STAR+PLUS Program Support Unit Operational Procedures Handbook

Appendix I-A, Unusual End Dates Report

Revision 19-7; Effective June 3, 2019


The Unusual End Dates report lists individual service plans (ISPs) with questionable end dates.


Report Fields

PCN – The member's nine-digit Medicaid number.

Name – The member's last name, first name and middle initial (when provided).

SG – The Service Authorization System Online (SASO) Service Group (SG). The STAR+PLUS SG is 19.

SC – The SASO Service Code (SC). The STAR+PLUS SC is 12. SC 13 should not appear on this report; if SC 13 does appear, disregard the line item.

ISP Begin Date – The begin date of the last ISP registered in SASO.

ISP End Date – The end date of the last ISP registered in SASO.

MN Begin Date – The begin date of the last medical necessity (MN) registered in SASO.

MN End Date – The end date of the last MN registered in SASO.

MN – The approval or denial of the MN referenced in the MN begin/end date:

  • "Y" means the MN was approved.
  • "N" means the MN was denied.

RG – The three-digit Risk Group number.

Enroll Month – The most current enrollment month at the time of the report.

Plan – The two-digit managed care organization (MCO) plan code.

TP – The member’s two-digit Medicaid Type Program.


Program Support Unit (PSU) Entry Fields

Comments – PSU staff must enter appropriate comments after researching the ISP end dates. For example, an ISP with:

  • an end date of Oct. 30, 2018, is questionable because there are 31 days in October.
  • an end date of Nov. 1, 2018, is questionable because ISPs end on the last day of the month.
  • a begin date of Jan. 1, 2018, and an end date of Dec. 31, 2018, is questionable because ISPs are not open-ended, nor do they end prior to the begin date.

Unusual End Dates is a periodic report sent on an as-needed basis. The PSU staff are required to research, resolve and respond to the requestor within 14 days of receipt.

Note: SASO files used by Program Enrollment Support (PES) staff to produce this report are a snapshot in time and may not reflect registrations at the point of receipt.

Appendix I-B, Individual Service Plan Expiring Report

Revision 19-7; Effective June 3, 2019


The Individual Service Plan (ISP) Expiring report is a check and balance method for the ISP expiring at the end of the report month.

Report Fields

PCN – The member's nine-digit Medicaid number.

Name – The member's last name, first name and middle initial (when provided).

SG – The Service Authorization System Online (SASO) Service Group (SG). The STAR+PLUS SG is 19.

SC – The SASO Service Code (SC). The STAR+PLUS SC is 12. SC 13 should not appear on this report; if SC 13 does appear, disregard the line item.

ISP Begin Date – The begin date of the last ISP registered in SASO.

ISP End Date – The end date of the last ISP registered in SASO.

MN Begin Date – The begin date of the last medical necessity (MN) registered in SASO.

MN End Date – The end date of the last MN registered in SASO.

MN – The approval or denial of the MN referenced in the MN begin/end date:

  • "Y" means the MN was approved.
  • "N" means the MN was denied.

RG – The three-digit Risk Group number.

Enroll Month – The most current enrollment month at the time of the report.

Plan – The two-digit managed care organization (MCO) plan code.

TP – The member’s two-digit Medicaid Type Program.


Program Support Unit (PSU) Entry Fields

Date 2065D Sent – Enter the date PSU staff uploaded Form H2065-D, Notification of Managed Care Program Services, to TxMedCentral if the:

  • MN column has "N" (denied);
  • PSU research shows the MN is denied;
  • Managed care organization notifies PSU staff of the MN denial;
  • PSU staff learn of the MN denial by any other method;
  • PSU staff learn of no unmet need at the annual reassessment for the new ISP;
  • PSU staff learn of loss of eligibility; or
  • PSU staff learn of any other denial reasons.

If the MN column has "Y" (approved), leave the field blank.

Date MN Registered in SAS - The date the MN is registered in SASO.

Date ISP Registered – Enter the date PSU staff registered the ISP in SASO, if uploaded to TxMedCentral or Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Long Term Care (LTC) Online Portal.

Date ISP Posted – The date Form H1700-1, Individual Service Plan (Pg. 1), was uploaded by the MCO to TxMedCentral or TMHP LTC Online Portal.

Comments – PSU staff may enter appropriate comments.

Note: Enter information in the “Comments” field in situations where Form H2065-D is completed but the “Date ISP Registered” is not filled out. The reason entered must provide sufficient detail to ensure clarity.

For expired ISP, Date MCO Contacted – Enter the date the MCO was contacted if the ISP has expired.

Date MCO Contacted, 2nd attempt – Enter the 2nd attempt date the MCO was contacted if the ISP has expired.

Date MCO Contacted, 3rd attempt – Enter the 3rd attempt date the MCO was contacted if the ISP has expired.

The ISP Expiring Report is a monthly report. PSU staff are required to research, resolve and respond within 14 days of receipt.


Scan Call for ISP Expiring Report process:

  • PSU staff provide the ISP Expiring Report five business days prior to the scheduled scan call.
  • The MCOs research and provide a written status for each member whose ISP expires within 45 days, indicating the status of the member’s reassessment. The MCO must return a completed report to PSU staff two business days prior to the scan call.
  • PSU staff review the MCO's responses to determine if the MCO needs to provide clarification regarding any member's ISP status. During the scan call, only the ISP status about which PSU staff have questions are reviewed. There will no longer be a need to review each member for the status of the ISP if the MCO's response is sufficient.

Note: SASO files used by Program Enrollment Support (PES) staff to produce this report are a snapshot in time and may not reflect registrations at the point of receipt.

Appendix I-C, Mismatched ISP and MN End Dates Report

Revision 19-7; Effective June 3, 2019

The Mismatched Individual Service Plan (ISP) and Medical Necessity (MN) End Dates report shows ISP end dates with MN end dates that do not match.


Report Fields

PCN – The member's nine-digit Medicaid number.

Name – The member's last name, first name and middle initial (when provided).

SG – The Service Authorization System Online (SASO) Service Group (SG). The STAR+PLUS SG is 19.

SC – The SASO Service Code (SC). The STAR+PLUS SC is 12. SC 13 should not appear on this report; if SC 13 does appear, disregard the line item.

ISP Begin Date – The begin date of the last ISP registered in SASO.

ISP End Date – The end date of the last ISP registered in SASO.

MN Begin Date – The begin date of the last MN registered in SASO.

MN End Date – The end date of the last MN registered in SASO.

MN – The approval or denial of the MN referenced in the MN begin/end date:

  • "Y" means the MN was approved.
  • "N" means the MN was denied.

RG – The three-digit Risk Group number.

Enroll Month – The most current enrollment month at the time of the report.

Plan – The two-digit managed care organization (MCO) plan code.

TP – The member’s two-digit Medicaid Type Program.


Program Support Unit (PSU) Entry Fields

Comments (Date and Action taken) – PSU staff must enter appropriate comments after researching the ISP/MN end dates, which should match. For example, an ISP ends on May 31, 2019, and the MN ends on April 30, 2019. PSU staff must research the reason for the mismatch.

There may be valid situations in which the two dates will not match. For example, a Money Follows the Person (MFP) case has an ISP registered for one day. The MN will not match the one-day registration in this case.

Mismatched ISP and MN End Dates is a periodic report sent on an as-needed basis. PSU staff are required to research, resolve and respond to the requestor within 14 days of receipt.

Note: SASO files used by Program Enrollment Support (PES) staff to produce this report are a snapshot in time and may not reflect registrations at the point of receipt.

Appendix I-D, Reserved for Future Use

Revision Notice 23-3; Effective Aug. 21, 2023

Appendix I-E, Monthly Plan Changes Report

Revision 19-7; Effective June 3, 2019


The Monthly Plan Changes report gives Program Support Unit (PSU) staff a list of members who have changed managed care organization (MCO) plans. PSU staff must correct the contract number in the Service Authorization System Online (SASO) to reflect all MCO plan changes.


