:

Type of Criminal History Check is …CLASS Page on Which Results are Documented
Texas name-based criminal history check, which includes the Texas sex offender registry results,Texas Name-Based Criminal History Background Check Results.
Fingerprint-based criminal history check, which includes the National Sex Offender Registry results associated with a subject's fingerprints,Fingerprint Background Check Results.
Out-of-state criminal history check,Out-of-State Criminal History Background Check Results.
Out-of-state sex offender registry check,Out-of-State Sex Offender Registry Background Check Results.

10322.1 Documenting Results and Making the Background Check Type Eligibility Determination

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


On the applicable background check results page in CLASS, CBCU staff do the following:

  1. In the Criminal Charges section:
    • ensure each arrest is included as a row;
    • add or edit each result; and
    • make the appropriate Arrest Determination and Can be Present selections for each row in the Criminal Charges section according to the applicable Criminal History Requirements Charts.
  2. In the Information Specific to the Result section, document:
    • the decision for each charge;
    • the determination of the criminal history result and the subject’s eligibility to be present at the operation based on the determination;
    • any action required by the subject and operation and the due date provided in the notification;
    • a summary of any information used in the evaluation from prior background checks; and
    • a summary of any other relevant information.
  3. Select the Preview Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
  4. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the background check type eligibility.
  5. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to:

  • the subject (10540 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check); and 
  • the operation (10533 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation and 10533.1 Additional Information Sent to a Child-Placing Agency). 

Staff ensure manual notifications:

  • include all applicable criminal history results;
  • include criminal history results edited to provide relevant details of the offense(s) and outcome(s); and
  • provide a due date for required documentation, if applicable.

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for additional details.


10323 Processing Court Documents 
10412 Notifying a Subject Who is Eligible for a Risk Evaluation 
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10323 Processing Court Documents

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023

If a subject’s background check has incomplete criminal history results, CBCU staff give the subject the opportunity to provide court documentation to address the results.


Within three business days of receiving the court documentation from the subject, CBCU staff verify the validity and completeness of the court documents and update the criminal history by completing the steps in 10322 Documenting the Criminal History Results.

CBCU staff upload electronic copies of the court document(s) to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.

If the court documentation results in a change in the eligibility determination, the subject and the operation are sent updated eligibility notifications.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
10510  Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531  Types of Background Check Notifications 

26 TAC Sections 745.639; 745.645

10324 Processing Warrants

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024


If a subject’s background check results indicate the subject has an outstanding arrest warrant, CBCU staff determine if the information available in the result would be considered a minimum standards violation based on the Criminal History Requirements Charts. If needed, additional information is requested to address the result. 

A temporary risk evaluation is not completed due to an active warrant.

When documenting warrant results and information received from the subject, CBCU staff update the criminal history. Staff then send notifications to the subject and operation by completing the steps in 10322 Documenting the Criminal History.

CBCU staff upload electronic copies of the court document(s) to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
10510  Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531  Types of Background Check Notifications 

10330 Receiving New and Updated Criminal History Results

February 2021

CCR may receive new and updated criminal history information from an operation, from a monitoring inspector or through the Texas or National Rap Back programs.

When a subject has valid fingerprints on file with CCR, the subject is enrolled in Texas and National Rap Back programs. These programs allow CCR to automatically receive new Texas or national criminal history for the subject (a rap back result).


If a CCR monitoring inspector receives information from an operation that a background check subject associated with the operation has either been arrested, indicted or is the subject of an official criminal complaint accepted by a county or district attorney, the CCR monitoring inspector immediately reports this information to the CBCU inspector assigned to the operation. The CBCU inspector adds the new information as a new criminal history result on the subject’s appropriate background check results page.

When new information is returned electronically to CLASS through the Texas or National Rap Back programs, a Rap Back Match Found TODO is created on the assigned CBCU Inspector’s workload in CLASS.

26 TAC §§744.305(a)(4); 745.631; 745.665; 745.667; 746.305(a)(4); 747.303(a)(4); 748.303(d)(6); 749.503(d)(6)

10330.1 Ensuring Complete Criminal History Results

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


When processing a criminal history result, CBCU staff verify that the criminal history background check results include all arrests and charges.

If CBCU staff determine that CLASS did not populate all arrests and charges into the subject’s history, CBCU staff add any missing results according to the CBCU Resource Guide available on the CCR SharePoint site.

10331 Acting on New and Updated Criminal History Results

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


When CBCU staff receive criminal history information indicating that a subject associated with the operation has either been arrested, indicted or is the subject of an official criminal complaint accepted by a county or district attorney, CBCU staff use the appropriate Criminal History Requirements Chart and determine whether a conviction for the new or updated offense would make the subject:

  1. eligible to be present at the operation;
  2. ineligible to be present at the operation;
  3. eligible to be present with conditions pending for a temporary risk evaluation decision; or
  4. eligible to be present with conditions pending the disposition of the criminal charge.

CBCU staff may also consult with an Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing to determine if the new or updated information causes the subject’s presence to pose an immediate threat to the health or safety of children.

CBCU staff process new or updated results according to 10320 Acting on the Results of a Criminal History Check and 10321 Determining Appropriate Actions Based on Criminal History.

10331.1 Temporary Risk Evaluation for Criminal History Pending a Final Disposition

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023

CBCU staff offer a background check subject a temporary risk evaluation when:

  • the subject’s eligibility is provisional;
  • the criminal history is eligible for a risk evaluation according to the appropriate Criminal History Requirements Chart; and
  • the criminal history does not have a final disposition.

CBCU staff evaluate eligibility for a temporary risk evaluation and process the temporary risk evaluation according to 10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation and 10441 Risk Evaluation Reconsideration for New and Updated Background Check Results.

26 TAC Sections 745.661, 745.683

Exception for an Unverified Foster Home or Unapproved Adoptive Home

Background check subjects who are foster or adoptive parents or household members at an unverified foster home or unapproved adoptive home are eligible for a temporary risk evaluation only when:

  • DFPS has placed a child in the home;
  • DFPS plans to place a child in the home pending a background check decision; or
  • an adoption is pending a background check decision.

CBCU staff may consult with CPI staff or the HHSC Child Care Licensing Legal Department to determine if a temporary risk evaluation is needed because DFPS has placed or plans to place a child in the home or an adoption is pending a background check decision.

10331.2 Reconsideration of an Existing Risk Evaluation Decision

January 2022

If the subject has a risk evaluation for any prior matches, CBCU staff process the new criminal history results according to 10441 Risk Evaluation Reconsideration for New and Updated Background Check Results.

26 TAC §§744.305(a)(4); 745.631; 745.665; 745.667; 746.305(a)(4); 747.303(a)(4); 748.303(d)(6); 749.503(d)(6)


10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation 
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10520 Employment Status 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10340 Handling Juvenile Offenses

February 2021


All juvenile history is marked as “Juvenile Offense” on the applicable background check results page unless CBCU staff and an Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing determine additional action is appropriate based on the threat associated with the subject’s presence at the operation.

10340.1 Determining a Subject’s Presence Poses an Immediate Threat Based on Juvenile History

February 2021


CBCU staff consult with a CBCU manager and the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department when determining whether the subject’s presence presents an immediate threat to the health or safety of children after considering the following:

  • whether the offense would result in an “ineligible” or “provisionally eligible” determination if it were an adult criminal charge or conviction;
  • the length of time since the offense occurred; and
  • the status of the disposition hearing for the offense (adjudicated, pending, supervisory caution, dismissed, etc.).

To make the determination, CBCU staff may conduct research to verify that the offense is a juvenile offense and to confirm the status, if the information is not provided in the background check results.

10340.2 Possible Actions for Juvenile Offenses

Revision 23-3; Effective Sept. 22, 2023


An Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing determines whether the offense(s):

  • should result in an ineligible determination based on a determination of an immediate threat to the health or safety of children;
  • should be released to the child-placing agency (CPA) for informational purposes (only for subjects associated with foster or adoptive homes); or
  • may not be released to any operation.

CBCU staff save copies of emails and documentation of the consultation to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library 

10340.21 Actions for Determination of Immediate Threat for Juvenile Offense

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

If the subject’s presence is determined to present an immediate threat to the health or safety of children because of the juvenile history, CBCU staff do the following on the applicable criminal history results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Abuse/Neglect Findings section, on the row(s) for the juvenile result(s):
    • select “MSV – Barred” in the Arrest Determination field; and
    • verify Can Be Present selection populates to “No.”
  2. In the Information Specific to this Result section, document:
    • a summary of the consultation and decision with the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department; and
    • any other relevant information.
  3. Select the Preview Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
  4. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the eligibility determination.
  5. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

If the subject’s presence is determined to present an immediate threat to the health or safety of children, CBCU staff follow the process in 5611 Explaining the Right to an Administrative Review and send a letter notifying the subject of the following:

  • the determination of immediate threat to the health or safety of children;
  • the information that was released to the operation;
  • the subject’s right to request an administrative review; and
  • how to request an administrative review.

If the subject’s presence was determined to present an immediate threat to the health or safety of children, CBCU staff send an ineligible determination notification to the operation. If the background check was submitted for a foster or adoptive parent or household member, CBCU staff also provide the “Background Check Match Letter” to the CPA as described in 10533.1 Additional Information Sent to a Child-Placing Agency.

Administrative Review Following an Approved Determination of Immediate Threat Based on a Juvenile Adjudication

When the CBCU determines that the subject’s presence presents an immediate threat to the health or safety of children based on a juvenile adjudication that the CBCU received with the subject’s criminal history, CBCU staff follow the process in 5611 Explaining the Right to an Administrative Review and send a letter notifying the subject of the following:

  • the determination of immediate threat to the health or safety of children;
  • the information that was released to the operation;
  • the subject’s right to request an administrative review; and
  • how to request an administrative review.

