Non-Medical Drivers of Health

Non-Medical Drivers of Health (NMDOH) are the conditions in the places where people live, learn, work and play that affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes.

NMDOH Action Plan

The NMDOH Action Plan (PDF) is a set of guiding priorities and strategic goals for Medicaid & CHIP Services to coordinate NMDOH activities and support the work of Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and Medicaid providers.


  • Food Insecurity
  • Housing
  • Transportation


  1. Build data infrastructure for statewide quality measurement and evaluation.
  2. Coordinate services and existing pathways throughout the delivery system.
  3. Develop policies and programs that encourage MCOs and providers to identify and address health-related social needs while containing costs.
  4. Foster opportunities for collaboration with key partners.

Why did MCS make the NMDOH Action Plan?

MCS developed the Action Plan to advance the goals and objectives of the Texas Managed Care Quality Strategy, pursue cost savings from improved population health management and reduced use of health care, and respond to requests from MCOs and providers for state guidance.

How can I get involved?

MCOs, health care providers and community-based organizations can get involved by voluntarily aligning with MCS priorities, collaborating to accomplish their goals, and participating in opportunities to identify and share best practices.

More Information

Contact MCS Delivery System Quality & Innovation.