Report Fields

PCN – The member's nine-digit Medicaid number.

Name – The member's last name, first name and middle initial (when provided).

Current Plan – The two-digit MCO plan code in which the member is currently enrolled.

TP – The member's two-digit Medicaid Type Program.

Prior Plan – The two-digit MCO plan code in which the member was formerly enrolled.

RG – The three-digit Risk Group number.

ISP Begin Date – Enter the begin date of the MCO plan change.

ISP End Date – Enter the end date of the MCO plan change.


PSU Entry Fields

Date Completed – PSU staff enter the date SASO corrections were completed.

Comments – Enter any comments relevant to the actions taken.

Monthly Plan Changes is a monthly report. PSU staff are required to research, resolve and respond to the requestor within 14 days of receipt.

Note: SASO files used by Program Enrollment Support (PES) staff to produce this report are a snapshot in time and may not reflect registrations at the point of receipt.

Appendix I-F, Loss of Eligibility Report

Revision 19-7; Effective June 3, 2019


The STAR+PLUS Loss of Eligibility Report provides to Program Support Unit (PSU) staff a list of STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program members who have lost Medicaid eligibility. PSU staff must conduct coordination activities to either reestablish eligibility or close the authorization(s) in the Service Authorization System Online (SASO).


Report Fields

PCN — The member’s nine-digit Medicaid number.

Name — The member’s last name, first name and middle initial (when provided).

RG — The three-digit Risk Group number.

Plan Code — The two-digit managed care organization (MCO) plan code in which the member is currently enrolled.

TP — The member’s two-digit Medicaid Type Program (TP).


PSU Entry Field

Eligibility Re-established? — PSU staff check the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) to determine if Medicaid eligibility has been reestablished. If it has, enter "Yes;" if not, enter "No."

If yes, is manual managed care enrollment needed? — If the response to the previous column was "Yes," PSU staff must check TIERS to determine if Medicaid eligibility and managed care enrollment have been established. If manual managed care enrollment is needed, send an email to the Program Enrollment Support (PES) mailbox.

If no, provide the date Form H2065-D was sent. — PSU staff enter the date Form H2065-D, Notification of Managed Care Program Services, was sent.

Was the decision appealed? — PSU staff enter "Yes" or "No." (No further action is necessary if the response to this question is "no.") If "Yes," continue to the next section.

If yes, was eligibility re-established? — PSU staff check TIERS to determine if Medicaid eligibility has been re-established. If it has, enter "Yes;" if not, enter "No." (No further action is necessary if the response to this question is "No.")

If eligibility was re-established, is manual managed care enrollment needed? — If the response to the previous column was "Yes," PSU staff must check TIERS to determine if managed care enrollment have been established. If manual managed care enrollment is needed, send an email to the PES mailbox.

Pending at PSU — Enter “Yes” or “No.”

Pending at MCO — Enter “Yes” or “No.”

Pending at MEPD — Enter “Yes” or “No.”

Comments — Enter any comments relevant to the actions taken.

The STAR+PLUS Loss of Eligibility Report is a monthly report. PSU staff are required to research, resolve and respond to the requestor within 14 days of receipt. (The fact that completion of the report itself is due within 14 days of receipt does not negate policy regarding denial notifications. Refer to Section 3622, Notification Requirements. The notification must still be sent within two business days.)

Note: SASO files used by PES staff to produce this report are a snapshot in time and may not reflect registrations at the point of receipt.

Appendix II, Guidelines for Completing Form H1746-A, MEPD Referral Cover Sheet

Appendix III, Medicaid Type Program Codes for STAR+PLUS HCBS Program and CFC

Appendix IV, Form H2065-D STAR+PLUS HCBS Program Reason for Denial and Comments Language

Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 10, 2024

Program Support Unit (PSU) staff must use Appendix IV, Form H2065-D STAR+PLUS HCBS Program Reason for Denial and Comments Language, to enter approved language in the Reason for Denial and Comments fields on Form H2065-D, Notification of Managed Care Program Services, and Form H2065-DS. PSU staff must not enter additional language in the Reason for Denial or Comments fields of Form H2065-D or Form H2065-DS. PSU staff must consult with their supervisor if they encounter a denial reason or comment not covered in Appendix IV.

Reason for Denial and Comments language is illustrated in both English and Spanish in the tables below.

Denial and Termination Language

This table contains Reason for Denial and Comments field language for Form H2065-D and Form H2065-DS generated for denials and terminations.

PSU staff must enter the associated STAR+PLUS Program Support Unit Operational Procedures Handbook (SPOPH) section supporting the denial reason on Form H2065-D and H2065-DS, listed in the SPOPH Section column.

Purpose for Form H2065-DReason for Denial in Plain LanguageComments in Plain LanguageSPOPH SectionService Authorization System Online (SASO) Code
Unable to LocateYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because HHSC staff or your health plan cannot locate you to complete the assessment required for the program. Usted no puede recibir servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque el personal de la HHSC o su plan médico no lo han podido localizar para que se someta a la valoración que requiere el programa.PSU staff must not enter comments language.6300.636 – Individual’s Whereabouts Unknown
Voluntarily Declined ServicesYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because you voluntarily withdrew from the program. Usted no puede recibir servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque abandonó voluntariamente el programa.PSU staff must not enter comments language.6300.305 – Client Requests Service Termination
Enrolled in Another Medicaid Waiver ProgramYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program. This is because you are enrolled in another Medicaid waiver program.  You can only be enrolled in one Medicaid waiver program at a time. Usted no reúne los requisitos para el programa STAR+PLUS HCBS. Esto se debe a que usted está inscrito en otro programa con exenciones de Medicaid. Solo puede estar inscrito en uno de los programas con exenciones a la vez.

You are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program. This is because you are currently enrolled in [Select one: Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS); Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD); Home and Community-based Services (HCS); Home and Community Based Services – Adult Mental Health (HCBS-AMH);  MDCP; Texas Home Living (TxHmL)]. STAR+PLUS HCBS program cannot be authorized. You can only be enrolled in one Medicaid waiver program at a time.

Usted no reúne los requisitos para el programa STAR+PLUS HCBS. Esto se debe a que usted está inscrito actualmente en [Select one: Programa de Servicios de Apoyo y Asistencia para Vivir en la Comunidad (CLASS); Programa para Personas Sordociegas con Discapacidades Múltiples (DBMD); Programa de Servicios en el Hogar y en la Comunidad (HCS); Programa de Servicios en el Hogar y en la Comunidad para la Salud Mental del Adulto (HCBS-AMH); MDCP; Programa de Texas para Vivir en Casa (TxHmL)]. No se puede autorizar el programa STAR+PLUS HCBS. Solo puede estar inscrito en uno de los programas con exenciones de Medicaid a la vez.

611039 – Other
Financial EligibilityYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because you do not meet the financial criteria necessary for the program. Usted no puede recibir servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque no cumple los criterios económicos necesarios para participar en el programa.

Call 2-1-1 if you have questions about the Medicaid application process.

Llame al 2-1-1 si tiene preguntas sobre el proceso de solicitud de Medicaid.

6300.406 – Client Denied Medicaid Eligibility
Declined AssessmentYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because you did not let your health plan complete the assessment required for the program. Usted no puede recibir servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque no permitió que el plan médico realizara la valoración que requiere el programa.PSU staff must not enter comments language.611039 – Other
Does Not Have an Unmet Need for MAOYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because you do not need services offered through the program. Usted no puede recibir los servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque no los necesita.PSU staff must not enter comments language.611013 – no unmet need (Six hour)
Does Not Have an Unmet Need for SSIYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because you do not need services offered through the program.

Usted no puede recibir los servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque no los necesita.