Exception: If the background check subject is a minor, the CBCU notifies the subject’s parent or guardian of the determination and explains the administrative review process. The parent or guardian can request the administrative review for the minor.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10340.22 Actions for Determining the Subject’s Presence Does Not Pose an Immediate Threat for Juvenile Offense

February 2021

If the subject’s presence was determined not to present an immediate threat to the health or safety of children and will not be released for informational purposes, CBCU staff do the following on the applicable Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Abuse/Neglect Findings section, on the row(s) for the juvenile result(s):
    • select “Not a Minimum Standards Violation” in the Arrest Determination field; and
    • verify Can Be Present field populates to “Yes.”
  2. In the Information Specific to this Result section, document:
    • the decision relating to the release of the juvenile history;
    • a summary of any consultation and decision with the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department; and
    • any other relevant information.
  3. Select the Preview Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
  4. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the eligibility determination.
  5. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation.

Additional Consideration for a CPA

When an Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing determines the juvenile history should be released to a CPA for informational purposes only, CBCU staff send the “Match Letter – Subject” to the subject (See: 10540 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check) and the “Background Check Match Letter” to the operation. (See: 10533 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation and 10533.1 Additional Information Sent to a Child-Placing Agency.)

40 TAC Chapter 745, Subchapter M, Division 1 Administrative Reviews; Chapter 745, Subchapter M Division 2 Due Process Hearings; 26 TAC §745.601(4)


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10350 Criminal Offenses that Result in Deferred Adjudication Community Supervision

April 2022

CBCU staff consider a criminal offense that results in deferred adjudication community supervision as a criminal conviction as follows:

If …Then, deferred adjudication community supervision for an offense is considered …
CCR is not in the process of issuing, denying or revoking the person’s permit or administrator's license,a criminal conviction until the person successfully completes the terms of community supervision. Proof that a person has successfully completed the terms of community supervision is an order from the court that dismisses the proceedings and discharges the person.
CCR is in the process of issuing, denying or revoking the person’s permit or administrator's license,a criminal conviction with respect to CCR's decision to issue, deny or revoke the permit or license. It does not matter if the person has successfully completed the terms of community supervision and the court has dismissed the proceedings and discharged the person.

26 TAC Section 745.663


3213 Topics Covered and Forms Provided During the Pre-Application Interview 
3213.3 Background Check Responsibilities 
3312 Evaluating Background Checks 
3400 Issuance of a Permit 
3900 Permit Renewal 
9500 Issuing a Child Care Administrator’s License 
9600 Renewing an Administrator’s License 
9640 Background Checks for an Administrator’s License 
9700 Remedial Action on an Administrator’s License

10360 Criminal History Matches for Licensed Administrators

April 2022

In addition to the offenses identified on the Licensed or Certified Child Care Operation: Criminal History Requirements chart and 10350 Criminal Offenses that Result in Deferred Adjudication Community Supervision, the CBCU evaluates a licensed administrator’s criminal history matches for offenses related to financial crimes, including the following Penal Code offenses:

  1. Title 7 Offenses Against Property;
  2. Title 8 Offenses Against Administration; and
  3. Title 11 Organized Crime.


If CBCU staff determine that the administrator is ineligible to be an administrator or requires a risk evaluation, CBCU staff notify the CCR program specialist responsible for the administrator licensing program, so that enforcement action may be taken against the administrator’s license.

26 TAC §745.775


9640 Background Checks for an Administrator’s License 
9700 Remedial Action on an Administrator’s License

10370 Out-of-State Criminal History Background Checks

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

The out-of-state criminal history background checks are to determine if the background check subject has criminal history in another state or U.S. territory that would make the subject ineligible to be present at an operation or provisionally eligible pending a risk evaluation request and decision. The process for getting out-of-state criminal history results varies by state or U.S. territory.

The background check subject’s eligibility determination becomes provisional when all other background check types are eligible and out-of-state background check request types are pending.

The subject communicates with CBCU to complete out-of-state background check requests. CBCU staff document communication with the subject and other state agencies in the Information Specific to this Result section of the applicable Out-of-State Criminal History Background Check Results page in CLASS.

Out-of-state criminal history check results are valid for five years from the Date Submitted field for the first background check that included the state on the subject’s background checks. The results automatically copy into additional background checks until the results expire. If the out-of-state check is required after that time, the background check subject re-requests the search and CBCU staff follow 10371 Requesting Out-of-Sate Criminal History Searches.

CBCU staff close a background check as noncompliant if out-of-state background checks have not been initiated by the subject of the background check on or before 45 days from the background check submission date (10510.41 Determination of Ineligible Due to Noncompliant Background Checks).

Reference: 10113 When Out-of-State Background Checks are Required

26 TAC Section 745.613 

10371 Requesting Out-of-State Criminal History Searches

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


When an out-of-state background check is required, within 45 days from the submission date of the background check, the subject of the background check:

After the subject has requested CBCU staff initiate the out-of-state search, CBCU staff:

  • follow instructions for submitting the request, as outlined in the CBCU Internal Out-of-State Resource Guide, available on the CCR SharePoint site; and
  • work with the subject, the operation and the out-of-state agency, as needed, to obtain the results.

10371.1 States Participating in the National Fingerprint File Program

February 2021

Certain states participate in the National Fingerprint File (NFF) program. Results for NFF-participating states are received in the subject’s FBI results and, therefore, do not require an additional search of the state’s criminal records.

If the subject of the background check needs an out-of-state background check from an NFF-participating state, an out-of-state check is not required for that state and CBCU staff process the results according to 10320 Acting on the Results of a Criminal History Check.

26 TAC §745.613

10372 Evaluating Results from Out-of-State Criminal History Searches

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


CBCU staff receive out-of-state criminal history background check results from the applicable state agency, the subject or the operation. Within 10 business days, CBCU staff review the results to determine whether the results meet the following requirements:

  1. documents have at least one of the following:
    • an official seal;
    • on letterhead from the providing agency, court or other official entity; or
    • details indicating that the search was completed by the appropriate state repository;
  2. the name of state searched is included;
  3. the names and identifying information used to complete the search are included and are the same as information submitted for the subject in the background check request; and
  4. the completion date of the search is no older than the following, unless a CBCU manager has approved an exception:
    • six months prior to the Date Submitted for the background check if the subject of the background check currently lives in Texas.
    • 45 days prior to the Date Submitted for the background check if the subject of the background check currently lives in the state searched.

If the results do not meet the requirements, they are considered rejected. 

If the results do meet the requirements, they are considered accepted. 

CBCU staff upload electronic copies of the document(s) to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page and follow the applicable procedures in:

  • 10373 Rejecting Out-of-State Criminal History Results or
  • 10374 Acting on Accepted Out-Of-State Criminal History Results.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library 

10373 Rejecting Out-of-State Criminal History Background Check Results

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


When the CBCU rejects out-of-state criminal background check history results, CBCU staff communicate with the subject by either email or phone and provide the reason(s) for the rejection.

Next, CBCU staff document the following on the correct state’s Out-of-State Criminal History Background Check Results page in CLASS in the Information Specific to This Result section:

  • the information received;
  • the reason for the rejection; and
  • communication with the subject.

10374 Acting on Accepted Out-of-State Criminal History Results

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023

After receiving the results, CBCU staff document and process the results to make an eligibility determination of “eligible,” “ineligible” or “provisionally eligible,” as appropriate.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

26 TAC Section 745.613

10374.1 Subject Has Out-of-State Criminal History

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


CBCU staff may consult with an Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing   if the subject of the background check has an out-of-state criminal history result and clarification is needed to determine the appropriate action based on the Criminal History Requirements Charts.

Based on the information in the results and any legal guidance from the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department, CBCU staff determine if the subject is eligible, ineligible or eligible for a risk evaluation. If the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation, staff follow the procedure in 10400 Risk Evaluations.

CBCU staff document out-of-state criminal history and send notifications to the subject and operation, as applicable, within three business days of receiving the accepted results. If a consultation is needed, CBCU staff send the notification within two business days of completing the consultation.

If the search for a requested state does not include criminal history, staff follow the procedures in 10374.2 Subject Does Not Have Out-of-State Criminal History.

Documenting Results

On the correct state’s Out-of-State Criminal History Background Check Results page in CLASS, CBCU staff do the following:

  1. In the Results section:
    • change the Status field to “Match”;
    • enter the date the result was received into the Date Received field; and
    • enter the results in the Report Details text box.
  2. In the Criminal Charges section:
    • create a row for each charge; and
    • complete the Arrest Determination field and Can Be Present field button for each results row.
  3. In the Information Specific to This Result section, document:
    • the decision for each charge included in the results rows;
    • the determination of the out-of-state history and the subject’s ability to be present at the operation based on the determination;
    • any consultation with the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department;
    • any action required by the subject and operation and the due date provided in the notification;
    • a summary of any information used in the evaluation from prior background checks; and
    • a summary of any other relevant information.
  4. Select the Preview Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections populate correctly based on all results. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
  5. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the eligibility determination.
  6. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

CBCU staff upload electronic copies of the out-of-state records search to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for additional details.


After completing the above steps for each out-of-state background check requested that includes criminal history, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to:

  • the subject (10540 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check) and 
  • the operation (10533 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation and 10533.1 Additional Information Sent to a Child-Placing Agency). 

