Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Statistics

Note: For additional data and information not available on our website, please email HHSC Open Records.

These files are in Excel format, unless otherwise noted. If you use assistive technology, such as a screen reader, but are unable to read the information in these reports, please email HHSC Open Records to request an alternate format.

TANF Enrollment (Cases and Recipients by County)

Note: These files are in Excel format unless otherwise noted.




TANF Timeliness

These reports show:

  • How many applications were worked to a decision (disposed) and provided a benefit, if approved.
  • The number of applications completed (disposed) within the established timeframes for the program.

Note: These files are in Excel format unless otherwise noted.




In accordance with our retention policy, reports from the current year and two previous years are posted. For older reports, email HHSC DAP Requests.