Your provider services will continue uninterrupted.

Los servicios de su proveedor continuarán sin interrupción.

611013 – no unmet need (Six hour)
Failure to Obtain Physician SignatureYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because your doctor didn’t tell us you need the level of care provided in a nursing home. Usted no puede recibir los Servicios en el Hogar y en la Comunidad (HCBS) de STAR+PLUS porque su médico no nos informó que usted necesita el nivel de atención que se ofrece en una casa de reposo.PSU staff must not enter comments language.6300.839 – Other
Medical Necessity and Level of CareReason for Denial language must be populated through the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Long Term Care Online Portal (LTCOP).You are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program. See the Reason for Denial text box on page 1 of this form and the STAR+PLUS HCBS Program Medical Necessity Denial Attachment for more information. Usted no reúne los requisitos del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS. Para más información, vea el cuadro “Motivo de la denegación” en la página 1 de este formulario, así como el anexo “Denegación por no existir necesidad médica” del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS.6300.508 – Loses Level-of-Care (Medical Necessity)
Exceeding the ISP Cost LimitYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because the cost of your individual service plan exceeds the maximum amount allowed. Usted no puede recibir servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque el costo de su plan individual de servicios excede la cantidad máxima permitida.PSU staff must not enter comments language.6300.718 – Exceeds Cost Ceiling
Failure to Return Form H1200You are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because you did not return the Medicaid application. Usted no puede recibir Servicios en el Hogar y en la Comunidad (HCBS) de STAR+PLUS porque no entregó su solicitud de Medicaid.

Call 2-1-1 if you have questions about the Medicaid application process.

Llame al 2-1-1 si tiene preguntas sobre el proceso de solicitud de Medicaid.

6300.406 – Client Denied Medicaid Eligibility  
MFP NF Discharge Prior to Eligibility DeterminationYou are not eligible for the STAR+PLUS HCBS program because you left the nursing facility before HHSC could determine program eligibility.

Usted no reúne los requisitos para recibir servicios del programa de HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque abandonó el centro de reposo antes de que la HHSC pudiera determinar si reunía los requisitos del programa    
PSU staff must not enter comments language.3200N/A
Institutional Stay Over 90 DaysYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because you have entered an institution for a long-term stay, as described in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at Title 42 CFR Section 441.301(b)(1).

Usted no puede recibir servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque ha ingresado en una institución donde tendrá una estancia a largo plazo, como se describe en la sección 441.301(b)(1) del título 42 del Código de Reglamentos Federales (CFR).
You are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program services while an in-patient of a [Select one: hospital; nursing facility; or intermediate care facility for persons with intellectual disability].

Usted no puede recibir servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS mientras sea un paciente interno de [Select one: un hospital; un centro de reposo; or un centro de atención intermedia para personas con discapacidad intelectual].
6300.203 – Admitted to Institution
Moved Out of StateYou are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS program because you are not a Texas resident.

Usted no puede recibir servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque no reside en Texas.
PSU staff must not enter comments language.611001 – Client Leaves the State/County (Catchment Area)
Under 21You are not eligible for STAR+PLUS HCBS because you are 20 or younger.

Usted no puede recibir servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS porque es menor de 21 años.
PSU staff must not enter comments language.611039 – Other
OtherPSU staff must contact supervisor.PSU staff must contact supervisor.6300.1039 – Other

Approval Language

This table contains Comments field language for Form H2065-D and Form H2065-DS generated for approvals.

Purpose for Form H2065-DReason for Denial in Plain LanguageComments in Plain LanguageSPOPH SectionService Authorization System Online (SASO) Code
Medicaid Eligibility Reinstated within Six MonthsN/AYour Medicaid was reinstated on [DATE]. Your STAR+PLUS HCBS program services will continue without interruption. Sus beneficios de Medicaid fueron restablecidos el [DATE]. 

Usted seguirá recibiendo servicios del programa HCBS de STAR+PLUS sin interrupción.
Initial Form H2065-D for MFP to CommunityN/AYou’re eligible for the STAR+PLUS HCBS program. Your services won’t start until you agree with your health plan on a date for you to leave your nursing home. Stay in the nursing home until you and your health plan agree on a date to leave. This makes sure services are in place when you leave the nursing home. You will receive another notice telling you when your STAR+PLUS HCBS program services will begin. Usted cumple los requisitos del programa STAR+PLUS HCBS. 

Usted no empezará a recibir los servicios hasta que haya acordado con el personal de su plan médico la fecha en que usted saldrá de la casa de reposo. Le pedimos que permanezca en la casa de reposo hasta que usted y su plan médico hayan acordado la fecha de su salida. Esto garantizará que sus servicios estén disponibles cuando usted salga de la casa de reposo. Usted recibirá otra notificación informándole cuándo comenzará a recibir los servicios del programa STAR+PLUS HCBS.
Initial Form H2065-D for SSI MFP to AFC or ALFN/AYou’re eligible for the STAR+PLUS HCBS program. Your services won’t start until you agree with your health plan on a date for you to leave your nursing home. Stay in the nursing home until you and your health plan agree on a date to leave. This makes sure services are in place when you leave the nursing home. You will receive another notice telling you when your STAR+PLUS HCBS program services will begin. We will also send you a notice telling you how much your room and board and copayment will be. Usted cumple los requisitos del programa STAR+PLUS HCBS.

Usted no empezará a recibir los servicios hasta que haya acordado con el personal de su plan médico la fecha en que usted saldrá de la casa de reposo. Le pedimos que permanezca en la casa de reposo hasta que usted y su plan médico hayan acordado la fecha de su salida. Esto garantizará que sus servicios estén disponibles cuando usted salga de la casa de reposo. Usted recibirá otra notificación informándole cuándo comenzará a recibir los servicios del programa STAR+PLUS HCBS. Además, le enviaremos una notificación informándole del costo de su alojamiento, comida y copago.
Initial Form H2065-D for MAO MFP to AFC or ALFN/AYou’re eligible for the STAR+PLUS HCBS program. Your services won’t start until you agree with your health plan on a date for you to leave your nursing home. Stay in the nursing home until you and your health plan agree on a date to leave. This makes sure services are in place when you leave the nursing home. You will receive another notice telling you when your STAR+PLUS HCBS program services will begin. We will also send you a notice telling you how much your room and board and copayment will be. Usted cumple los requisitos del programa STAR+PLUS HCBS.

Usted no empezará a recibir los servicios hasta que haya acordado con el personal de su plan médico la fecha en que usted saldrá de la casa de reposo. Le pedimos que permanezca en la casa de reposo hasta que usted y su plan médico hayan acordado la fecha de su salida. Esto garantizará que sus servicios estén disponibles cuando usted salga de la casa de reposo. Usted recibirá otra notificación informándole cuándo comenzará a recibir los servicios del programa STAR+PLUS HCBS. Además, le enviaremos una notificación informándole del costo de su alojamiento, comida y copago.
Room and Board and CopaymentN/A

You must pay room and board and copayment. You will pay them every month to your foster care home or assisted living facility. Your first month of room and board and copayment may be prorated based on your admission date to the facility. Your health plan will help you work with the facility on payments that are prorated.

Debe pagar alojamiento, comida y copago. Deberá pagarlos cada mes al hogar de acogida o al centro de vida asistida en el que se encuentre. El pago del primer mes de alojamiento, comida y copago puede prorratearse en función de la fecha de ingreso en el centro. Su plan médico le ayudará a coordinar con el centro los pagos prorrateados.


PSU staff must enter Pending and Calculando in the Copayment fields on the English and Spanish versions of Form H2065-D if the Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) specialist has not provided copayment amounts at the time Form H2065-D is being generated.

PSU staff must enter the full R&B and copayment amounts for members admitting to an ALF or AFC on the first day of the month. PSU staff must enter the full R&B and copayment amounts for the first month of eligibility along with prorate and prorrateo if the member is admitting to an ALF or AFC on any other day of the month.