Staff ensure manual notifications:

  • include all applicable criminal history results;
  • include criminal history results edited to provide relevant details of the offense(s) and outcome(s); and
  • provide a due date for risk evaluation or other information needed.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
10510  Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531  Types of Background Check Notifications 

10374.2 Subject Does Not Have Out-of-State Criminal History

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


Within two business days of receiving an out-of-state result and determining the subject does not have criminal history in the state, CBCU staff update that state’s Out-of-State Criminal History Background Check Results page in CLASS.

On the correct state’s Out-of-State Criminal History Background Check Results page in CLASS, CBCU staff take the following steps: 

  1. In the Results section:
    • change the Status field to “Cleared”; and
    • enter the date the result was received into the Date Received field.
  2. In the Information Specific to This Result section, document:
    • a summary of the documentation;
    • any consultation with the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department; 
    • a summary of any information used in the evaluation from prior background checks; and
    • a summary of any other relevant information.
  3. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

After completing the above steps for each requested state that does not have criminal history, and there are no other background check results that have a match, CLASS sends the eligible notification to the background check subject and the operation.  

If the search for a requested state includes criminal history, CBCU staff follow the procedures in 10374.1 Subject Has Out-of-State Criminal History.

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for additional details.


1427  Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430  Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431  Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432  Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
10510  Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531  Types of Background Check Notifications 

10380 Sex Offender Registry Check Results

August 2021

A background check subject who is registered or required to register as a sex offender in Texas or any other state or U.S. territory may not be present at an operation while children are in care.


The registered sex offender background check types are summarized in the table below:

Registered Sex Offender Background Check TypeSex Offender RegistryHow Results are Received in CLASSResults Page in CLASS
Texas Name-basedTexas Sex Offender RegistryTexas Name-based Criminal History Check batch processTexas Name-Based Criminal History Background Check Results
FBI fingerprint-based background checkFingerprint-based National Sex Offender RegistryFBI Criminal History Check batch processFingerprint Background Check Results
Out-of-state background check for each state included in the subject’s background check requestOut-of-State Sex Offender RegistryCBCU staff search each required state’s sex offender registryOut-of-State Sex Offender Registry Background Check Results
National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) background checkNSORNSOR background check batch processNational Sex Offender Registry Background Check Results

26 TAC §745.669

10381 Texas Sex Offender and National Sex Offender Registry Results

August 2021


Texas name-based and FBI fingerprint results include persons listed on the Texas and national sex offender registries, as described in 10322 Documenting the Criminal History Results.

The National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) check includes results from a name-based search for persons listed on the NSOR.

10381.1 Processing Matches for Texas Name-Based Sex Offender and Fingerprint Sex Offender Results

August 2021

CBCU staff process sex offender registry results received from Texas name-based and FBI fingerprint results on the Fingerprint Background Check Results or Texas Name-Based Criminal History Background Check Results page, as appropriate. CBCU staff do the following on the applicable background check results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Criminal Charges section:
    • create a row for the result, if needed;
    • select “Other Criminal Offense” in the Criminal Charge field;
    • enter “Registered Sex Offender” in the If Other, Please Specify field;
    • complete the Disposition and Arrest Date fields with the correct information;
    • select “MSV-Barred” in the Arrest Determination field; and
    • Can Be Present field, verify “No” is automatically selected.
  2. In the Information Specific to This Result section, document:
    • a summary of the result;
    • a statement the subject cannot be present; and
    • any other relevant information.
  3. Select the Preview Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections populate correctly based on all results. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
  4. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the eligibility determination.
  5. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10381.2 Processing Possible Matches for Name-Based National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) Search

August 2021

The National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) background check provides results from a name-based search of the NSOR. CLASS receives the possible results from an automated search.


Reviewing Results from an NSOR Search

CBCU staff receive notification of a possible NSOR match from an automated name-based search of the NSOR database that contains all possible matches for the subject.

If there are no potential matches, the status of the NSOR check result is automatically set to “Cleared” in CLASS.

If there are possible matches, CBCU staff determine whether the person listed in the search result is the same person as the subject of the background check by comparing the information in each possible NSOR match to the following information:

  1. any name (including alternate names and versions of the subject’s name);
  2. any possible Social Security numbers (SSNs);
  3. any possible date of birth (DOB); and
  4. other identifiers or personal information, if needed.

Next, CBCU staff select the appropriate radio button and staff document each possible match result and complete the next step to take with each match as outlined in the chart below:

The Possible Match isWhat to Select on the NSOR Possible Match Results Page in CLASSResulting Status in the Result Section of the NSOR Background Check Results Page in CLASSNext Step
The same person as the subject of the background check,AcceptMatchCBCU staff process the NSOR match, according to 10381.3 Processing Matches from an NSOR Search.
A different person from the subject of the background check,RejectClearedCBCU staff have finished processing the possible NSOR match.
Unclear because there is not enough information to determine whether the person listed in the search results is the same person as the subject of the background check,UndeterminedPossible Match

CBCU staff:

  • conduct additional research until a match can be determined or ruled out; and
  • update the Results section of the NSOR Background Check Results page to “Match” or “Cleared” based on the final determination.

10381.3 Processing Matches from an NSOR Result

August 2021


Active Registered Sex Offender

If, according to the name-based NSOR result, CBCU staff determine that the person is actively registered as a sex offender, CBCU staff do the following on the NSOR Results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Information Specific to this Result section, document information about the match.
  2. In the Match Determination field, select “MSV-Barred”;
  3. In the Can Be Present field, verify “No” is automatically selected; and
  4. Select the Save button to save the page and complete the eligibility determination.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and the operation.

Inactive Registered Sex Offender

If, according to the name-based NSOR result, CBCU staff determine that the person is not actively registered as a sex offender, CBCU staff do the following on the NSOR Results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Information Specific to this Result section, document information about the match.
  2. In the Match Determination field, select “Not an Minimum Standards Violation”;
  3. In the Can Be Present field, verify “Yes” is automatically selected; and
  4. Select the Save button to save the page and complete the eligibility determination.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and the operation.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10382 Out-of-State Sex Offender Registry Results

August 2021


CBCU staff obtain results of other states’ and U.S. territories’ sex offender registries by conducting a search of the applicable registry when a subject requires an out-of-state sex offender registry check. CBCU staff update the Out-of-State Sex Offender Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS.

Results are valid for five years from the Submittal Date of the first request for the state or U.S. territory. The results automatically copy over into additional background checks until the results expire. CBCU staff conduct a new search of the out-of-state sex offender registry if the out-of-state sex offender registry check is still required and the results have expired.

If the subject of the background check is not found in the applicable state’s or U.S. territory's registry, CBCU staff do the following on correct state’s or territory's Out-of-State Sex Offender Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Results section:
    • select “Cleared” in the Status field; and
    • enter the date the search was completed in the Date Received field.
  2. In the Information Specific to this Result section, document the search results.

If the subject of the background check is found on the applicable state’s or U.S. territory's registry, CBCU staff do the following on the correct state’s or territory's Out-of-State Sex Offender Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Results section:
    • select “Match” in the Status field; and
    • enter the date the search was completed in the Date Received field.
  2. In the Information Specific to this Result section, document the search results.
  3. In the Match Determination field, select “MSV-Barred.”
  4. In the Can Be Present field, verify “No” is automatically selected.
  5. Select the Save button to save the page and complete the eligibility determination.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and the operation.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations 
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10400, Risk Evaluation

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023

A risk evaluation is a process the Centralized Background Check Unit (CBCU) conducts to determine if a subject of a background check who has certain criminal history or child abuse or neglect history poses a threat to the health or safety of children in a particular operation. The result of the risk evaluation process is a determination of whether the subject may be present at the operation with or without conditions.


A CBCU manager or designee conducts a risk evaluation only:

  1. after CBCU notifies the subject that he or she is eligible to request a risk evaluation; and
  2. when the subject requests the CBCU to complete a risk evaluation.

The background check subject submits a request for a risk evaluation and completes risk evaluation packet no later than the due date in the CLASS notification Match Letter-Subject.

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for additional details.

26 TAC Section 745.601

10410 When a Risk Evaluation is Required

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023

When reviewing background check matches, CBCU staff determine whether the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation as outlined below:

Risk Evaluation for Out-of-State Background Check Results

When reviewing out-of-state criminal history or abuse or neglect matches, CBCU staff may consult with an Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing to resolve questions about the match and determine if the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation.

Additional Consideration for Subjects Associated with Prospective Foster or Adoptive Homes

A prospective foster or adoptive parent, or any subject who is required to undergo a background check because of the foster or adoptive parent application, is eligible for a risk evaluation for a sustained finding for physical abuse if:

  • it has been more than five years since the finding; and
  • the prospective foster or adoptive parent is related to, or has a significant longstanding relationship with, the foster or adoptive child to be placed.

Contact with children would be allowed if a risk evaluation is approved for a subject meeting the criteria detailed above.

26 TAC Sections 745.661745.671

10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023

A subject whom the CBCU has allowed to be present at the operation with a provisional eligibility determination may request a temporary risk evaluation under the following circumstances:

  1. CBCU has been notified of certain crimes for which the subject has been arrested, indicted or charged (10331 Acting on New and Updated Criminal History Results) and does not have an arrest warrant (10324  Processing Warrants); or
  2. the subject has a child abuse or neglect finding that is not sustained, has requested a due process hearing for the finding and is eligible for a risk evaluation according to 26 TAC Section 745.671(a)(7-8).

The process for the CBCU to notify a subject about the results and for the subject to request a temporary risk evaluation is the same as the policies and procedures outlined in 10412 Notifying a Subject Who is Eligible for a Risk Evaluation and 10420 Processing Risk Evaluation Requests. When conducting a temporary risk evaluation, the CBCU assumes that the subject was convicted for the relevant crime or that the child abuse or neglect finding was sustained, as applicable.  

