Child Care Regulation Statistics

These are statistical tables on Child Care Regulation (Residential Child Care and Day Care).

Chapter 42 of the Texas Human Resources Code directs HHSC to establish statewide minimum standards and regulate child care facilities for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, and well-being of children in out-of-home care.

Data Received by Texas Health and Human Services was prepared by Regulatory and Specialty Data Analytics at HHSC.

For questions about these tables and processing of these reports, email HHSC Regulatory and Specialty Data Analytics. For additional data and information requests, email HHSC Open Records.

Complete data sets can be downloaded at the Texas Open Data Portal. Data for abuse and neglect allegations in CCR operations can be found in the DFPS Data Book.

If you use assistive technology, such as a screen reader, but are unable to read the information in these reports, please email HHSC Open Records to request an alternate format.

Child Day Care and Residential Child Care Regulation Data Book

The Data Book is a descriptive statistical resource of the services provided to the people of the State of Texas by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for the past 10 fiscal years, when available. Information in this book covers the most frequently asked statistical questions about HHSC Child Day Care and Residential Child Care programs. Our hope is that it will be beneficial in answering questions and serve as a continuous resource. Some available data points include Child Population, Applications Accepted, Permits Issued, and CCR Employee Statistics. Regulated and Unregulated Operation activity including inspections, investigations, deficiencies, enforcement actions, and background checks are also included.

The Data Book provides information in several types of charts using different time intervals, and it provides county, regional, and statewide totals. Due to the rounding of calculations, some percentages may not add to 100%.

Direct comparisons across years may be challenging due to changes such as agency realignments, policy changes, and automation of case management and reporting. All of those changes influence the data.

Child Day Care and Residential Child Care Regulation Interactive Data Book (Tableau)
CCR Interactive Data Book User Guide (PDF)
Child Day Care Regulation Data Book (Excel)
Residential Child Care Regulation Data Book (Excel)

Serious Injuries Report

Child Safety Data for Licensed Day Care Centers

Human Resource Code Section 42.0412 requires Child Care Regulation to annually report aggregated data regarding child safety.

Child Care Regulation investigates reports and complaints of possible violations of minimum standards, rule or law in effort to reduce risk to children and prevent further harm.

Child Care Regulation Non-Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY23 (PDF)
Child Care Regulation Non-Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY22 (PDF)
Child Care Regulation Non-Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY21 (PDF)
Child Care Regulation Non-Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY20 (PDF)
Child Care Regulation Non-Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY19 (PDF)

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services investigates reports of alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation of children who are in care of a child care operation.

Child Care Investigations Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY23 (PDF)
Child Care Investigations Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY22 (PDF)
Child Care Investigations Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY21 (PDF)
Child Care Investigations Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY20 (PDF)
Child Care Investigations Abuse/Neglect Investigations Information by Age Group FY19 (PDF)

Day Care Operation Monthly Status Changes

The Day Care Operations Weekly Status Changes report displays a list of weekly changes to day-care operations’ permits and operating status within the calendar month on each Saturday.

The Day Care Operations Monthly Status Changes report is a monthly aggregate count of day care applications accepted, day care permits issued and changes to operating status, including permanently closed day care operations, displayed by region.

Data refreshes on the 20th of each month.
Day Care Operations Monthly and Weekly Status Changes

Operating status is marked as “Y” if the provider is caring for children and “N” if the provider is not caring for children.