Appendix V, Medicaid Program Actions

Appendix VI, STAR+PLUS Inquiry Chart

Appendix VII, Acronyms

Revision 19-7; Effective June 3, 2019

The following acronyms are used in the STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Program.

Acronym Description
AA Adaptive Aids
ADL Activity of Daily Living
AFC Adult Foster Care
AL Assisted Living
ALF Assisted Living Facility
AO Agency Option
APS Adult Protective Services
CAP Corrective Action Plan
CARE Client Assignment and Registration
CAS Community Attendant Services
CBA Community Based Alternatives
CCAD Community Care for Aged and Disabled
CCSE Community Care Services Eligibility
CCP Comprehensive Care Program
CDS Consumer Directed Services
CFC Community First Choice
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHIP Children's Health Insurance Program
CLASS Community Living Assistance and Support Services
CMPAS Client Managed Personal Attendant Services
CMS Claims Management System
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CNA Certified Nursing Assistant
COLA Cost of Living Adjustment
CRU Centralized Representation Unit
CSHCN Children with Special Health Care Needs
CSIL Community Services Interest List
DAC Disabled Adult Child
DAHS Day Activity and Health Services
DBMD Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities
DDS Disability Determination Services
DDU Disability Determination Unit
DER Data Entry Representative
DFPS Department of Family and Protective Services
DIA Diagnosis
DID Determination of Intellectual Disability
DIU Data Integrity Unit
DME Durable Medical Equipment
DOB Date of Birth
DOD Date of Death
DR Designated Representative
DSHS Department of State Health Services
ERS Enrollment Resolutions Services
ERS Emergency Response Service
FBR Federal Benefit Rate
FC Family Care Title XX
FFS Fee-for-Service
FH Fair Hearing
FHO Fair Hearings Officer
FMSA Financial Management Services Agency
GR General Revenue
HCBS Home and Community Based Services
HCS Home and Community-based Services
HCSS Home and Community Support Services
HCSSA Home and Community Support Services Agency
HDM Home-Delivered Meals
HEART Health and Human Services Enterprise Administrative Report and Tracking System
HHS Health and Human Services
HHSC Health and Human Services Commission
HICAP Health Information Counseling and Advocacy Program
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIPP Health Insurance Premium Payment Program
HMA Health Maintenance Activity
IADL Instrumental Activity of Daily Living
ICF/IID Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions
IDD Intellectual or Developmental Disability
IDT Interdisciplinary Team
ILM Interest List Management
IME Incurred Medical Expense
ISP Individual Service Plan
LAR Legally Authorized Representative
LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker
LIDDA Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority
LOC Level of Care
LOS Level of Service
LTC Long Term Care
LTC-R Long Term Care Regulatory
LTSS Long Term Services and Supports
LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
MAO Medical Assistance Only
MBI Medicaid Buy-In
MC Managed Care
MCO Managed Care Organization
MCCO Managed Care Compliance & Operations
MDCP Medically Dependent Children Program
MDS Minimum Data Set
Med ID Medicaid Identification Card
MEPD Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities
MERP Medicaid Estate Recovery Program
MESAV Medicaid Eligibility Service Authorization Verification
MFP Money Follows the Person
MFPD Money Follows the Person Demonstration
MHM Minor Home Modification
MMP Medicare-Medicaid Plan
MN Medical Necessity
MN/LOC Medical Necessity and Level of Care
MRSA Medicaid Rural Service Area
MSHCN Members with Special Health Care Needs
NF Nursing Facility
OT Occupational Therapy
OTA Occupational Therapy Assistance
PACE Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly
PAS Personal Assistance Services
PCN Patient Control Number
PCP Primary Care Provider;
PCS Personal Care Services
PCS Provider Claims Services
PDN Private Duty Nursing
PES Program Enrollment and Support
PHC Primary Home Care
PNA Personal Needs Allowance
POC Plan of Care
PPECC Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center
PPS Premiums Payable System
PSU Program Support Unit
PT Physical Therapy
PTA Physical Therapy Assistance
QIT Qualified Income Trust
QMB Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
R&B Room and Board
RN Registered Nurse
RSDI Retirement and Survivors Disability Insurance
RUG Resource Utilization Group
SASO Service Authorization System Online
SC Service Code
SCSA Significant Change in Status Assessment
SDX State Data Exchange
SE Supported Employment
SG Service Group
SLMB Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
SO State Office
SOC Start of Care
SOLQ State On-Line Query
SPT Service Planning Team
SRO Service Responsibility Option
SSA Social Security Administration
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSN Social Security Number
SSPD Special Services to Persons with Disabilities
ST Speech Therapy
STAR State of Texas Access Reform
STAR+PLUS State of Texas Access Reform Plus
STAR+PLUS HCBS program State of Texas Access Reform Plus Home and Community Based Services program
STS Supplemental Transition Support
TAC Texas Administrative Code
TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
TAS Transition Assistance Services
TDI Texas Department of Insurance
THStep-CCP Texas Health Steps – Comprehensive Care Program
TIERS Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System
TMHP Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership
TOA Type of Assistance
TP Type Program
TPR Third-Party Resource
TW Texas Works
TxHmL Texas Home Living
UAP Unlicensed Assistive Person
UMCC Uniform Managed Care Contract
UMCM Uniform Managed Care Manual
WTPY Wire Third Party Query

Appendix VIII, Income and Resource Limits

Appendix IX, Time Calculation

Appendix X, STAR+PLUS HCBS Cost Limits

Appendix XI, STAR+PLUS HCBS Program Medical Necessity Denial Attachment

Appendix XII, STAR+PLUS HCBS Program Description

Appendix XIII, Your Financial Rights in an Assisted Living Facility STAR+PLUS

Revision 22-2; Effective March 4, 2022

For information about document accessibility, contact

Your Financial Rights in an Assisted Living Facility STAR+PLUS

Appendix XIV, Determination of High Needs Status for the STAR+PLUS HCBS Program

Revision 18-0; Effective September 4, 2018


An individual entering the STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program is designated as having high needs status if:

  • the individual is on ventilator care;
  • the individual has high-skilled nursing needs, such as tracheotomy care, wound care, suctioning or feeding tubes; and/or
  • the individual will exceed the individual service plan (ISP) cost limit and has needs that will require special services or service delivery, and the community support/resources have not been identified.

