STAR+PLUS Program Support Unit Operational Procedures Handbook

Appendix I-A, Unusual End Dates Report

Revision 19-7; Effective June 3, 2019


The Unusual End Dates report lists individual service plans (ISPs) with questionable end dates.


Report Fields

PCN – The member's nine-digit Medicaid number.

Name – The member's last name, first name and middle initial (when provided).

SG – The Service Authorization System Online (SASO) Service Group (SG). The STAR+PLUS SG is 19.

SC – The SASO Service Code (SC). The STAR+PLUS SC is 12. SC 13 should not appear on this report; if SC 13 does appear, disregard the line item.

ISP Begin Date – The begin date of the last ISP registered in SASO.

ISP End Date – The end date of the last ISP registered in SASO.

MN Begin Date – The begin date of the last medical necessity (MN) registered in SASO.

MN End Date – The end date of the last MN registered in SASO.

MN – The approval or denial of the MN referenced in the MN begin/end date:

  • "Y" means the MN was approved.
  • "N" means the MN was denied.

RG – The three-digit Risk Group number.

Enroll Month – The most current enrollment month at the time of the report.

Plan – The two-digit managed care organization (MCO) plan code.

TP – The member’s two-digit Medicaid Type Program.


Program Support Unit (PSU) Entry Fields

Comments – PSU staff must enter appropriate comments after researching the ISP end dates. For example, an ISP with:

  • an end date of Oct. 30, 2018, is questionable because there are 31 days in October.
  • an end date of Nov. 1, 2018, is questionable because ISPs end on the last day of the month.
  • a begin date of Jan. 1, 2018, and an end date of Dec. 31, 2018, is questionable because ISPs are not open-ended, nor do they end prior to the begin date.

Unusual End Dates is a periodic report sent on an as-needed basis. The PSU staff are required to research, resolve and respond to the requestor within 14 days of receipt.

Note: SASO files used by Program Enrollment Support (PES) staff to produce this report are a snapshot in time and may not reflect registrations at the point of receipt.