Exception for an Unverified Foster Home or Unapproved Adoptive Home

If the background check subject is a foster or adoptive parent or a household member at an unverified foster home or an unapproved adoptive home, CBCU offers a temporary risk evaluation when:

  • DFPS has placed a child in the home;  
  • DFPS plans to place a child in the home pending a background check decision; or
  • an adoption is pending a background check decision. 

CBCU staff may consult with CPI staff or the HHSC Child Care Licensing Legal Department to determine if a temporary risk evaluation is needed because DFPS has placed or plans to place a child in the home. 

See: 10510.3 Eligibility Determinations Which Include Conditions

26 TAC Sections 745.671745.673745.683745.697

10411.1 Reevaluating a Temporary Risk Evaluation

February 2021

CBCU staff reevaluate a temporary risk evaluation decision when:

  1. the CBCU receives additional information regarding the pending criminal case or abuse or neglect finding; or
  2. the subject of the risk evaluation provides additional information and requests a review of the decision.

26 TAC §745.697

See: 10611 Eligibility Determination Reviews

10412 Notifying a Subject Who is Eligible for a Risk Evaluation

February 2021


When a subject has a criminal conviction, arrest, indictment, charge, or child abuse, neglect or exploitation finding that requires a risk evaluation, CBCU staff send the Match Letter – Subject notification to advise the subject:

  1. that the subject is eligible to request a risk evaluation;
  2. whether the subject can be present at the operation pending the risk evaluation decision;
  3. whether there are any conditions placed on the subject’s presence at the operation; and
  4. that the due date for requesting the risk evaluation is 30 days from the date of the notification.

26 TAC §§745.661745.671


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10420 Processing Risk Evaluation Requests

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


When the CBCU receives a risk evaluation request, CBCU staff first evaluate if the subject submitted the request for a risk evaluation by the due date provided in the notification. Next, CBCU staff evaluate whether the subject submitted a completed risk evaluation packet according to:

  • 10421 Information Required for All Risk Evaluations;
  • 10422 Additional Information Required for Criminal History Matches, if applicable; and
  • 10423 Additional Documentation Required if the Subject is Associated with a Foster or Adoptive Home, if applicable.

If the risk evaluation packet is incomplete, the CBCU staff determines if:

  • the risk evaluation decision can be made based on the information provided;
  • additional information is required; 
  • the risk evaluation will be denied due to receiving an incomplete packet (10430 Making a Risk Evaluation Decision); or 
  • the background check will be closed due to becoming noncompliant (10510.41 Determination of Ineligible Due to Noncompliant Background Checks)

If the risk evaluation packet is complete, the CBCU staff determines who issues the risk evaluation decision according to 10425 Determining Which CBCU Staff Issues the Risk Evaluation Decision.

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for additional details.


10424  Documenting the Risk Evaluation Request
10432  Time Frame for Making a Risk Evaluation Decision

26 TAC Sections 745.681, 745.683, 745.685, 745.687

10421 Information Required for All Risk Evaluations

February 2021

For all risk evaluations, CBCU staff determine if the subject requesting a risk evaluation submitted the following information to CBCU:

  1. A completed Form 2974 Request for Risk Evaluation Based on Past Criminal History or Central Registry Findings, which requires a detailed, signed statement from the subject regarding the nature and seriousness of the crime or abuse or neglect finding, including:
    • the age of the subject at the time of the crime or the abuse or neglect finding;
    • the circumstances that led to the arrest(s) or finding(s);
    • who else was involved;
    • whether anyone was injured;
    • the extent and nature of other arrests or abuse or neglect history;
    • what has changed for the subject since the arrest or finding; and
    • why the subject does not feel that he or she poses a risk to children in care.
  2. The subject’s work history over the past 10 years, including names of employers, dates of employment and positions held.
  3. Evidence of rehabilitative effort.
  4. At least three reference letters from individuals who are not related to the subject (such as professionals, employers, law enforcement) and who have knowledge about the subject’s character and ability to work with children.
  5. Any additional items requested by the CBCU manager or designee to assist with the risk evaluation decision.

26 TAC §§745.689745.691

10422 Additional Information Required for Criminal History Matches

February 2021

If the risk evaluation is for a criminal history match, the subject submits the following information:

  1. Information required in 10421 Information Required for All Risk Evaluations.
  2. A copy of the police report regarding the circumstances of the arrest.
  3. An official copy of the final record of judicial finding or conviction (signed by the judge and file stamped, if available).
  4. Age of the subject at the time the crime was committed.
  5. The following information related to a probated sentence (including deferred adjudication community supervision), if applicable;
    • the terms and conditions of probation, including documentation of whether the subject successfully completed the terms and conditions of the probation;
    • proof that the subject paid all court costs, fees, restitution and fines; and
    • a statement from the subject’s probation officer regarding the status of the subject’s probation, if the subject is currently on probation.
  6. The following information if the subject was incarcerated:
    • a copy of local, state or federal release order;
    • the date that the subject was released from incarceration; and
    • the terms and conditions of parole, if applicable.
  7. A detailed, signed statement from the subject regarding the nature and seriousness of the crime including:
    • why the subject was arrested, indicted or charged with a crime;
    • where the subject was when arrested, indicted or charged with a crime;
    • who else was involved in the criminal incident;
    • whether anyone was injured;
    • the extent and nature of other arrests within the subject’s past criminal history;
    • what has changed for this subject since the time of the arrest; and
    • why the subject does not feel that he or she poses a risk to children in care.

26 TAC §745.689

10423 Additional Documentation Required if the Person is Associated with a Foster or Adoptive Home

February 2021

If the subject requesting a risk evaluation is associated with a prospective or current foster or adoptive home, CBCU staff determine if the child-placing agency that submitted the background check submitted the following information to the CBCU:

  1. signed Form 2405 Affidavit for Risk Evaluation by Child-Placing Agency, including a valid rationale from the child-placing agency’s owner, executive director, administrator or some other similar position of authority explaining why the subject does not pose a risk to the health or safety of children;
  2. the names and dates of birth of any foster or adoptive children who have been or are expected to be placed in the home (if known);
  3. a description of the foster or adoptive parent’s relationship to each child; and
  4. a copy of the most recent home assessment or home screening, if one has been completed.

26 TAC §745.689

10424 Documenting the Risk Evaluation Request

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


After receiving a risk evaluation request, in the Risk Evaluation section on the applicable background check results page in CLASS, CBCU staff do the following:

  1. in the Request Date and Due Date fields, enter the applicable dates;
  2. select the type of risk evaluation by checking the appropriate box(es);
  3. review the request and any documentation received to determine if the risk evaluation packet is complete according to 10420 Processing Risk Evaluation Requests; and
  4. in the Overall Background Check Comments section, document:
    • a summary of the documents received; 
    • whether the packet is complete;
    • any contact with the background check subject or operation; and
    • the identity of the risk evaluation decision-maker according to 10425 Determining Which CBCU Staff Issues the Risk Evaluation Decision. 

The risk evaluation decision-maker follows the applicable steps in 10430 Making a Risk Evaluation Decision and 10433 Documenting a Risk Evaluation Decision to complete the risk evaluation decision.

10425 Determining Which CBCU Staff Issues the Risk Evaluation Decision

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


Either a CBCU manager (or designee) or the inspector processing the background check makes the risk evaluation decision. 

A CBCU manager (or designee) makes the decision when:

  • the decision is a denial (due to an incomplete risk evaluation packet or based on the level of risk to children);
  • the subject’s background check role is owner/  permit holder, licensed administrator, foster or adoptive parent, or director;
  • the subject’s abuse or neglect history includes any child fatality or near child fatality;
  • a CBCU manager has not approved the CBCU inspector processing the risk evaluation packet to make independent risk evaluation decisions; 
  • the risk evaluation is a temporary risk evaluation; or 
  • the risk evaluation does not meet a scenario that a CBCU inspector is authorized to make according to the table below.

The CBCU inspector makes the decision when:

  • a CBCU manager has approved the inspector to make independent risk evaluation decisions; 
  • the background check subject’s role is staff/  employee, volunteer, frequent visitor, household member or contracted service provider; and 
  • the scenario is listed in the table below:
MSV Requiring the Risk EvaluationTime Elapsed Since the Finding or Conviction

Single sustained Texas or single out-of-state abuse or neglect finding if there is no additional: 

  • criminal history (regardless of the charge or disposition); and 
  • abuse/neglect allegation(s) (regardless of the disposition of the allegation(s))
5 years or more
Single conviction for misdemeanor alcohol- or drug-related offense5 years or more
Single conviction for class A misdemeanor Failure to Identify offenseAny length of time
Single conviction for a felony financial crime offense5 years or more
  • the background check subject has had a manager-approved risk evaluation at another other operation; 
  • the previously approved decision was conditional with the only condition being the requirement to complete a background check for the subject at any operation, including operations under the same governing body;
  • the subject has the same or a similar role as in the approved risk evaluation;
  • the operation has no compliance history concerns; and
  • the subject does not have new criminal or abuse/neglect history.
Any length of time

A CBCU manager may approve a CBCU inspector to complete a risk evaluation decision other than as listed in the table when:

  • the inspector has reviewed and discussed the decision with the manager;
  • the manager has approved the inspector’s decision; and
  • the manager has added a summary of the approval to the Overall Background Check Comments section.

10430 Making a Risk Evaluation Decision

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024


The risk evaluation decision-maker reviews the risk evaluation request and decides if the background check subject is ineligible to be present, eligible to be present at the operation, or if conditions are needed to protect the health or safety of children at the operation that submitted the background check request.
The risk evaluation decision-maker sends an e-mail to the monitoring inspector and supervisor assigned to the operation for subjects with the following background check roles: 

  • director; 
  • owner or permit holder; 
  • adoptive parent in a home a CPA has approved for adoption; 
  • foster parent in a home a CPS has verified to provide foster care; 
  • foster or adoptive parent in a home a CPA has verified to provide foster care or approved for adoption; 
  • foster or adoptive household member in a verified home; or 
  • licensed administrator. 