Appendix XV, Services Available from Other State Agencies

Appendix XVI, SASO Service Group, Service Code and Termination Code

Appendix XVII, State Cutoff Dates

Appendix XVIII, Mutually Exclusive Services

Appendix XIX, Nursing Facility Counter Logic

Appendix XX, STAR+PLUS HCBS Program Eligibility TAC

Appendix XXI, Creating an Appeal in TIERS

Appendix XXII, HHSC Benefits Portal and TIERS Reference Guides

Appendix XXIII, Instructions and Access to CARE

Appendix XXIV, Minimum Standards for STAR+PLUS AFC Homes and Home Providers

Appendix XXIX, STAR+PLUS Plan Codes and Contract Numbers

Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 10, 2024

STAR+PLUS Plan Codes

Service AreaPlan NamePlan CodesContract NumberPlan Codes Effective Dates
BexarCommunity First HealthS11033142Sept. 1, 2024
BexarMolina461014430Sept. 1, 2011
BexarSuperior471014433Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2024
BexarUnited HealthcareS51033147Sept. 1, 2024
BexarWellpoint451014439Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2024
DallasMolina9F1018980March 1, 2012
DallasSuperior9H1018981March 1, 2012
DallasUnited HealthcareS61033148Sept. 1, 2024
El PasoEl Paso HealthS21033143Sept. 1, 2024
El PasoMolina331019987March 1, 2012
El PasoWellpoint341019979March 1, 2012 – Aug. 31, 2024
HarrisCommunity Health ChoiceS31033145Sept. 1, 2024
HarrisMolina7S1014431Sept. 1, 2011
HarrisUnited Healthcare7R1014435Sept. 1, 2011
HarrisWellpoint7P1014440Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2024
HidalgoCigna-HealthSpringH71019984March 1, 2012 – Dec. 31, 2021
HidalgoMolinaH61019988March 1, 2012
HidalgoSuperiorH51019985March 1, 2012
HidalgoUnited HealthcareS71033149Sept. 1, 2024
JeffersonMolina8T1019598Sept. 1, 2011
JeffersonUnited Healthcare8S1019600Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2024
JeffersonWellpoint8R1019599Sept. 1, 2011
LubbockSuperior5B1019986March 1, 2012
LubbockWellpoint5A1019983March 1, 2012
Medicaid Rural Service Area (RSA) West Texas SuperiorW61025730Sept. 1, 2014
Medicaid Rural Service Area (RSA) West Texas WellpointW51025729Sept. 1, 2014
Medicaid RSA Northeast Texas Cigna-HealthSpringN31025733Sept. 1, 2014 – Dec. 31, 2021
Medicaid RSA Northeast Texas MolinaP21031928Jan. 1, 2022
Medicaid RSA Northeast Texas United HealthcareN41025734Sept. 1, 2014
Medicaid RSA Central Texas SuperiorC41025731Sept. 1, 2014
Medicaid RSA Central Texas United HealthcareC51025732Sept. 1, 2014
NuecesSuperior861014434Sept. 1, 2011
NuecesUnited851014437Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2024
NuecesWellpointS91033141Sept. 1, 2024
TarrantCigna-HealthSpring6C1018979Sept. 1, 2011 – Dec. 31, 2021 
TarrantMolinaP11031927Jan. 1, 2022
TarrantUnited HealthcareS81033140Sept. 1, 2024
TarrantWellpoint691018977Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2024
TravisSuperiorS41033146Sept. 1, 2024
TravisUnited181014438Sept. 1, 2011
TravisWellpoint191014442Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2024

Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) Codes

Service AreaPlan NamePlan CodesContract NumberPlan Codes Dates
BexarMolina4G1026341Sept. 1, 2015
BexarSuperior4H1026337Sept. 1, 2015
BexarWellpoint4F1026326Sept. 1, 2015 – Aug. 31, 2024
DallasMolina9J1026342Sept. 1, 2015
DallasSuperior9K1026338Sept. 1, 2015
El PasoMolina3H1026343Sept. 1, 2015
El PasoWellpoint3G1026328Sept. 1, 2015 – Aug. 31, 2024
HarrisMolina7V1026344Sept. 1, 2015
HarrisUnited Healthcare7Q1026334Sept. 1, 2015
HarrisWellpoint7Z1026331Sept. 1, 2015 – Aug. 31, 2024
HidalgoCigna-HealthSpring H81026335Sept. 1, 2015 – Dec. 31, 2021
HidalgoMolinaH91026345Sept. 1, 2015
HidalgoSuperior HA1026339Sept. 1, 2015
TarrantCigna-HealthSpring 6G1026333Sept. 1, 2015– Dec. 31, 2021
TarrantWellpoint6F1026332Sept. 1, 2015 – Aug. 31, 2024

Appendix XXV, Community First Choice Support Management

Appendix XXVI, Reserved for Future Use

Appendix XXVII, PSU Users H1700/ISP Form User Guide

Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 10, 2024

Link to PSU Users H1700/ISP Form User Guide found here.

Appendix XXVIII, County Codes and City and County List

Appendix XXX, Relocation Function



The relocation function is a component of service coordination. The primary purpose of the relocation function is to support the transition of members and future members who desire to move from an institution to the community. A relocation specialist (RS) works for an entity contracted with a managed care organization (MCO) to perform the relocation function.

Overview of Relocation Function

  • Conduct outreach and education to nursing facilities and residents on options for receiving long-term services and supports (LTSS) in the community;
  • Identify members interested in relocating;
  • Respond to referrals for relocation and conduct relocation assessments;
  • Develop and implement person-centered relocation plans;
  • Coordinate housing and non-covered community services, as mutually agreed;
  • Provide support on day of relocation and conduct follow-up; and
  • Collect data on relocations as specified by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and/or MCOs.

Relocation Tasks

MCORSBothConduct Outreach and Education
MCORSBothIdentify and Refer Individuals Interested in Relocating (non-Minimum Data Set Referrals)
MCORSBothRespond to Referrals for Relocation and Conduct Relocation Assessment
MCORSBothCoordinate Housing, Non-Medicaid Community Supports and Discharge
MCORSBothProvide Support on Relocation Day and Follow-up
  XConduct regular visits to nursing facilities to educate individuals in the facility, family members and potential referral sources about community-based services, including STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), and the availability of assistance with relocation. Educate potential referral sources regarding the availability of STAR+PLUS HCBS.
  XProvide group and individual training to nursing facility staff on relocation services.
 X Encourage a referral to a Local Contact Agency for residents interested in relocating.
  XIf an RS learns of a member’s desire to move to the community, the RS must notify the member’s MCO. If an MCO learns of a member’s desire to move to the community, the MCO must notify the RS. Either party has three business days to notify the other party.
 X Upon receipt of referral, the RS must make an initial contact face-to-face or by telephone within five business days to schedule a relocation assessment. Initial contact must be with the member or the member’s authorized representative (AR). An AR such as a family member or friend who is knowledgeable of the member’s situation and services may be engaged to support information provided by the member. 
X  The MCO service coordinator must contact the member to schedule an assessment for STAR+PLUS HCBS within 14 business days of notification by the RS. The MCO has 45 days to complete all assessment activities related to STAR+PLUS HCBS eligibility.
 X Provide the appropriate Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority (LIDDA) with contact information for members interested in relocating who have an Intellectual or Developmental Disability (IDD). Provide notification to the appropriate MCO that a referral was made to the LIDDA.

When contacted by the MCO via Form 1579, Referral for Relocation Services, or after referral is received from another source, conduct a face-to-face relocation assessment with the member or AR within 14 business days. An AR such as a family member or friend who is knowledgeable of the member’s situation and services may be engaged to support information provided by the member. The assessment includes, but is not limited to:

  • goals of the member with regard to community living;
  • preferences for post-relocation housing;
  • information regarding informal support;
  • information regarding finances and need for support;
  • need for post-relocation non-waiver supports;
  • history of unsuccessful relocation attempts and reasons attempts were not successful; and
  • barriers to relocation.
 X Share results from assessment with the MCO.
  XDevelop a person-centered relocation plan with the member or AR and others whom he/she chooses to have involved.
  XAdvocate with nursing facility staff, RS and service coordinator(s) to support the member’s needs, preferences and goals.

Through their respective assessments, the MCO service coordinator and RS identify and include in the MCO service plan and/or RS’ transition plan non-covered community services, including, but not limited to:

  • help setting up a utility or telephone account;
  • non-medical transportation, including mainline, special transit and local transportation providers;
  • start-up groceries, as needed; or
  • banking, bill payment and direct deposit.
  XMaintain regular, open communication with all parties who are involved in the relocation process.

