Appendix 6000, Investigations
Appendix 6000-1 Investigator Time Frames for Investigations
Revision 24-3; Effective Aug. 15, 2024
Use the table below to determine when certain actions must be completed after SWI or the local CCR office receives the intake report.
All days are calendar days. Supervisors may require shorter time frames on certain investigations based on the risk to children. Investigators document all investigation activities the same day the activities occur or the following day.
During all RC investigations, the investigator must see all victims as soon as they are identified and no later than the required time frame below.
For more information, refer to section 6200 Receiving, Assessing and Processing Intake Reports.
Action | Priority 1 (P1) Intakes | Priority 2 (P2) Intakes | Priority 3 (P3) Intakes | Priority 4 (P4) Intakes | Priority 5 (P5) Intakes |
Conduct Initial Investigation Staffing (RCCR only) |
| N/A | N/A | N/A |
Initiation of the investigation | Within 24 hours | Within 72 hours (RCCR only) Within 5 days (DCCR only) | Within 15 days | N/A | Within 5 days |
Face-to-face contact with all alleged victim(s) identified before initiation of investigation (RCCR only) | Within 24 hours | Within 72 hours | Within 15 days | N/A | N/A |
Face-to-face contact with all alleged victim(s) identified after initiation of investigation (RCCR Only) | Within 24 hours of identification | Within 72 hours of identification | Within 15 days of identification | N/A | N/A |
Inspection at operation | Within 15 days | Within 15 days | Within 30 days | Within 45 days for CPA Internal Investigations Within 30 days for all other types of investigations | N/A |
Conduct 20-Day Investigation Conclusion Staffing (RCCR only) | Within 20 days | Within 20 days | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Complete the investigation | Within 30 days | Within 30 days | Within 60 days | Within 60 days | Within 60 days |
Investigations: Complete the documentation | The same day the investigation is completed | The same day the investigation is completed | Within 60 days | Within 60 days | Within 60 days |
Finalize and send the notification letters to the operation and, if applicable, the reporter | The same day the investigation is completed | The same day the investigation is completed | Within 60 days | Within 60 days | Within 60 days |
Appendix 6000-2 Worker Safety
September 28, 2018
Staff safety is one of the most important factors in any investigation or inspection. CCL staff must immediately leave any situation they feel is unsafe.
If a provider or another person shows any signs of physical or verbal hostility or aggression, staff should immediately leave the operation and not return unless and until circumstances indicate that returning to the operation would not pose a safety threat. Attempting to continue an investigation or inspection in these situations can escalate an unsafe situation.
A coworker or supervisor should accompany staff on a return attempt to inspect or investigate the operation. If verbal or physical signs of hostility or aggressive behavior continue to be present, staff consult with their supervisor. If staff must return to complete necessary interviews or inspections, staff may contact law enforcement in order to ensure safety during the completion of the inspection or investigation. They may also contact Child Care Licensing Legal Services about getting a court order to assist the investigation. See Human Resources Code Section 42.04412.
No law, policy, or local procedure requires CCL staff to enter or remain in a dangerous situation.
The following best practices are steps that can be taken to help ensure worker safety in the field when conducting inspections and investigations:
- Conduct team inspections if the operation is located in an area with a high rate of crime or if the inspection is conducted at night.
- Upon arriving at the operation, ask the provider who else is in the operation at the time of the inspection.
- Upon arriving at the operation, ask the provider to describe or show you the layout of the operation.
- Ask the provider to lead the way during an inspection.
- Update your Outlook calendar before each inspection or investigation activity with the operation name, operation number and your location (e.g., operation, school, or off-site meeting location).
- Take your state-issued phone with you to all inspections and investigation activities.
- Enter your supervisor’s phone number on speed dial.
- Identify an agreed upon strategy with your supervisor for emergencies.
- During the course of the inspection or investigation, if the provider or any other person displays inappropriate behavior or comments leave the operation or interview, report the incident to your supervisor, and return at another time with a coworker.