The email includes the following: 

  • the operation number, name of subject, role of subject and BGC ID; 
  • a statement that a risk evaluation was completed and if the risk evaluation decision is approved, denied or conditional; 
  • the subject’s whether the subject’s eligibility determination is eligible, eligible with conditions or ineligible; and
  • a statement reminding staff to maintain the confidentiality of background check results. Results can be discussed with a CPA when the background check role is foster or adoptive parent, or household member. 

Revising or Rescinding a Risk Evaluation Decision

If CBCU staff rescind or revise a risk evaluation, the risk evaluation decision-maker notifies his or her supervisor, the monitoring inspector assigned to the operation, and the monitoring inspector’s supervisor.


10420  Processing Risk Evaluation Requests
10510.41  Determination of Ineligible Due to Noncompliant Background Checks

26 TAC Section 745.695

10431 Factors to Consider When Making a Risk Evaluation Decision

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023

When making a risk evaluation decision, the risk evaluation decision-maker considers the following factors:

  1. the contents of the risk evaluation packet as outlined in 10421 Information Required for All Risk Evaluations, 10422 Additional Information Required for Criminal History Matches, and 10423 Additional Documentation Required if the Subject is Associated with a Foster or Adoptive Home;
  2. whether the subject who requested the risk evaluation failed to submit any information;
  3. the compliance history and regulatory status of the operation for the previous five years;
  4. the subject’s intended or current roles and responsibilities that were included in the operation’s background check submission;
  5. the length of time that has elapsed since the criminal conviction, child abuse or neglect finding, or crime for which the subject has been arrested, indicted or charged;
  6. the nature and severity of the criminal conviction, child abuse or neglect finding, or crime for which the subject has been arrested, indicted or charged;
  7. the subject’s role in the criminal conviction, child abuse or neglect finding, or crime for which the subject has been arrested, indicted or charged;
  8. whether there is a pattern of any type of crime or abuse or neglect;
  9. work history, references and any evidence of rehabilitative effort over the past 10 years;
  10. any federal requirements regarding criminal history and child abuse and neglect findings; and
  11. any other relevant factor that enhances or mitigates the risk to the health or safety of children in the operation.

10432 Time Frame for Making a Risk Evaluation Decision

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


CBCU staff refer to 10425 Determining Which CBCU Staff Issues the Risk Evaluation Decision to determine if a CBCU inspector or manager makes the risk evaluation decision. 

The CBCU inspector provides the risk evaluation packet and summary to the manager or makes the risk evaluation decision within 10 business days of receiving the complete risk evaluation packet. 

When the risk evaluation decision-maker is the CBCU manager, the inspector provides the following:

  • the complete risk evaluation packet;
  • the summary of the packet; and
  • a decision recommendation.

The CBCU manager has 10 business days from receiving the risk evaluation packet and recommendation to complete the risk evaluation decision.

26 TAC Section 745.693

10433 Documenting a Risk Evaluation Decision

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023


After making a risk evaluation decision, the risk evaluation decision-maker does the following in the Risk Evaluation section on the applicable background check results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Decision Date field, enter the date of the decision.
  2. In the Type of Risk Evaluation field, verify the applicable background check type box(es) are checked.
  3. In the Risk to Children field, select the appropriate selection indicated in the table below.
  4. In the Summary of Decision text box, document the rationale and summary for the decision.
  5. In the Conditions text box, enter any conditions placed on the subject’s presence at the operation.
  6. Select the Save button to finalize the decision.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff complete and send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation.

The risk evaluation decision-maker completes the Risk to Children field based on the risk evaluation decision. CLASS calculates the background check eligibility based on the Risk to Children as outlined in the table below:

Risk Evaluation DecisionRisk to Children Field in Risk Evaluation Section of the Applicable Background Check Results PageBackground Check Eligibility in Operation Background Check History section of Background Check Results History Page
Approved with Conditions“Conditional”Conditional

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for additional details.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications 

10440 When a Risk Evaluation Expires

May 2021

An approved or conditionally approved risk evaluation only expires when:

  1. the background check subject has been arrested, indicted or charged with another crime;
  2. the background check subject has an additional criminal conviction or child abuse or neglect finding;
  3. the subject’s role at the operation, including the circumstances of the subject’s contact with children, becomes different than when the CBCU approved the risk evaluation;
  4. the subject becomes employed at a different operation than when the CBCU approved the risk evaluation; or
  5. the CBCU amends or rescinds the risk evaluation in response to:
    • a request for a review of the risk evaluation decision; or
    • an operation not following conditions on a subject’s presence at the operation.

If a risk evaluation expires due to new criminal or child abuse or neglect history, a different role at the operation, or employment at a different operation, a CBCU staff and manager review the new information and the risk evaluation decision to determine if:

  • the subject’s eligibility determination will become provisional and a new risk evaluation is needed;
  • the risk evaluation will remain in place without changes;
  • the risk evaluation conditions will be revised; or
  • the subject is ineligible to be present at the operation.

26 TAC §745.697

See: 10441 Risk Evaluation Reconsideration for New and Updated Background Check Results

10441 Risk Evaluation Reconsideration for New or Updated Background Check Results

May 2021


When CBCU staff receive new Central Registry or criminal history information for a subject who has an existing risk evaluation, CBCU staff consider whether to continue, revise or rescind the risk evaluation based on the new information.

Prior to finalizing the match determination, CBCU staff consult with a CBCU manager to make this decision.


10211 Processing Central Registry Recheck Results
10330 Receiving New and Updated Criminal History Results
10331 Acting on New an Updated Criminal History Results

10441.1 Reconsideration of Risk Evaluation Due to New or Updated Criminal History Results

May 2021


When processing new or updated criminal history results for a subject who has an existing risk evaluation, CBCU staff decide if the subject is ineligible to be present or whether changes to the risk evaluation are needed.  

If CBCU staff determine that changes to the risk evaluation are needed, CBCU staff consult with a CBCU manager.  

10441.2 Reconsideration of Risk Evaluation Due to New or Updated Central Registry Results

May 2021


When CBCU receive new or updated Central Registry results for a subject who has an active risk evaluation, CLASS prompts CBCU staff to indicate if an existing risk evaluation will remain valid.  

CBCU staff follow the procedures in the document Job Aid: Risk Evaluation Reconsideration and Documentation for New and Updated Background Check Results, available on the CCR SharePoint site, when CBCU staff document a risk evaluation reconsideration decision.

26 TAC §745.697


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10450 Risk Evaluation Predictions

Revision 24-4; Effective Nov. 13, 2024

A risk evaluation prediction provides guidance to indicate if the CBCU would likely approve a risk evaluation for a background check subject who has an unsustained Central Registry finding.

CBCU conducts a risk evaluation prediction when:

  1. the subject has not exhausted or waived due process related to the Central Registry finding discussed in 10250 Response to Due Process Offers;
  2. the finding has not resulted in a determination of immediate threat (DIT) discussed in 10231 Assessing Abuse or Neglect Results for Determination of Immediate Threat; and
  3. the subject would be eligible to complete risk evaluation if the finding is sustained as discussed in 10410 When a Risk Evaluation is Required.

A risk evaluation prediction is completed when there is an exception to completing a temporary risk evaluation discussed in 10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation.

10451 Requesting CBCU Complete a Risk Evaluation Prediction

February 2021

10451.1 When Monitoring Staff May Request a Risk Evaluation Prediction

February 2021

CCR staff may request a risk evaluation prediction when determining whether to deny or revoke an operation’s permit or an administrator’s license and a CBCU manager and the requestor have agreed a temporary risk evaluation is not appropriate. The subject of the background check with the finding may be the applicant or permit holder or may have an association with an operation that would affect the permit or application. For example, the subject could reside at the operation.

10451.2 When Legal Requests a Risk Evaluation Prediction

February 2021

An enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing may also request a risk evaluation prediction to resolve a due process case. The subject may be willing to accept a neglect finding or an abuse finding that is eligible for a risk evaluation if the CBCU indicates that the subject may still be present at the operation either without conditions or with conditions included in the prediction decision.

10451.3 How to Request a Risk Evaluation Prediction

February 2021


To request a risk evaluation prediction, CCR staff or the enforcement attorney emails the following information to the manager of the CBCU inspector assigned to the operation:

  • the name, Social Security number and date of birth of the subject with the unsustained finding;
  • the operation’s name and number;
  • the subject’s role and level of presence at the operation submitting the background check request, if available;
  • a brief summary of the investigation and concerns, including:
    • the IMPACT investigation number;
    • whether the subject is currently present at the operation, if the finding was the result of a DFPS Child Care Investigation (CCI) investigation;
    • whether a safety plan was implemented;
    • whether the subject’s presence at the operation was precluded pending the completion of DFPS’ CCI investigation; and
    • whether the subject’s contact with the victim(s) was restricted during a DFPS Child Protective Investigation (CPI) investigation;
  • the status of due process;
  • any information that DFPS or HHSC has communicated to the subject;
  • additional information requested by the CBCU manager; and
  • any additional information the CCR staff or enforcement attorney believes is relevant to the prediction.