If the member is in need of housing, the RS is primarily responsible to help secure affordable, accessible and integrated housing consistent with the resident’s preferences. The RS assists the member in applying for:

  • Project Access, as indicated;
  • Section 811 Project Rental Assistance, as available; and
  • other affordable housing options, as necessary.
X  If the member is interested in assisted living, personal care homes or adult foster care, the MCO service coordinator will review options available among contracted providers.
  XAssist the member in accessing community supports, such as food banks, utility assistance, emergency rental assistance and emergency SNAP.
  XParticipate in the discharge planning process with the member or AR, service coordinator(s), RS and others important to the member.
X  MCOs will negotiate and set the discharge date in coordination with the RS and other community and social supports, as necessary.
  XIf an MCO or RS becomes aware of a change to the discharge date, the MCO or RS must notify the other party immediately.
  XCoordinate with all parties to ensure everything is in place at the time of discharge.
  XHelp facilitate the member’s notification to Social Security of the member’s new address as soon as possible after relocating to the community.
X  The MCO service coordinator will remind nursing facility staff to transfer Medicaid benefits from the facility to the community.
  XBe present at new address on relocation day to ensure all services are in place.  Assist in setting up household, as needed.
  XNotify the other party if the member does not have all necessary Medicaid and non-Medicaid supports in place on the day of relocation.

Provide follow up, which may include:

  • determining if there are unresolved issues related to transfer of benefits, health, emotional well-being, etc.;
  • communicating all unresolved medical issues to the MCO service coordinator; and
  • assisting the member in addressing unmet needs.
 X Contact the member at least seven times over the course of 90 days post-relocation to ensure a successful transition to the community. Notify the MCO if the member has an unmet need.

Minimum Qualifications

An MCO must offer a contract to provide the relocation function to an entity with at least five years contracting with the state to provide relocation functions as of Sept. 1, 2016, to members transitioning from institutions to Medicaid community-based LTSS.

An MCO may offer a contract to a new entity to provide the relocation function. The new entity must meet all of the following qualifications:

  • Adherence to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant data management requirements and other stipulations of the MCO;
  • Experience identifying barriers to relocation for members who express an interest in moving from nursing facilities in Texas to a home and community-based setting;
  • Knowledge of community resources for members with disabilities of all ages and how to access those resources;
  • Knowledge of community and federal housing resources and how to access those resources, as appropriate;
  • Knowledge of Medicaid, including, but not limited to, Medicaid managed care, long term services and supports, eligibility requirements and how to apply and qualify for Medicaid;
  • Ability to hire, train, supervise and direct RS staff that ensures the successful transition of members from nursing facilities. The entity is responsible for ensuring any RS is not listed in the HHSC employee misconduct registry, Inspector General (IG) list of excluded entities and individuals, and HHSC do not hire registries. The entity must conduct a fingerprint background check and share the results with the MCO prior to hiring an RS;
  • Two years of experience developing transition plans for members; and
  • Three years of experience working directly with people with disabilities of all ages or the entity must have at least three years of experience subcontracting with an entity described above to provide the relocation function.

Appendix XXXI, STAR+PLUS Members Transitioning from an NF in One Service Area to the Community in Another Service Area

Appendix XXXII, Create an Appeal Task in the HHSC Benefits Portal

Appendix XXXIII, STAR+PLUS HEART Naming Conventions

Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024

This appendix outlines the screenshots Program Support Unit (PSU) staff must upload to the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) Enterprise Administrative Report and Tracking System (HEART) case record.

PSU staff must use the HEART Naming Conventions below when uploading documents to the HEART case record. Refer to Appendix XXXIV, STAR+PLUS MCOHub Naming Conventions, for the MCOHub naming convention instructions.

PSU staff must add a sequence number after the naming convention when more than one of the same form or screenshot is uploaded. For example, PSU staff must name the first Form H1746-A sent or received as 1746_1, the second form sent or received as 1746_2, and the third form sent or received as 1746_3.

PSU staff must include all screenshots, forms, documents and emails marked as Yes in the Required column in the HEART case record.  PSU staff must include screenshots, forms, documents and emails marked with an * in the Required column in the HEART case record if used by PSU staff while completing the case.

Interest List Release (ILR)

ItemHEART Naming ConventionRequired
TIERS Individual - Medicaid History ScreenshotTIERS MEYes
TIERS Individual - Managed Care ScreenshotTIERS MCYes
SASO Enrollment ScreenshotSASO ENYes
SASO Service Authorization ScreenshotSASO SAYes
SASO Medical Necessity ScreenshotSASO MNYes
CSIL Closure ScreenshotCSIL CLOSUREYes
Form 2442 (English)2442*
Form 2442-S (Spanish)2442-S*
Form 26062606*
Form 2606-S2606-S*
Form H1200 (Page 1, Section A, You and Your Spouse, and Page 19, Signature Page)1200*
Form H1700-1 (if received through TMHP LTCOP)LTCOP ISPYes
Form H1700-1 (if received through the MCOHub)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H1746-A (form alone or with fax confirmation page)1746*
Form H1746-A Fax Confirmation (if confirmation page only)1746 CONF*
Form H1826H1826*
Form H2053-B2053B*
Form H2065-D Generated in TMHP LTCOP (English and Spanish)2065*
Form H2065-D Generated Manually (English and Spanish)Use the MCOHub Naming Convention*
Form H2065-D Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2065 MCOHub*
Form H2067-MCUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2067-MC Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2067 MCOHubYes
Form H36753675*
Form H3676-AUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H3676-A Upload to the MCOHub3676A MCOHubYes
Form H3676-BUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
TIERS Copayment Budget ScreenshotTIERS COPAY*
Emails for PSU QA ProcessQA EMAIL*
Emails to and from CRUCRU EMAIL*
Emails to and from CCSECCSE EMAIL*
Emails to and from ERSERS EMAIL*
Emails to and from ILM UnitILM EMAIL*
Emails to and from IDD Unit IDD EMAIL*
Emails to and from MCCOMCCO EMAIL*
Emails to and from PSORTPSORT EMAIL*
MEPD Communication ToolMEPD EMAIL*

Note: PSU staff must upload Form 2442 or Form H2065-D in the HEART case record, as appropriate.


ItemHEART Naming ConventionRequired
TIERS Individual - Medicaid History ScreenshotTIERS MEYes
TIERS Individual - Managed Care ScreenshotTIERS MCYes
SASO Enrollment ScreenshotSASO ENYes
SASO Service Authorization ScreenshotSASO SAYes
SASO Medical Necessity ScreenshotSASO MNYes
Form 26062606*
Form 2606-S2606-S*
Form H1200 (Page 1, Section A, You and Your Spouse, and Page 19, Signature Page)1200*
Form H1700-1 (if received through TMHP LTCOP)LTCOP ISPYes
Form H1700-1 (if received through the MCOHub)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H1746-A (form alone or with fax confirmation page)1746*
Form H1746-A Fax Confirmation (if confirmation page only)1746 CONF*
Form H1826H1826*
Form H2065-D Generated in TMHP LTCOP (English and Spanish)2065Yes
Form H2065-D Generated Manually (English and Spanish)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2065-D Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2065 MCOHubYes
Form H2067-MCUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2067-MC Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2067 MCOHubYes
TIERS Copayment Budget ScreenshotTIERS COPAY*
Emails for PSU QA ProcessQA EMAIL*
Emails to and from CRUCRU EMAILS*
MEPD Communication ToolMEPD EMAIL*

Money Follows the Person (MFP)

ItemHEART Naming ConventionRequired
TIERS Individual- Medicaid History ScreenshotTIERS MEYes
TIERS Individual- Managed Care ScreenshotTIERS MCYes
SASO Enrollment ScreenshotSASO ENYes
SASO Service Authorization ScreenshotSASO SAYes
SASO Medical Necessity ScreenshotSASO MNYes
CSIL Closure ScreenshotCSIL CLOSUREYes
Form 26062606*
Form 2606-S2606-S*
Form H1200 (Page 1, Section A, You and Your Spouse, and Page 19, Signature Page)1200*
Form H1700-1 (if received through TMHP LTCOP)LTCOP ISPYes
Form H1700-1(if received through the MCOHub)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H1746-A (form alone or with fax confirmation page)1746*
Form H1746-A Fax Confirmation (if confirmation page only)1746 CONF*
Form H1826H1826*
Form H2053-B2053B*
Form H2065-D Generated in TMHP LTCOP (English and Spanish)2065Yes
Form H2065-D Generated Manually (English and Spanish)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2065-D Screenshot of Upload to the MOCHub2065 MCOHubYes
Form H2067-MCUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2067-MC Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2067 MCOHubYes
TIERS Copayment Budget ScreenshotTIERS COPAY*
Emails for PSU QA ProcessQA EMAIL*
Emails to and from CRUCRU EMAILS*
Emails to and from CCSECCSE EMAIL*
Emails to and from ERSERS EMAIL*
Emails to and from ILM UnitILM EMAIL*
Emails to and from MCCOMCCO EMAIL*
Emails to and from PSORTPSORT EMAIL*
Emails to and from the MFPD Reporting Coordinator365-DAY EMAIL*
MEPD Communication ToolMEPD EMAIL*

