Medicaid CHIP Quality and Efficiency Improvement Data and Reports

The purpose of the data and reports quality webpage is to increase public reporting and availability of performance data to stakeholders related to quality improvement. In addition, the agency’s external quality review organization provides a number of data files and reports on quality of care and health plan performance. Reports from legislative mandates, advisory committees, and other HHS agencies supply additional information on related topics.


Health Plan Reports

Frew Reports

Health Plan Quality of Care

HHSC's external quality review organization also provides data on quality of care and health plan performance. Quality of care data is available on the Texas Healthcare Learning Collaborative website complete with a User Guide (PDF).

Tableau-ready file formats of the quality of care data is also available in Excel files below.

Potentially Preventable Events Data

Community Integration Data

DSHS Reporting System (all payors, not specific to Medicaid)

External Quality Review