10452 Processing Requests for Risk Evaluation Predictions

February 2021

Once the CBCU manager has the information in 10451.3 How to Request a Risk Evaluation Prediction, the manager does the following:

  1. makes a prediction decision of denial, approval, or approval with conditions;
  2. communicates the risk evaluation prediction decision to the person who requested the prediction; and
  3. documents the risk evaluation prediction and communication of the decision in the Overall Background Check Comments section on the Central Registry Results page in CLASS for the subject’s current or most recent background check, including any conditions that would be recommended.

10452.1 Factors to Consider When Making a Risk Evaluation Prediction

February 2021

When making a risk evaluation prediction, the CBCU manager considers the reasons for the request, any additional information the requestor believes is relevant and the risk evaluation considerations listed in 10431 Factors to Consider When Making a Risk Evaluation Decision.

10453 Monitoring Staff Responsibilities After Receiving a Risk Evaluation Prediction Decision

February 2021

After receiving a risk evaluation prediction decision from the CBCU, CCR monitoring staff:

  • work with an enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing to determine:
    • if the operation permit or administrator’s license will be denied or revoked; and
    • what information can be released to the permit applicant or the administrator license holder regarding the reason for the denial or revocation; and
  • notify the CBCU manager of the decision to issue, deny or revoke the permit or administrator’s license (See: 7633 Notice of Decision to Deny, Revoke or Suspend an Application or Permit and 9700 Remedial Action on an Administrator License).

10500, Eligibility Determinations, Employment Status and Notifications

February 2021

Eligibility Determinations

After processing background check results from all the required background check types requested for a background check subject, CBCU staff make an eligibility determination based on the results received. The eligibility determination indicates if the subject can be present at the operation and whether any conditions have been applied to protect the health or safety of children in care at the operation.

Employment Status

A subject’s employment status of “active,” “inactive” or “pending” is determined by processing the background check types, the eligibility determination and whether the subject’s role has been inactivated.


CBCU staff send background check notification to provide:

  1. an eligibility determination due to:
    • receipt of results from the requested background check types (See: 10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations);
    • updates to existing results (See: 10331 Acting on New and Updated Criminal History Results); and
    • closure of noncompliant background checks (See: 10510.41 Determination of Ineligible Due to Noncompliant Background Checks);
  2. reminders to assist operations in maintaining background check compliance (See: 10534 Other Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation); and
  3. instructions to the background check subject outlining the actions needed to complete a background check (See: 10541 Other Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check).

10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations

April 2022

An eligibility determination addresses whether a subject is eligible to be present at a child care operation based on:

  • the status of the subject’s background check;
  • the background check types processed; and
  • whether conditions apply to the subject’s presence.

The eligibility determination is calculated in CLASS based on the processing of the results received.

There are five possible eligibility determinations for a background check submission:

Eligibility DeterminationPresence at the OperationValid Period
PendingThe subject may not be present at the operation.This determination is valid at the beginning of the background check. As the background check types are processed, the eligibility determination is updated.
EligibleThe subject may be present at the operation.This determination is valid until the next renewal period (two or five years) unless CBCU receives new or additional information that changes the determination.
IneligibleThe subject may not be present at the operation.This determination is permanent unless CBCU receives new or updated information that changes the determination.
ProvisionalThe subject may be present at the operation but under specific, standard conditions the CBCU placed on the subject’s presence.This determination is time limited and will be updated to one of the other eligibility determinations once the background check has been completed (for example, out-of-state checks have been completed, a risk evaluation decision has been made or due process of a Central Registry finding has been resolved).
Eligible with ConditionsThe subject may be present at the operation, under specific conditions. The conditions CBCU places on the subject’s presence are made with a risk evaluation decision.This determination is valid until the next renewal period (two or five years), unless the CBCU receives new or additional information that changes the determination.

The following are the standard conditions for the eligibility determination of provisional:

  1. This person must never be left in charge of the operation.
  2. This person must never be left alone with a child or group of children in the care of or enrolled in your operation, including during transportation.
  3. This person may only be supervised by a person with no conditions regarding his or her presence at the operation.
  4. This person must never be allowed to transport children in the care of or enrolled in your operation during hours of operation.
  5. This person must never be responsible for financial transactions at your operation.
  6. This person must never be allowed to administer medication to children in the care of your operation, except for in a medical emergency to prevent the death or serious bodily injury of a child.
  7. This person must never be allowed to supervise caregivers or volunteers or employees who have access to children.

26 TAC §§745.601; 745.629; 745.635

10510.1 Background Check Type Eligibility

February 2021

CLASS calculates eligibility for a particular background check type based on the selections made by CBCU staff processing the background check type. The background check type eligibility is located in the BGC Type Eligibility column in the Background Check Results section of the subject’s Background Check Results History page in CLASS.

10510.2 Overall Background Check Eligibility

February 2021

CLASS calculates a subject’s overall background check eligibility based on the status of requested background check types and the processing of results received for each type. CLASS determines overall background check eligibility based on the most restrictive eligibility for the background check types requested. A subject’s eligibility:

  • identifies the subject’s ability to be present at the operation and any conditions placed on the subject’s presence;
  • is provided to the operation and the subject through the applicable background check notifications; and
  • is located:
    • in the Eligibility column in the Operation Background Check History section of the Background Check Results History page in CLASS; and
    • on the Background Check History page of the provider’s Child Care Licensing account.

26 TAC §745.629

10510.3 Eligibility Determinations Which Include Conditions

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

Under certain circumstances when a subject is eligible to be present at the operation, CBCU staff place conditions on the subject’s presence to protect the health or safety of children. CBCU staff place conditions on a subject’s presence when:

  • a risk evaluation is approved with conditions;
  • a background check result includes a minimum standard violation that is relevant to a condition or restriction already placed on the subject’s presence at the operation; or
  • any of the following is pending:
    • the subject’s out-of-state criminal history check or out-of-state child abuse or neglect registry check;
    • the outcome of a risk evaluation for eligible criminal conviction(s), child abuse and neglect finding(s) or crime(s) for which the subject has been arrested or charged; or
    • receipt of requested court documentation for a crime that:
      • is eligible for a risk evaluation; and
      • would allow the subject to be present at the operation pending the outcome of a risk evaluation.

The operation must comply with conditions placed on the subject’s presence. If the operation does not comply with conditions, CCR may amend the conditions, rescind a risk evaluation decision if applicable, or take enforcement action.  

26 TAC Sections 745.631 and 745.637


7400 Probation
7500 Administrative Penalties
10430 Making a Risk Evaluation Decision
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations

10510.4 Determinations of Ineligible

February 2021

The subject and the operation receive an “ineligible” determination when:

  1. a background check result indicates the subject is ineligible to be present; or
  2. the subject fails to complete all background check types timely.

After an operation is notified of an “ineligible” determination, the operation must:

  1. immediately remove the subject from the operation or otherwise discontinue the subject’s affiliation with the operation; and
  2. inactivate the subject within seven days of the subject no longer being affiliated with the operation.

26 TAC §745.651

10510.41 Determination of Ineligible Due to Noncompliant Background Checks

Revision 23-4; Effective Nov. 30, 2023

A subject has 45 days from the date the background check request is submitted to complete all background check types and provide any additional information requested by CBCU. CBCU staff close a noncompliant background check no earlier than 45 days from the date of the background check submission. A subject’s eligibility determination becomes ineligible when CBCU staff close the background check as noncompliant. CBCU staff may extend the due date to allow completion of out-of-state checks, if appropriate.


A background check becomes overdue when the background check subject does not:

  • complete all background check types;
  • provide required court documents; or
  • respond to a notification requiring risk evaluation.

When closing a background check, CBCU staff:

  1. document the reason for the closure;
  2. update applicable fields on the background check results page; and
  3. inactivate the subject at the operation, if needed.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff complete and send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation.

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for additional details.

See: 10430 Making a Risk Evaluation Decision.

26 TAC Sections 745.627, 745.639

10520 Employment Status

February 2021

CBCU staff determine employment status in CLASS based on the processing of background check types, the eligibility determination and whether the subject has been inactivated.

The chart below lists the different employment statuses and indicates whether the subject may be present at the operation:

Employment StatusDescriptionMay the Subject be Present?

This employment status applies to a subject:

  • for whom CBCU staff has not yet made an eligibility determination; or
  • whom CBCU staff has determined to be ineligible to be present at the operation, but the operation has not yet inactivated the subject on the Background Check History page of the operation’s Child Care Licensing account page.

This employment status applies to a subject:

  • who is associated with the operation; and
  • whom CBCU staff has determined to be eligible to be present at the operation, either with or without conditions.
Yes, and the operation must comply with any conditions that are placed on the subject’s presence. (See: 10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations)

This employment status applies to a subject whom:

  • the operation has inactivated on the Background Check History page of the operation’s Child Care Licensing account; or
  • CBCU staff has determined to be ineligible because the subject did not complete the background check timely and CBCU staff has closed the background check.


10510.41 Determination of Ineligible Due to Noncompliant Background Checks
10720 Inactivating a Subject’s Role or Employment

10530 Background Check Notifications

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

The chart below outlines the types of notifications CBCU staff send to the subject of the background check and to the operation:

NotificationSent to
Background check results
  • subject of the background check; and 
  • the Child Placing Agency, for foster or adoptive parents and household members only
Actions the subject must take to complete background check typesSubject of the background check
Closure of incomplete background checksSubject of the background check and the operation
Actions the operation must take to maintain certain aspects of background check complianceThe operation

Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for more details.


10533 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation
10534 Other Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation
10540 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check
10541 Other Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check

10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

A notification is created one of two ways:

  • automatically by CLASS when certain conditions are met; or
  • manually by CBCU staff using a template to create the notification.

All notifications for the subject can be viewed, sent or resent from the subject’s Notification History page in CLASS. Copies of all notifications created for the operation are stored in the Forms and Letters page in CLASS.