Annual Reassessment

ItemHEART Naming ConventionRequired
TIERS Individual - Medicaid History ScreenshotTIERS MEYes
TIERS Individual- Managed Care ScreenshotTIERS MCYes
SASO Enrollment ScreenshotSASO EN*
SASO Service Authorization ScreenshotSASO SAYes
SASO Medical Necessity ScreenshotSASO MNYes
Form 26062606*
Form 2606-S2606-S*
Form H1826H1826*
Form H1700-1 (if received through TMHP LTCOP)LTCOP ISPYes
Form H1700-1(if received through the MCOHub)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2065-D Generated in TMHP LTCOP (English and Spanish)2065Yes
Form H2065-D Generated Manually (English and Spanish)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2065-D Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2065 MCOHubYes
Form H2067-MCUse the MCO Hub Naming Convention*
Form H2067-MC Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2067 MCOHub*
TIERS Copayment Budget ScreenshotTIERS COPAY*
Emails for PSU QA ProcessQA EMAIL*
Emails to and from MCCOMCCO EMAIL*
Emails to and from PSORTPSORT EMAIL*

Transition to Adult Programs (MDCP Age-Out)

ItemHEART Naming ConventionRequired
TIERS Individual - Medicaid History ScreenshotTIERS MEYes
SASO Enrollment ScreenshotSASO ENYes
SASO Service Authorization ScreenshotSASO SAYes
SASO Medical Necessity ScreenshotSASO MNYes
Form 21142114*
Form 26062606*
Form 2606-S2606-S*
Form H1200 (Page 1, Section A, You and Your Spouse, and Page 19, Signature Page)1200*
Form H1700-1 (if received through TMHP LTCOP)LTCOP ISPYes
Form H1700-1(if received through the MCOHub)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H1746-A (form alone or with fax confirmation page)1746*
Form H1746-A Fax Confirmation (if confirmation page only)1746 CONF*
Form H1826H1826*
Form H2053-B2053B*
Form H2065-D Generated in TMHP LTCOP (English and Spanish)2065Yes
Form H2065-D Generated Manually (English and Spanish)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2065-D Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2065 MCOHubYes
Form H2067-MCUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2067-MC Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2067 MCOHubYes
Form H21162116*
Form H36753675*
Form H3676-AUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H3676-A Upload to the MCOHub3676A MCOHubYes
Form H3676-BUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
TIERS Copayment Budget ScreenshotTIERS COPAY*
Emails for PSU QA ProcessQA EMAIL*
Emails to and from CCSECCSE EMAIL*
Emails to and from ERSERS EMAIL*
Emails to and from Higher Needs CoordinatorHN EMAIL*
Emails to and from ILM UnitILM EMAIL*
Emails to and from MCCOMCCO EMAIL*
Emails to and from PSORTPSORT EMAIL*
Emails to and from STAR Kids PSUPSU EMAIL*
Emails to and from URUR EMAIL*
Emails to and from IDD UnitIDD EMAIL*
MEPD Communication ToolMEPD EMAIL*

Denials and Terminations

ItemHEART Naming ConventionRequired
TIERS Individual - Medicaid History ScreenshotTIERS MEYes
SASO Enrollment ScreenshotSASO EN*
SASO Service Authorization ScreenshotSASO SAYes
SASO Medical Necessity ScreenshotSASO MNYes
CSIL Closure ScreenshotCSIL CLOSURE*
Fair Hearing Options for STAR+PLUS HCBS Program DenialsMN DENIAL ATCH*
Form 26062606*
Form 2606-S2606-S*
Form H1746-A (form alone or with fax confirmation page)1746*
Form H1746-A Fax Confirmation (if confirmation page only)1746 CONF*
Form H1826H1826*
Form H2065-D Generated in TMHP LTCOP (English and Spanish)2065*
Form H2065-D Generated Manually (English and Spanish)Use the MCOHub Naming Convention*
Form H2065-D Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2065 MCOHub*
Form H2067-MCUse the MCOHub Naming Convention*
Form H2067-MC Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2067 MCOHub*
Emails for PSU QA ProcessQA EMAIL*
Emails to and from CRUCRU EMAIL*
Emails to and from ERSERS EMAIL*
Emails to and from IDD UnitIDD EMAIL*
Emails to and from ILM UnitILM EMAIL*
Emails to and from MCCOMCCO EMAIL*
MEPD Communication ToolMEPD EMAIL*

Note: PSU staff must upload Form H2067-MC or Form H2065-D in the HEART case record, as appropriate.

Fair Hearings

ItemHEART Naming ConventionRequired
SASO Service Authorization ScreenshotSASO SAYes
SASO Medical Necessity ScreenshotSASO MNYes
Form 26062606*
Form 2606-S2606-S*
Form H1746-A (form alone or with fax confirmation page)1746*
Form H1746-A Fax Confirmation (if confirmation page only)1746 CONF*
Form H1826Form H1826*
Form H2065-D Generated in TMHP LTCOP (English and Spanish)2065Yes
Form H2065-D Generated Manually (English and Spanish)Use the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2065-D Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2065 MCOHubYes
Form H2067-MCUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2067-MC Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2067 MCOHubYes
Form H48004800*
Form H4800-A4800A*
Form H4800-D4800D*
Form 4801FH COVER LTRYes
Form H48034803Yes
Form H48064806*
Form H48074807*
Appendix XX for All DenialsELIGIBILITY TACYes
Copy of Handbook Section Referenced on Form H2065-DSPOPH [####]Yes
Fair Hearing Options for STAR+PLUS HCBS Program DenialsMN DENIAL ATCH*
Notice of Hearing Officer’s DecisionAPPEAL DECISION LTRYes
HHSC Benefits Portal Screenshot of Hearing Officer’s DecisionTIERS APPEAL DECISIONYes
Emails to and from DER ClerkCLERK EMAIL*
Emails to and from CRUCRU EMAIL*
Emails to and from ERSERS EMAIL*
MEPD Communication ToolMEPD EMAIL*


ItemHEART Naming ConventionRequired
TIERS Individual - Medicaid History ScreenshotTIERS MEYes
TIERS Individual - Managed Care ScreenshotTIERS MCYes
SASO Enrollment ScreenshotSASO ENYes
SASO Service Plan ScreenshotSASO SP*
SASO Service Authorization ScreenshotSASO SAYes
SASO Medical Necessity ScreenshotSASO MNYes
Form H1746-A (form alone or with fax confirmation page)1746*
Form H1746-A Fax Confirmation (if confirmation page only)1746 CONF*
Form H2067-MCUse the MCOHub Naming ConventionYes
Form H2067-MC Screenshot of Upload to the MCOHub2067 MCOHubYes
Medicaid Managed Care Member Disenrollment FormDISENFORMYes
Emails for PSU QA ProcessQA EMAIL*
Emails to and from MCCOMCCO EMAILYes
MEPD Communication ToolMEPD EMAIL*

Appendix XXXIV, STAR+PLUS MCOHub Naming Conventions

Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024

The MCOHub is a secure Internet bulletin board that the Texas Health and Human Commission (HHSC) Program Support Unit (PSU) staff and the managed care organization (MCO) use to share information securely. The MCOHub uses specific naming conventions only for the documents listed below. PSU staff and the MCO must follow these naming conventions any time either the MCO or PSU staff uploads one of the following documents to the MCOHub.

