Interest List Reduction

Because the demand for community-based services and supports often outweighs available resources, applicant's names may be placed on an interest list until services are available. However, some needs may be met through other programs until an applicant's name comes to the top of the list. People can receive Medicaid or other community services while they are on the interest list, if they are eligible. Receiving other services does not impact a person's place on an interest list. Your Texas Benefits has information about how to apply for services.

Applicants are placed on interest lists on a first-come, first-served basis. Allocations are based on available funding. People who have been on the interest lists the longest are enrolled first. When a person's name comes to the top of the list, he or she will be contacted by an state office or Local Intellectual or Developmental Disability Authority representative.

HHSC received approval from the 87th Texas Legislature (2021, Regular Session) to serve additional persons from the Medicaid interest lists. Senate Bill 1 provides authority for HHSC to spend an additional $76.9 million in general revenue funds to address the interest lists.

The following programs have interest lists:

For information about how to apply for services, visit Search Services.

For information about how to be added to the interest list, please contact your Local Intellectual or Development Disability Authority (for HCS and TxHmL) or by calling 1-877-438-5658 for other waiver programs.

Enrollment for the 2022-23 Biennium

HHSC began releasing people from the interest list in September 2021 to be assessed for eligibility and enrollment in waiver program. HHSC was approved to fill 1,549 new slots for the following programs during the biennium.

ProgramLegislative Allocation for 2022-2023
Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)381
Deaf-Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD6
Home and Community-based Services (HCS)542
Texas Home Living (TxHmL)471
Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP)42
STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (STAR+PLUS HCBS)107
Total of allocations1,549

HHSC will provide biannual updates about progress filling these new slots.

In addition to releasing the HCS interest list reduction slots described above, HHSC will also continue to use attrition slots in HCS to meet the needs of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities in crisis situations and transitioning from institutions including nursing facilities and state supported living centers. Attrition slots are created when previously funded HCS slots are permanently discharged by a person after their enrollment.

HHSC will provide updates about the progress of enrollments for both allocated and attrition slots.

2024-25 Interest List Reporting

Senate Bill 1, 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021 (Article II, Health and Human Services Commission, Rider 19) requires HHSC to post the following information for waiver programs with interest lists:

  • interest list releases;
  • interest list counts, by years on list;
  • average number of individuals on the interest list per month;
  • average number of individuals on the interest list receiving other services per month; and
  • percent declined services or found to be ineligible for services at the end of the fiscal year.

HHSC provides monthly counts of this information. At the end of the fiscal year, HHSC will post the monthly averages of individuals on the interest list, the monthly average of the number of individuals on an interest list receiving other services, and the percent of individuals who declined services or were found to be ineligible.

Previous Interest List Reporting

Note: Review past reports.