United States
Hearing. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing on September 26, 2024 at 1:00 p.m., to receive public comments on proposed rule amendments to 1 Texas Administrative Code:
- Section 355.8065, concerning Disproportionate Share Hospital Reimbursement Methodology;
- Section 355.8070, concerning Hospital Augmented Reimbursement Program;
- Section 355.8212 concerning Waiver Payments to Hospitals for Uncompensated Charity Care; and
- Section 353.1306 concerning Comprehensive Hospital Increase Reimbursement Program.
This hearing will be conducted online only. There is not a physical location for this hearing for Program Periods on or after September 1,2021.
To join the hearing from your computer, tablet, or smartphone, register for the hearing in advance using the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3228052231638269014
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the hearing. You can also dial in using your phone by calling +1 (415) 655-0052. The audio access code is 581-397-648.
If you are new to GoToWebinar, please download the GoToMeeting app at https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/626873213 before the hearing starts.
A recording of the hearing will be archived and can be accessed on-demand at /node/73176.
Proposal. The rule amendments to 1 Texas Administrative Code to Section 355.8065, concerning Disproportionate Share Hospital Reimbursement Methodology; Section 355.8070, concerning Hospital Augmented Reimbursement Program; Section 355.8212 concerning Waiver Payments to Hospitals for Uncompensated Charity Care; and Section 353.1306 concerning Comprehensive Hospital Increase Reimbursement Program for Program Periods on or after September 1,2021, are proposed to be effective December 31, 2024.
Interested parties may obtain a copy of the proposed preamble and rule amendments in the September 13, 2024 Issue of the Texas Register at https://www.sos.texas.gov/texreg/index.shtml.
Written Comments. Written comments regarding the proposed rule amendments may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 11:59 p.m. on October 14, 2024.
Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email:
U.S. Mail
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Provider Finance Department, Mail Code H-400
P.O. Box 149030
Austin, Texas 78714-9030
Overnight Mail or Special Delivery Mail
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Provider Finance Department, Mail Code H-400
North Austin Complex
4601 W. Guadalupe St.
Austin, Texas 78751
Phone number for package delivery: (512) 730-7401
Attention: Provider Finance at (512) 730-7475
Please include “Comments on Proposed Rule §XXX.XXXX" listing the relevant TAC references in the subject line of any email and send to PFD_hospitals@hhsc.state.tx.us
Contact. Questions regarding the hearing or meeting arrangements should be directed to PFD_hospitals@hhsc.state.tx.us.
Persons with disabilities who wish to participate in the hearing and require auxiliary aids or services should contact the HHSC Provider Finance Department at (512) 730-7401 at least 72 hours before the hearing so appropriate arrangements can be made.