Manual Notifications

CBCU staff create manual notifications using templates in CLASS. Manual notifications communicate specific background check information to the subject, the operation or another authorized recipient.

The following table describes each of manual notifications:

Notification TitleRecipientPurpose
Background Check Match Letter – 2853, 2891Operation

Communicates a subject’s background check results to a child placing agency when the requested subject’s role is:

  • foster/adoptive parent; 
  • foster/adoptive household member;
  • adoptive parent; or 
  • foster parent.
Risk Evaluation Decision to Operation – ConditionalOperationCommunicates the risk evaluation decision to the operation when approved with conditions.
Match Letter - SubjectSubjectCommunicates a subject’s background check results to the subject.
Central Registry Match Letter to PerpSubjectOffers due process to a subject for any unsustained Central Registry findings that result from a DFPS CPI or HHS Provider Investigation.
Risk Evaluation Decision to Subject - Conditional/DeniedSubjectCommunicates the risk evaluation decision to the subject.
HHSC LetterheadOperation, Subject or Other PersonCommunicates any unique background check information when a template is not available.

System-Generated Notifications

CLASS creates and sends system-generated notifications to communicate background check status information to the subject and operation and to remind the operation or subject of any other required actions to complete. The type of notification generated depends on the information communicated.

The following table describes each of the system-generated notifications:

Notification TitleRecipientPurpose
Employment Eligibility NotificationOperationNotifies the operation that the subject is eligible to be associated with the operation in the requested role.
Employment Ineligibility NotificationOperationNotifies the operation that the subject is ineligible to be associated with the operation in the requested role. Includes a notice of the requirement to inactivate the subject.
Provisional NotificationOperationNotifies the operation that the subject is eligible to be associated with the operation in the requested role on a provisional basis with standard provisional eligibility conditions.
Employee List ValidationOperationNotifies the operation to validate its employee list within 30 days of receiving the notification.
Background Check Renewal DueOperationNotifies the operation that a background check renewal is due in 30 days, per 26 TAC 745.621.
Employment Eligibility NotificationSubjectNotifies the subject that he or she is eligible to be associated with the operation in the requested role.
Provisional NotificationSubjectNotifies the subject that he or she is eligible to be associated with the operation in the requested role on a provisional basis with standard provisional eligibility conditions.
Background Checks Required NotificationSubjectCommunicates information and instructions about the completion of a fingerprint check, Out-of-State Child Abuse and Neglect Registry or Out-of-State Criminal History check.
15-day NotificationSubjectReminds the subject of actions that he or she must take to complete background check types listed in the Background Checks Required Notification.
Fingerprint Rejection NotificationSubjectNotifies the subject of a rejected fingerprint received and actions needed to resolve the fingerprint check.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10720 Inactivating a Subject’s Role or Employment
10730 Validating the Employee List for an Operation

26 TAC Sections 745.621745.629745.651

10532 How to Send Background Check Notifications

February 2021

Notifications are sent via email. If the intended recipient of the notification does not have an email address on file, CBCU staff obtain an email address or send the notification via USPS mail.

10532.1 Time Frame for Sending the Background Check Determination

February 2021

After receiving the results of a background check, CBCU staff send the operation and the subject of the background check a written determination of the background check as soon as possible but no later than 45 days from the date the operation submitted the background check request.

26 TAC §745.627

10533 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation

February 2021

CBCU staff send a notification letter to the operation that includes:

  1. a determination of whether the subject is ”Eligible,” ”Ineligible,” ”Eligible with Conditions” or ”Provisionally Eligible” to be present at the operation (See: 10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations);
  2. any conditions CBCU staff place on the subject’s presence at the operation; and
  3. a list of each additional operation that has submitted a background check request for the subject and when the operation submitted the request.

If the operation does not comply with the conditions placed on the subject, CCR may amend the conditions, rescind the risk evaluation decision or recommend or impose an enforcement action.

26 TAC §§745.633745.637

10533.1 Additional Information Sent to a Child-Placing Agency

February 2021

When CBCU staff is sending information to a child-placing agency because the subject is associated with a current or prospective foster or adoptive home, the letter must include the following additional information:

  1. the types of background checks conducted;
  2. any criminal history obtained;
  3. any sustained Central Registry findings;
  4. any Central Registry finding that is not sustained and the subject’s eligibility determination is “ineligible” (See: 10231 Assessing the Risk of Central Registry Matches for Determination of Immediate Threat);
  5. any out-of-state abuse or neglect findings;
  6. whether the subject is eligible to request a risk evaluation; and
  7. if a subject is eligible to request a risk evaluation, whether the subject may be present at the operation pending the outcome of the risk evaluation.

If the operation does not comply with the conditions placed on the subject’s presence, CCR may amend the conditions, rescind the risk evaluation decision or recommend or impose an enforcement action.

Criminal History that May Not Be Shared

CCR staff must not share with the subject or a child-placing agency information about criminal matches with a disposition of Order of Nondisclosure or Expunged Record because they are not convictions and, therefore, are not minimum standards violations.  To ensure the information is not shared, CBCU staff delete the row containing the result from the Results section on the applicable criminal history background check results page in CLASS. If it is the only result received, CBCU staff also change the “Match” to “Cleared.”

26 TAC §745.633

10533.2 Background Checks Submitted Prior to January 13, 2019

February 2021

Prior to January 13, 2019, background check results were communicated through match letters and emails for each background check type; these results did not communicate an overall background check result. These letters and emails are considered valid notifications until the background check renewal date. For background checks submitted prior to January 13, 2019, that are current, the operation must have results allowing the subject to be present, dated prior to January 13, 2019, for each background check type included in the background check submission.

10534 Other Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation

February 2021

CBCU staff send the following notifications to the operation in order to assist the operation with maintaining compliance:

  1. Background Check Renewal Due Notice – Sent 30 days before a subject’s renewal check is due, if the subject is still active on the operation’s Employee List.
  2. Employee List Validation Notice – Sent 30 days before the operation’s Employee List Validation is due.

These reminders are also posted on the operation’s Child Care Licensing Account Message Board 30 days prior to the due date.

26 TAC §§745.621745.651


10120 Background Check Requests
10730 Validating the Employee List for an Operation

10540 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check

February 2021

CBCU staff send the following types of information in notifications to the subject of the background check:

  1. the types of background checks included;
  2. any criminal history identified;
  3. any sustained Central Registry finding identified;
  4. any Central Registry finding that is not sustained;
  5. if a Central Registry finding is not sustained, instructions on requesting a due process hearing to dispute the finding;
  6. any out-of-state abuse or neglect history identified;
  7. the determination of whether the subject may be present at the operation;
  8. whether the subject may request a risk evaluation;
  9. any conditions placed on the subject’s presence at the operation;
  10. any additional information needed by the CBCU to complete the background check and when the information is due; and
  11. instructions on how to challenge the accuracy of the background check results and how to request a review of the background check determination.

26 TAC §745.639

10541 Other Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check

February 2021

CLASS sends the following notifications to the background check subject to provide instructions for completing the background check process:

  • Background Checks Required Notification – Notifies the subject to complete fingerprinting and out-of-state checks according to the background check submission.
  • Fingerprint Rejection Notification – Notifies the subject that the FBI rejected the subject’s fingerprint submission by the FBI and provides information about how to resolve the rejection.
  • 15-Day Notification – Notifies the subject that the subject’s background check is not complete and of any additional action that is required.

10600, Background Check Reviews

February 2021

CBCU staff conduct background check reviews when the background check subject:

  1. believes the results are inaccurate;
  2. has new information that was not available at the time the CBCU made the determination; or
  3. disagrees with the determination.

CBCU staff review the request and information provided and issue a decision within 30 days of receipt. CBCU staff may extend the 30 days for good cause.

CBCU staff conduct the following reviews when requested by the background check subject:

  • Reviews of Background Check Results (See: 26 TAC §745.643);
  • Reviews of Background Check Determinations (See: 26 TAC §745.645); and
  • Reviews of Risk Evaluation Decisions (See: 26 TAC §745.699). 

10610 Background Check Results Reviews

February 2021


If a subject believes the background check results received are inaccurate or incomplete, the subject may request a Background Check Results Review. The subject contacts the CBCU staff who sent the background check determination notification. CBCU staff discuss the results and reasons for the determination and advise the subject on possible ways to resolve the disputed information, including contacting the agency that provided the results. This includes providing information for a result that was pending final disposition at the time of the background check determination.

The subject provides any documentation supporting resolution of incorrect or inaccurate results to the CBCU staff.

Based on the outcome of the review, CBCU staff document the following in the Information Specific to this Result section on the applicable Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  • communication with the subject;
  • a summary of the documentation received; and
  • the decision, including if presence or conditions were changed.

If the review changed the results, CBCU staff do the following on the applicable Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  1. Update the result, as needed in the Results section.
  2. Select the Preview Match Determination button to verify that the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
  3. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the eligibility determination.
  4. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation.

26 TAC §745.643


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications

10611 Eligibility Determination Reviews

February 2021

CBCU staff complete an Eligibility Determination Review if the background check subject disagrees with the determination and requests a review.

The subject must submit a request for the Eligibility Determination Review:

  1. within 30 days of the determination or decision date; or
  2. when the subject has new information that was not available at the time of the determination.

The subject’s request must:

  1. be in writing;
  2. be sent to the CBCU staff who issued the determination by email, regular mail or fax to include:
    • the subject's name;
    • the date the CBCU issued the background check determination;
    • the reason the subject disagrees with the eligibility determination, if applicable; and
    • any new information that was not available at the time of the determination.

