STAR+PLUS Program Support Unit Operational Procedures Handbook


Service Title Service Description Group
Children with Special Health Care Needs, 512-458-7111, ext. 3110 Case management services are offered by medical social workers and nurses who are either DSHS regional staff or fee-for-service private providers serving these populations. Specific services include:
  • information and referral intake;
  • comprehensive needs assessment;
  • individual service plan;
  • service coordination follow-up; and
  • advocacy.
Children and youth 0 through 20 (and adults of any age with cystic fibrosis) who have special health care needs and family assets under 200% of the poverty rate.
Hemophilia Assistance Program, 512-458-7150 Assistance for the purchase of blood products. Hemophilia individuals over 21 years old who are Texas residents and have an income level at or below 200% of the poverty level.
Case Management for Children and Pregnant Women (CPW – THSteps Case Management)

Case management services are offered by medical social workers and nurses who are either DSHS regional staff or fee-for-service private providers serving these populations. Specific services include:

  • information and referral intake;
  • comprehensive needs assessment;
  • individual service plan;
  • service coordination follow-up; and
  • advocacy.
Medicaid eligible children and youth 0 through 20 who have special health care needs, and Medicaid eligible women of any age with a high-risk pregnancy.

Texas Health Steps

1100 West 49th Street
Mail Code 1938
Austin, Texas 78756
Telephone: 512-458-7745
Fax: 512-458-7256

The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) service is Medicaid's comprehensive and preventive child health service. It includes periodic screening, vision, dental and hearing preventive services. In addition, section 1905(r)(5) of the Social Security Act requires that any medically necessary health care service listed in the Act be provided to THSteps (EPSDT) individuals, even if the service is not available under the state's Medicaid plan to the rest of the Medicaid population. Individuals younger than 21 years old.

THSteps Services – Comprehensive Care Program

1100 West 49th Street
Mail Code 1938
Austin, Texas 78756
Telephone: 512-458-7745
Fax: 512-458-7256

The Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) is Texas' name for the expanded portion of the Texas Health Steps Program (THSteps). CCP is a result of a Congressional mandate that took effect in 1990.

Services include treatment in freestanding psychiatric hospitals, developmental speech therapy, developmental occupational therapy, augmentative communication devices/systems and private duty nursing.

CCP covers services for children (until age 21 years) that are not usually allowed or are more limited under the Texas Medicaid Plan.
Epilepsy Services Provides comprehensive outpatient services (diagnostic, treatment and support) to eligible persons through contracted providers in select service areas in the state. Persons with epilepsy and/or seizure-like symptoms.

Children's Outreach Heart Program

Department of State Health Services,
Purchased Health Services Unit, 800-252-8023

Pre-diagnostic and follow-up evaluation services for cardiovascular disorders. Children in South Texas who meet financial, medical and residency eligibility requirements.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disabled Children's Program

Case management services are offered by medical social workers and nurses who are either DSHS regional staff or fee-for-service private providers serving these populations. Specific services include:

  • information and referral intake;
  • comprehensive needs assessment;
  • individual service plan;
  • service coordination follow-up; and
  • advocacy.
Children below the age of 16 who have special health care needs and are receiving SSI benefits.
Kidney Health Program,
Apply with unit performing dialysis, as certified by a licensed nephrologist.
Provides assistance to Texas residents with end-stage renal disease; assistance in paying for drugs, hospitalization, medical services and supplies, and transportation. Providers are reimbursed directly for medical services and supplies. Does not pay for services covered by Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance. Texas residents with end-stage renal disease.
Vision, Hearing and Spinal Screening Services,
Apply at local public health office.
Provides training for nurses who will be doing the screenings. Children ages 4-18.
Program for Amplification for Children of Texas (PACT). Apply through contracted providers. Provides hearing services and hearing aids to children and young adults who are Medicaid eligible or enrolled in the Children with Special Health Care Needs Program (CSHCN). Children and young adults ages 0 through 20 who are either Medicaid-eligible or enrolled in the CSHCN program.
Primary Health Care in Texas Early prevention, detection and intervention of health problems. The six priority services provided are:
  • diagnosis and treatment;
  • emergency services;
  • family planning;
  • preventive health services, including immunizations and health education;
  • laboratory, x-ray, nuclear medicine; or
  • other appropriate diagnostic services.
Secondary services that may be provided are:
  • nutrition help,
  • health screening,
  • home health care,
  • dental care,
  • transportation,
  • prescription drugs,
  • devices and durable medical supplies,
  • environmental health services,
  • podiatry services, and
  • social services.
Persons at or below 150% of poverty level without access to public or private health coverage.
Genetic Services Evaluation Genetic services (physical exam, family history, laboratory testing) and genetic counseling are provided through eight contracts and an El Paso DSHS clinic. Texas residents who meet the Title V eligibility requirements.
Adult Mental Health,
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
ACT is a self-contained program that serves as the fixed point of responsibility for providing treatment, rehabilitation and support services to identified individuals with severe and persistent mental illnesses. Using an integrated services approach, the ACT team merges clinical and rehabilitation staff to provide psychiatric, substance abuse, employment and housing expertise within one mobile service delivery system. A typical ACT team individual has schizophrenia or another serious mental illness such as bipolar disorder or major depression and has experienced multiple psychiatric hospital admissions either at the state or community level.
Supported Employment Supported employment provides individualized services to assist people in choosing, getting and keeping employment. DSHS' contact for the Supported Employment program is Pamela Daggett, 512-206-4608.
Housing and Homeless Service Supported housing provides individualized services to assist people in choosing, getting and keeping housing. Support services such as accessing transportation, meal preparation and budgeting may also be provided through this program. The Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) program is authorized under Sec. 521 (290cc-21) of the Public Health Service Act. Funds are distributed on a formula basis by the federal Center for Mental Health Services.
Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders (COPSD) To identify, develop and implement effective and efficient methods of engagement, assessment and treatment models for persons with co-occurring substance use and mental illness disorders. Individuals with co-occurring substance abuse/addiction and mental illness who are also frequent users of intensive and/or crisis-based services, jails and prisons; the indigent; and individuals who evidence high rates of relapse and recidivism.
Children's Mental Health Services Crisis Hotline The hotline is a telephone service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to get information, support and referrals to help you and your child when your child is experiencing a psychiatric crisis. Children ages 3 through 17 with a diagnosis of mental illness who exhibit serious emotional, behavioral or mental disorders and who:
  • have a serious functional impairment;
  • are at risk of disruption of a preferred living or child care environment due to psychiatric symptoms; or
  • are enrolled in a school system's special education program because of a serious emotional disturbance.
Screening A process whereby a staff person from the local authority/community mental health center talks to you and your child, either face-to-face or over the telephone, to gather information to find out if there is a need for a detailed mental health assessment.  
Case/Service Coordination The local authority provides services that help children access needed resources and services. For children with less intensive needs, this service is called case coordination. The case coordinator will also coordinate your child's treatment, provide continuity of services and plan for the services needed when your child completes treatment.  
Treatment Planning To develop a comprehensive treatment plan with goals and objectives.  
Skills Training Skills training is designed to maintain the child's quality of life. This service includes, but is not limited to, activities and training to address mental illness or problems that result when symptoms interfere with functioning in their living and learning environment.  
Respite Services Respite care is designed to provide a break from the stress that results when families are taking care of a child with mental illness every day.  
Medication-Related Services If your child is prescribed medication, there are several services that are provided as a part of your child's care:
  • If he or she takes the medicine at the community center, a licensed nurse or other qualified and trained staff person supervised by a doctor or registered nurse will provide or administer it.
  • This person will also be responsible for monitoring your child's medication.
  • Appropriately trained staff will also teach your child and/or family member the knowledge and skills needed to be able to administer and monitor the medication at home.
  • The doctor will be responsible for managing your child's medication.
Your local authority is responsible for ensuring that your child receives the prescribed psychoactive medication, under certain circumstances. Your child's medication will be provided to you if:
  • You have no other means of paying for this medicine.
  • The medicine has been determined to be medically necessary.
  • It is prescribed by an authorized representative of the local authority.
  • Your child is receiving services and registered in the management information system, called CARE.
Intensive Crisis Residential If a child is experiencing a psychiatric crisis that can't be stabilized in a community setting, short-term (usually 24 hours) residential services are provided.  
Inpatient Services Hospital services provide 24-hour care to children who cannot be stabilized in a less restrictive environment. Services are designed to provide safety and security during an acute psychiatric crisis.  
Breast and
Cervical Cancer Control
The Breast and Cervical Cancer Control program offers clinical breast examinations, mammograms, pelvic examinations and Pap tests throughout Texas at no cost to eligible women.

Breast cancer — Income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level; no other source of payment; women age 50-64 are a priority.

Cervical cancer — Income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level; no other source of payment; women age 18-64 who have never or rarely (not within the previous five years) been screened for cervical cancer are a priority.

Family Planning Information on DSHS programs targeting primarily women and their families. Highlights include: the family planning clinic locator, family violence prevention, male involvement ideas, links to other initiatives on women's health issues. Women and men during their reproductive years.
Information on prevention and care in Texas. Find out about HIV/STD services in your area, access HIV/STD and AIDS statistics for Texas or learn about eligibility requirements for the Texas HIV Medication Program.