PSU staff and the MCO:

  • Are only required to upload the English versions of forms to the MCOHub.
  • Are not required to upload the Spanish versions of forms to the MCOHub.

Form H3676, Managed Care Pre-Enrollment Assessment Authorization (PDF)

Interest List Release and Age-Outs

PSU staff and the MCO must upload Form H3676 to the SPW folder but must not upload this form to any other folder. An M or S is added to the sequence number to show if the MCO or PSU staff uploads the form to the MCOHub. An M indicates the MCO. An S indicates PSU staff.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains two letters. For example: AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains three letters. For example: ABC,.

Two-Digit Plan Identification (ID)Form No.Member ID, Medicaid No. or Social Security No. (SSN)First Four Letters of Member's Last NameSection No.Sequence No. of Form Examples
# #3676123456789ABCDA or B1S, 2S, 3S or 1M, 2M, 3M


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_A_1S when PSU staff initially completes and uploads Section A.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_A_2S if PSU staff completes and uploads Section A of this form a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_B_1M when the MCO initially completes and uploads Section B as a response to Section A.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_B_2M if the MCO completes and uploads Section B of this form a second time.

Money Follows the Person (MFP)

PSU staff must use a separate naming convention to address the use of Form H3676 for non-STAR+PLUS nursing facility (NF) residents who request to transition to the community under the STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program. These individuals are considered expedited cases for application to the STAR+PLUS HCBS program. The acronym for Money Follows the Person is MFP and is added to the section number in the naming convention to achieve rapid identification.

An M or S is added to the sequence number to show if the MCO or PSU staff uploads the form to the MCOHub. An M indicates the MCO. An S indicates PSU staff.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains two letters. For example: AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains three letters. For example: ABC,.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm #Member ID or SSNMember Last Name (first four letters)Section NumberSequence Number of Form
# #3676123456789ABCDMFP1S, 2S, 3S or 1M, 2M, 3M


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_MFP_1S if PSU staff initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_MFP_2S if PSU staff completes and uploads this form a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_MFP_1M if the MCO initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_MFP_2M if the MCO completes and uploads this form a second time.

Form H1700-1, STAR+PLUS HCBS Program Individual Service Plan (PDF)

The MCO must:

  • Complete and upload Form H1700-1 to the individual service plan (ISP) folder in the MCOHub for non-members, age-outs, and nursing facility (NF) residents transitioning to the STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program.
  • Complete and submit Form H1700-1 to the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Long Term Care Online Portal (LTCOP) for members in the community.

The MCO must not upload Form H1700-1 to any other folder in the MCOHub. The MCO is not required to upload Form H1700-1 to the MCOHub if submitted through the TMHP LTCOP.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm No.Member ID, Medicaid No. or SSNFirst Four Letters of Member's Last NamePage No. of Form H1700-1Sequence No. of Form Examples
# #1700123456789ABCD11, 2, 3


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_1700_123456789_ABCD_1_1 when the MCO initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_1700_123456789_ABCD_1_2 if the MCO completes and uploads this form a second time.

Form H2067-MC, Managed Care Programs Communication (PDF)

PSU staff and the MCO must complete and upload Form H2067-MC to the SPW folder in the MCOHub. PSU staff and the MCO must not upload this form to any other folder. An M or S is added to the sequence number to indicate if the MCO or PSU staff uploads the form to the MCOHub. An M indicates the MCO. An S indicates PSU staff.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains two letter, for example: AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains three letters, such as, ABC,.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm No.Member ID, Medicaid No. or SSNFirst Four Letters of Member's Last NameSection No.Sequence No. of Form Examples
# #2067123456789ABCD 1S, 2S, 3S or 1M, 2M, 3M

PSU staff must add a C to the end of naming convention if this form is being upload to the MCOHub as notification of a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_1S if PSU staff initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_1S_C if PSU staff initially completes and uploads this form and it is related to a COLA.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_2S if PSU staff completes and uploads this form a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_1M if the MCO initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_2M if the MCO completes and uploads this form a second time.

Money Follows the Person (MFP)

PSU staff must use a separate naming convention to address the use of Form H2067-MC (PDF) for NF residents who request transition to the community under the STAR+PLUS HCBS program. These individuals and applicants are considered expedited cases for application to the STAR+PLUS HCBS program. The acronym for Money Follows the Person is MFP and is added to the section number in the naming convention to achieve rapid identification.

An M or S is added to the sequence number to indicate if the MCO or PSU staff uploads the form to the MCOHub.  An M indicates the MCO. An S indicates PSU staff.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains two letter, such as, AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains three letters, such as ABC,.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm No.Member ID, Medicaid No. or SSNFirst Four Letters of Member's Last NameSection No.Sequence No. of Form Examples
# #2067123456789ABCDMFP1S, 2S, 3S or 1M, 2M, 3M


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_MFP_1S if PSU staff initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_MFP_2S if PSU staff completes and uploads this form a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_MFP_1M if the MCO initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_MFP_2M if the MCO completes and uploads this form a second time.

Form H2065-D, Notification of Managed Care Program Services (PDF)

PSU staff must complete and upload Form H2065-D to the SPW folder in the MCOHub if the form is generated manually. PSU staff must not upload this form to any other folder. An A is used for a Form H2065-D approval, and a D is added to the sequence number to show if the form is denying STAR+PLUS HCBS program eligibility.

PSU staff must generate Form H2065-D electronically in the TMHP LTCOP if applicable. PSU staff and the MCO must access Form H2065-D in the Letters tab of the TMHP LTCOP if the MCO submitted the applicant or member’s ISP through the TMHP LTCOP. PSU staff is only required to upload Form H2065-D to the MCOHub for Form H2065-Ds generated manually.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the applicant or member’s last name if the last name contains two letters, such as, AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the applicant or member’s last name if the last name contains three letters, such as, ABC,.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm No.Member ID, Medicaid No. or SSNFirst Four Letters of Member's Last NameSection No.Sequence No. of Form Examples
# #2065123456789ABCDD1D, 2D, 3D or 1A, 2A, 3A


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2065_123456789_ABCD_D_1D if PSU staff deny an applicant or member eligibility for the STAR+PLUS HCBS program.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2065_123456789_ABCD_D_1A if PSU staff approve an applicant or member eligibility for the STAR+PLUS HCBS program.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2065_123456789_ABCD_D_2D if PSU staff deny an applicant or member eligibility for the STAR+PLUS HCBS program and complete and upload this file a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2065_123456789_ABCD_D_2A if PSU staff approve an applicant or member eligibility for the STAR PLUS HCBS program and complete and upload this file a second time.

MCOHub Folders

The STAR+PLUS MCOs use the following folders for all STAR+PLUS HCBS program related uploads. Each MCO has two folders with three-letter identifiers:

  • ISP — Individual Service Plan, which contains Form H1700-1; and
  • SPW — STAR+PLUS HCBS program, which contains forms:
    • H2065-D;
    • H3676; and
    • H2067-MC.
Primary Folder: MCO IdentifiersSecondary Folder: MCOHub Folders by Plan
AMG — WellpointAMGISP and AMGSPW
UHC — United Healthcare Community PlanUHCISP and UHCSPW
CFHP – Community First Health PlansCFHPISP and CFHPSPW
CHC – Community Health ChoiceCHCISP and CHCSPW
EPH – El Paso HealthEPHISP and EPHSPW

Appendix XXXV, Reserved for Future Use

Appendix XXXVI, Long Term Services and Supports

Appendix XXXVII, STAR Kids Transition Activities