Providing New Information

If the subject has new information that was not available at the time of the determination, CBCU staff complete the Eligibility Determination Review according to 10611.1 Completing the Eligibility Determination Review.

26 TAC §745.645

10611.1 Completing the Eligibility Determination Review

February 2021

CBCU staff consider the following when conducting an Eligibility Determination Review:

  1. any reason the subject disagrees with the background check determination;
  2. any new information the subject provided; and
  3. whether all background check rules in Chapter 745, Subchapter F were followed.

CBCU staff document the review and decision on the applicable Background Check Results page in CLASS in the Information Specific to this Result section:

  • the request for the review;
  • communication with the subject;
  • a summary of the documentation received; and
  • the decision, including if presence or conditions were changed.

If the review changed the results, CBCU staff also do the following on the applicable Background Check Results page in CLASS:

  1. In the Results section, update the result as needed.
  2. Select the Preview Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct;
  3. Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the eligibility determination.
  4. Save the page by selecting the Save button.

After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation.


10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications 

10611.2 Review of the Eligibility Determination Review Conducted by the Director of CBCU

February 2021

If the subject disagrees with the results of the Eligibility Determination Review, the subject may request the CBCU director to complete a review of the Eligibility Determination Review. The review is completed by the CBCU director or a designee who was not previously involved in the background check determination or Eligibility Determination Review.

The result of the CBCU director’s or designee’s review is final.

26 TAC §745.645

10612 Risk Evaluation Decision Review by the CBCU Director

February 2021

When requested by the subject of the background check, the CBCU director, or an assigned designee, completes a Risk Evaluation Decision Review to review the accuracy of a risk evaluation decision. The result of the Risk Evaluation Decision Review is final.

The subject submits a request for the Risk Evaluation Decision Review:

  1. in writing; and
  2. to the CBCU staff who issued the determination or decision by email, mail or fax.

The subject’s request must include:

  1. the subject's name;
  2. the date the CBCU issued the background check determination;
  3. the reason the subject disagrees with the eligibility determination, if applicable; and
  4. any new information that was not available at the time of the determination.


CBCU staff forward requests for a Risk Evaluation Decision Review to the CBCU director.

26 TAC §745.699

10700, Monitoring Operations for Compliance with Background Check Requirements

February 2021


During inspections and investigations, the CCR monitoring inspector determines if the operation is complying with all background check requirements, including:

  1. Submitting background check requests for all persons required to have a background check according to the appropriate time frames;
  2. Ensuring that persons who are present at the operation have an eligibility determination of “Eligible,” “Eligible with Conditions” or “Provisionally Eligible with Conditions”;
  3. Adhering to conditions placed on a person’s presence at an operation;
  4. Inactivating a person’s role or employment; and
  5. Validating the operation’s employee list.

10710 Evaluating an Operation’s Compliance with Background Check Requirements


10711 Determining Whether the Operation Submitted All Required Checks

February 2021

When conducting application, initial and monitoring inspections, the CCR monitoring inspector asks the operation for a list of all persons at the operation who are required to have a background check (See: 10121 Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks and 10122 Persons for Whom Operations Do Not Submit Requests for Background Checks). For child-placing agencies, this list must include any foster or adoptive parents who have been verified or approved since the last inspection, including household members ages 14 years and older.

The CCR monitoring inspector then compares this list with the People List in CLASS or CLASSMate.

During investigations, CCR monitoring inspectors compare principals and collaterals with the People List.

The purpose of these comparisons is to determine compliance with background check requirements, including whether the operation:

  1. failed to submit any names timely (including renewal checks);
  2. allowed anyone with a Pending employment status to be present at the operation unless the subject is present for the sole purpose of attending orientation or preservice training and does not have contact with children in care;
  3. is complying with conditions placed on a subject’s presence; and
  4. has allowed anyone who is ineligible to be present at the operation.


4140 Preparing for Inspections
4150 Conducting Inspections
6470 Reviewing Background Check records During Investigations
10120 Background Checks Requests
10121 Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks
26 TAC Sections 745.621; 745.635; 745.641

10712 Evaluating for Conditions on a Subject’s Presence

February 2021

When conducting an application, initial or monitoring inspection, the CCR monitoring inspector must evaluate each background check subject on the operation’s People List in CLASS or CLASSMate that has conditions using the Conditions indicator (indicated by a ‘Yes’ in the Conditions? column for the subject).

For each subject with conditions, the CCR monitoring inspector must view the specific conditions in CLASS or CLASSMate and evaluate whether the operation is adhering to those conditions.

CCR monitoring inspectors must follow the same process during an investigation inspection for principals and collaterals.

26 TAC §745.635(3)

10713 Determining if the Operation Validated the People List

February 2021

During initial and monitoring inspections, CCR monitoring inspectors evaluate whether operations have validated the current list of persons associated with the operation as required.

See: 10730 Validating the Employee List for an Operation

26 TAC §745.651

10714 Administrative Penalties for Background Check Violations

Revision 24-4; Effective Nov. 13, 2024

Failure to comply with background check requirements may result in CCE staff recommending an administrative penalty.


Preparing for Inspections, 4140
Conducting Inspections, 4150
Background Checks Requests, 10121
Persons for Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks, 10121

26 TAC Sections 745.621745.635, and 745.641

10720 Inactivating a Subject’s Role or Employment

February 2021

Operations must indicate when the background check subject is no longer associated with the operation. The operation must inactivate a subject’s role or employment status within seven calendar days after the subject is no longer associated with the operation. This includes when:

  1. a subject leaves employment or a volunteer role;
  2. a subject moves out of the operation;
  3. a subject is no longer in a role that requires a background check;
  4. a prospective employee or volunteer was not hired or affiliated with the operation; or
  5. a subject is ineligible to be present at the operation.

If an operation has a Child Care Licensing account and is unable to access it, CBCU staff or the CCR monitoring inspector assigned to the operation may assist by inactivating the subject in CLASS.

26 TAC §745.651

10730 Validating the Employee List for an Operation

February 2021

Operations must validate the current list of persons associated with the operation:

  • listed family homes: once every year through the operation’s Child Care Licensing account or local CCR office;
  • licensed and registered child care homes: once every year through the operation’s Child Care Licensing account;
  • small employer or shelter care operations: once every year through the operation’s Child Care Licensing account or local CCR office; or
  • all other operations: once every three months through the operation’s Child Care Licensing account.

If an operation does not have access to its Child Care Licensing account and requests assistance from CCR, CBCU staff or the CCR monitoring inspector assigned to the operation may validate the operation’s People List in CLASS.

26 TAC §745.651

10740 Handling Court Orders

February 2021


A court order may be in place that:

  1. requires a child to remain in a placement where a barred person lives or is present; or
  2. waives one or more background check requirements, such as a fingerprint check or risk evaluation.

If a court order is in place, the following steps are taken:

  1. If the CCR monitoring inspector assigned to the operation learns about the court order through the operation, the CCR inspector informs the CBCU inspector assigned to the operation, and vice versa.
  2. If the child is in DFPS conservatorship, the CCR monitoring inspector contacts the caseworker or the caseworker’s supervisor to verify that a court order allowing the person to be present at the operation is in effect.
  3. The CBCU inspector documents the information in CLASS, as a comment in the Overall Background Check Comments section of the subject's Background Check Results History page.
  4. The CCR monitoring inspector informs the operation that the operation must obtain a written court order as soon as possible and forward a copy to the CCR monitoring inspector and to the CBCU inspector. The CCR monitoring inspector also informs the operation that it must keep the written order on file while it is in effect and the barred person is living or present in the operation while children are in care.
  5. Upon receiving a copy of the court order, the CCR monitoring inspector places the copy of the order in the operation’s hard copy file.

10750 When to Deny or Revoke a Permit Based on Criminal History or Child Abuse or Neglect History

February 2021

CCR must deny or revoke a permit when:

  • the applicant or permit holder has a criminal history or child abuse or neglect history that makes the subject ineligible to be present at the operation while children are in care; or
  • the applicant’s or permit holder’s spouse or any other subject is ineligible to be present at an operation and the applicant or permit holder refuses to or is unable to remove the subject from the operation.

For more information about who is ineligible to be present at an operation while children are in care, see 10200 Central Registry and Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Checks, 10300 Criminal History Background Checks, 10380 Sex Offender Registry Check Results, and 10510.41 Determinations of Ineligible.


CCR denies or revokes a permit if criminal history or child abuse or neglect history exists that would make any of the following subjects ineligible to be present at an operation:

  1. applicant or permit holder; or
  2. household member, including a spouse, in the applicant’s or permit holder’s home whom the applicant or permit holder is either unable to or refuses to remove from the home.

A subject is ineligible to be present in an operation if:

  1. the subject’s background check request is closed because the subject did not:
    • complete any background check type; or
    • provide additional information; or
  2. the subject has criminal history or child abuse or neglect history that:
    • is not eligible for a risk evaluation;
    • is eligible for a risk evaluation, but the background check subject does not request a risk evaluation; or
    • does not have an approved risk evaluation.

For more information regarding who is eligible for a risk evaluation, see 10410 When a Risk Evaluation is Required and 10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation. If the applicant or permit holder is a business entity, such as a corporation, there may be room for the subject with the criminal history or child abuse or neglect finding to leave the business entity without CCR revoking or denying the permit. However, if the subject with the criminal history or child abuse or neglect finding remains in charge of the business entity, then CCR takes adverse action against the permit. In such cases, the CCR monitoring inspector seeks advice from the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department.

Texas Human Resources Code §42.072(d),(f)

26 TAC §§745.631; 745.8605


3711 Denial Because of Background Information
7621 Criteria for Imposing a Denial
7624 Criteria for Imposing a Revocation